Title: Electrical and Computer Engineering Departmental Overview
1Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartmental
- Prof. Mark E. Law
- Department of Electrical and Computer Eng.
- Wireless - eceufw
- Bathrooms are across the breezeway
- Introductions
- Agenda
- State of the Department
- Faculty
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Conclusions
- 830-900 Continental Breakfast
- 900-1000 State of the Department, Law
- 1000-1030 Budget Cut Discussion, Law
- 1030-1100 Break
- 1100-1200 New Undergrad Curriculum Discussion,
Law - 1200-100 Lunch
- 100-200 Senior Design Competition, NEB Rotunda
- 200-300 Research Highlights - Moore, Lin
- 300-330 Break
- 330-430 100th Anniversary / Capital Campaign,
Hendryx - 430-530 Wrap Up, All
- 615 Dinner - Mildreds Big City Cafe
- Dean Search is in full gear
- Application Deadline was April 10
- On-Campus Interviews week of May 11
- Start date of August is hoped for
6US News Rankings
- Beauty Contest at the department level
- 29st Best Graduate Program in US News (2008) Up 2
from 2007 - Unranked Undergrad, same as 2005-8
- Agenda
- State of the Department
- Faculty
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Conclusions
8ECE Faculty
- Faculty
- 44 Tenure Track Faculty and 4 Lecturers
- 15 IEEE Fellows
- 9 Assistant Professors
- No searches run in 07/08 or 08/09
9Faculty Honors
- Dr. Liuqing Yang has been selected as a winner of
the 2009 NSF CAREER Program competition. - Dr. Eisenstadt and Dr. Fox were recognized with
the SRC FCRP Inventor Recognition Awards for
Inventions filed for patents. - Dr. Dapeng Wu named UFRF professor.
10Faculty Honors
- The Universidade Federal do Maranhao, Sao Luis do
Maranhao, Brazil, bestowed the degree of "Doutor
Honoris Causa", to Dr. Jose C. Principe, for his
contributions to academic excellence,
neuroengineering research and its clinical
impact. - Dr. Dapeng Wu received an AFOSR Young
Investigator Award. - Dr. Mike Fang, Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE
Wireless Communications - UF Jack Wessel Excellence Award for Assistant
Professors to Liquing Yang
11Hiring Plans and Recruitment
- Target 50 faculty before budget cuts
- No 07/08 or 08/09 Search
- Waiting on 09/10 dependent on budget
- Agenda
- State of the Department
- Faculty
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Conclusions
13Strategic Goals - ECE
- Goal was to double Ph.D.s
- Project Steady State in the mid 30s
14Strategic Goal - ECE
- Place more faculty as academics
- Developmental Program fro academics
- Year long course sequence
- Resume critique, interview shadowing, mock
interviews, proposal writing, class instruction - Look to more domestic Ph.D. production
- More teaching opportunities
15ECE Research Metrics
Expenditures (M)
Awards are up, but expenditures are down
Publications Sustainable 500
16Strategic Goals - ECE
- Funding Metric on Ph.D.s - Achieved 05/06
- Support approximately 200 to 240 Ph.D. students
- 10 - 13M / year in external research
expenditures - Publications Metric on Ph.D. - Achieved 05/06
- 120 to 150 journal pubs / year (0.6 / year /
Ph.D. student) - 200 to 240 conference pubs / year (1 / year /
Ph.D. student) - Consistent with recruitment of 40-50 Ph.D.
students / year
17Publication Quality
- IEEE Xplore is a game changer
- Top Conferences are now as available as journals
- Changed Evaluation Metrics
18Number of Students
- Declines in Undergrad
- Bottomed out?
- More Later
19Grad Applicants, Admission, Enrollment
- Incoming class was huge!
- Fall 2009 to date
- Over 1700 Applicants
- Made 40 offers
- 500 Achievement Awards Offers
- Project need 140 students
- Difficulty Recruiting US
20Grad Student Stipend
- Living Estimate for Gainesville 11,500
- 15 of student stipends are below living costs
- Last year it was 20
- Average is now 13,700
- Up about 3 from last year
- Recommended Minimum
- 15,000 stipend
- 18,000 budget
21Distance Learning
- Online M.S. - EDGE
- Negotiated new out-of-state pricing
- Tuition is now reasonable
- Please spread the word to alums
- Revenue Stream to college / department
- Agenda
- State of the Department
- Faculty
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Conclusions
23Undergrad News and Awards
- UF IEEE Student Chapter did very well at this
year's Region 3 Southeast Conference. They
competed against 39 other universities placing
first in the programming and second in ethics
presentation competitions/ - Subjagator finished second after a three year
winning streak at the robotic sub competition.
24Undergrad Retention / Recruiting
- National Problem
- Enrollment is down in EE, CprE
- Shift to Mechanical
- Retention is poor in the discipline
- Locally
- Half has been in CprE
- Hardware down to 60 students
- Software (CISE) down from 800 to 300
- We have no control over admissions
- SCHs - summer budget, raise pool
- Could hurt our budget outright
- Leader in improving will help our rankings
- Important to the state mission
- Lose higher admission standards
- Exceptional High School Students
- UCF, USF get lower quality freshmen (on average)
and do fine
- Science and Math Based Curriculum for Engineering
- Lose a lot of students in the first two years
- No engineering curriculum
- Diversity is bad
- White, male undergrad body (ok with hispanics)
- Female undergrad percentage is decreasing
- Perceived as difficult
- C requirement in math and physics
- Weed out in 3111 / 3135
- 12th Century Teaching Methods
27Lots of National Research
- Entry Level Courses
- Project Based Approaches
- Team Learning, Alternatives to Lecture
- More hands-on, less theory
- We can make use of these concepts
- I think we need to begin to seriously adapt new
strategies in entry level classes first two years
- more later!
- Both CprE and EE got a clean bill of health
- Continue to run processes
- Next visit is in 2012
- New courses in curriculum
- Seminar
- Junior Design
- Freshmen Engineering
- Request to increase to 131 hours
29ABET 2000
- Methodology of Evaluation - rather than credit
counting - Outcomes assessment
- Faculty Review of Performance
- Survey Students
- Survey Recruiters / Alums
- Panels for targeted feedback
- Show coupling of assessment to curriculum renewal
and overhaul - Verify that students meet nationally recognized
30ABET Definitions
- Objectives
- Broad Statements
- Goals for students 5 years after graduation
- Measured by surveys / focus groups
- Outcomes
- Specific skills
- Measured at graduation time
- Direct measurement (not grades or surveys)
31Objective Survey Data
- 2008 Survey - Quickly
- Trends
- Compare three years of surveys
- Can start tracking classes longitudinally
32Grad School
33Continuing Education
- Some increase in attendance at continuing
education events
34Technical Contributions
35Soft Skills
- Volunteering is increasing?
- Agenda
- State of the Department
- Faculty
- Graduate
- Undergraduate
- Conclusions
- Math Skills
- Senior Design Overload
383105 - Analytic Methods in EE
- 3 credits
- Application of calculus to develop the analytical
tools used in electrical engineering. Real and
complex functions and polynomials linear spaces,
linear transformations, matrices, eigenvalue
problem linear differential operators
approximation, including least squares,
interpolation, and approximation by polynomials. - Coreq - Differential Equations, 3135
- Offered first in Fall 2006
393135 Intro to Signals and Systems
- 3 credits
- Continuous-time and discrete-time signal analysis
including Fourier series and transforms
sampling continuous-time and discrete-time
linear system analysis with emphasis on FIR and
IIR systems impulse response, frequency
response, and system function. - Coreq - Differential Equations, 3105
403112 Circuits, Systems, and Signals
- 4 credits
- Continuous-time signals and linear systems
Fourier series and transforms, frequency
response, Laplace transform and system function,
analog filters emphasis on electrical circuits.
Sampling. Discrete-time signals and systems
time- and frequency-domain analysis sampled-data
systems and design of digital filters. - Prereq - 3105, 3135
41New Scores in Outcome a
- a - an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering - Some evidence of improvement!
42Junior Design
- New course for Fall 2006
- Cover much of the background
- Scheduling / Documentation / Patent
- Sample Designs / Teamwork
- Working on evaluation metrics
- Initial unscientific results have been very
favorable - Request in to increase hours to degree
- Otherwise it will come out of technical electives
43Senior Design
- Critical for ABET - monitor nearly all outcomes
in senior design - Lot to cover and include
- Some evidence for improved results in SD from JD
- Outcome Data has suggested JD is a real plus
- Hit initial research goals - maintain and grow
- Focus on Quality / Reputation
- Challenged with enrollment
- Recruit harder, more effectively
- Raise stipends to competitive levels
- Developing Quality Metrics
45Action Items for Meeting
- Help with the Anniversary
- Feedback on Undergraduate Programs (More Later)
- Teaching Directions
- Retention
- Changes
- Feedback on Research / Graduate Programs