2People and Planet
Daylight Map of the World
3People and Planet
- The developed world is 75 urban and the rate is
accelerating in the developing world By 2030
urban population is expected to rise to five
billion or 60 of the worlds population
- Primary energy consumption increased globally by
4.3 in 2004
- As much as 60 of the global population depends
on the waters of international fresh water
systems - rivers and lakes of which basins are
shared by more than two countries
- There are now over 117 000 protected areas
worldwide this amounts to 15 of the total
territorial surface of the Earth, including all
land area and territorial sea area up to the 12
nautical miles limit
- 35 of mangroves have been lost in the last two
decades 20 of known coral reefs have been
destroyed and another 20 degraded in the last
several decades
U.N. Population Division report World
Urbanization Prospects 2003 Revision BP
Statistical Review of World Energy June 2005 GEO
Year Book 2006 WRI 2005
4Introduction A Story of Change
Human influences on the planet
- Population
- World Energy Consumption
- Water Pollution
- Biodiversity
- Invasive Species
- Protected Areas
- Air Pollution in Copsa Mica and the Black
5Our growing population
Population Change from 1900-2000
6Impact of civil wars on population of Parrots
Beak, Guinea
These images show the impact of Civil Wars in
Liberia on neighboring Guinea
- 1974 Image of the Parrots Beak region in Guinea
- 2002 The light green color is the result of
deforestation in the safe area where refugees
set up camp
7Population growth around Lake VictoriaUganda
Note Figures for 2010 and 2015 are estimates.
8Lake Victoria vs. African population growth
Note Figures for 2010 and 2015 are estimates.
9Population explosion around buffer zoneAfrica
- Population growth around a 100 km buffer zone of
Lake Victoria
- Population growth around Lake Victoria, East
Africa, is the highest in Africa
10World energy consumption pattern
World Energy Consumption between 1800 - 1990
World Primary Energy Consumption since 1970,
projected to 2025
11Oil extraction in Fort McMurray, Canada
Vast reserves of low quality oil underlie the
Boreal Forest surrounding Fort McMurray
By early 2006 the mining operation covered an
area roughly 30 km by 20 km
12Power outage in North America
On 14 August 2003, parts of northeastern United
States and southeastern Canada experienced
widespread power blackouts
- Reverse loss of biodiversity by 2010 (WSSD, 2002)
- Reverse loss of forest cover by 2015 (UNFF, 2005)
14Protected Areas of Kumaon region, India
Study Area Kumaon Himalaya
Habitat evaluation of Sambar and Muntjak in
Ranikhet forests in Sonitpur, India
15 Increasing disturbances results
in decreasing habitat, India
Because of increasing disturbances, the wildlife
habitats in Kumaon region are shrinking
16Shrinking habitat in Kumaon, India
17Invasive species attacking Lake VictoriaAfrica
These images show water hyacinth infestation and
control of such invasive species
- 1995 Image shows several water-hyacinth-choked
bays (yellow arrows)
- 2001 A visible reduction of water hyacinth on
Lake Victoria
18Water pollution due to copper mine, Papua New
Discharge of waste and pollution into River
1990-2004 Impact of mining on river systems
19Biodiversity in ecosystems and species in Mount
Kenya, Kenya
These images show high diversity in ecosystems
and species
- 2000 The entire forest belt of Mount Kenya was
gazetted as National Reserve
- 2002 The image shows significant improvement in
the state of conservation of forests
20Copsa Micâ Environmental disaster areaRomania
- The area is classified as environmental
disaster area
- In 1989, the area was exposed as one of the most
polluted places
21Air-borne pollutants being trapped in Black
Triangle, Czech Republic
- 1975 The gray areas are surface mines located
primarily in the Czech Republic
- 2000 The image reveals somewhat improved
vegetation cover