Title: Supervisor Feedback System
1Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Our Task -
- Develop a system or process to
- improve communications between employees and
supervisors - establish a forum for the critical assessment of
a supervisors - style and practices
- eliminate the employees fear of retribution for
making - constructive input
- solicit reasoned, logical responses to the
employees input from - their supervisors
- Our Team -
- CP - Mitch DeShong
- JM - Danalee Green
- Q - Michael Greenfield
- JL - Doug Koupash (Team Lead)
- YS - Joe McNeal
- MH - Jim Schrom
- EI - Mike Torres
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2Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Our Ground Rules -
- The system or process should improve two-way
communication it - should promote recognition of a joint
employee/supervisor - responsibility for better communication.
- Any assessment of a supervisors practices must
be candid and - constructive it must take into account
differing perspectives - between supervisors and employees.
- The supervisors authority and accountability
must be maintained - they must be allowed the flexibility to apply
different leadership - styles to different situations.
- The system or process should foster both
horizontal and vertical - cooperation and team work.
- Quality Leadership Quality Employee Performance
High Morale
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3Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Our Proposal - An Overview
- Use a supervisor feedback survey to capture
employee input on six - leadership indicators
- Goal Setting
- Planning and Organizing
- Communicating
- Personnel Development
- Resource Utilization
- Success (or Progress)
- Employees will complete the survey at least once
each year - - participation will be voluntary
- The survey will be hosted on the NASA
Headquarters Home Page - - a subroutine will allow organizations to
conduct the survey, - to ensure employee confidentiality, and to
restrict release of the - data to the employees and supervisors involved
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4Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Our Proposal -
- The system will apply to first line supervisors
since they have the - most immediate impact on employee productivity
and morale - - individual Codes will be free to expand the
feedback - system to any and all supervisory levels
within the Code - Survey results will be reported to the
employees, their immediate - supervisor, and to their next higher level
supervisor - - first line supervisors will be expected to
address all issues - identified through the feedback system with
their employees - and to take reasonable action to resolve the
issues - - next higher level supervisors will be expected
to use the - employees feedback, and the supervisors
response, in - their overall evaluation of the supervisors
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5Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Our Proposal -
- Each HQs Code will document office procedures
for system - implementation to
- - cover survey scheduling, data distribution,
issue - reconciliation, action assignment and
tracking, assessments - of progress on improvements, and improvements
to - feedback system processes
- A Headquarters directive will be the governing
document for system - development and maintenance
- - a HQs task team will be formed to locate or
develop the - survey
- - Code C will be responsible for system
maintenance, - continuous improvement, and trend
data/management - analyses
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6Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Forward Work - (If Our Proposal is Approved)
- Form an inter-Code survey development team
- - search for existing or adaptable surveys from
commercial - sources, HQs, the Centers, or other agencies
- - decide to develop or purchase
- Prepare a 3000 series HQs directive establishing
the feedback system, - assigning responsibilities and requiring the
Codes to produce the - appropriate office procedures
- Conduct a test of the feedback system in one or
more Codes - - could be conducted manually
- Automate the survey and establish the survey
link to the HQs - Home Page
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7Supervisor Feedback System
A Proposal for NASA Headquarters
- Options Reviewed by the Team -
- Formal Employee-Supervisor Performance
Evaluation - - rejected by the team could lead to
popularity contests - and might undermine the supervisors authority
- Mandatory Employee Participation
- - rejected by the team will not lend
credibility to the - feedback system better to let employee
confidence grow - from serious efforts by management to address
the issues - Employ the System at All Levels of Management
- - rejected by the team first line supervisors
have the most - direct impact on productivity and morale
- Apply the System to HQs Projects (e.g., IFMP)
- - delay application until the system concept was
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