Title: Site Traffic
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2Site Traffic
- Over 5.3 million unique users access SF Gate each
- Our monthly page views have reached 69 million.
- Monthly page views by section
- News 10 million.
- Sports 10 million.
- Entertainment 5 million.
- Business 1 million.
- Technology 400 k.
- Travel 400 k.
- Classified 2 million.
Source ABCi March 30, 2004 Audit, SF Gate S
tatistical Reports, March 2004.
Does not include all sections.
3National Reach
- Ranked the 4th most visitednewspapersite in
the nation.
- (Tied with Boston.com)
Source Credit Suisse First Boston/nielsen
Netratings, Aug 2003.
4Yearly Growth, Page Views
- SF Gate.com traffic has increased 25-50
year-to-year for six straight years.
Source SF Gate.com statistical reports.
5Local Favorite
- SF Gate.com has nearly twice as many users than
any other local news site.
SF Gate.com BayArea.com/MercuryCenter.com Examin
er.com BayInsider.com SFWeekly.com SiliconValle
14.9 11.6 4.5 2.8 2.2 1.3 1.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Source The Media Audit, Aug/Sept 2002.
6Your connection to the San Francisco Bay Area and
- SF Gate users are represented throughout the
- SF Gate reaches well beyond San Francisco. Our
audience reaches north beyond the Wine Country
and south past Silicon Valley.
Source Scarborough Research Aug2002-July2003
SFGate.com visited past 30 days
7At-Work Users
- 67 of SFGate users log on at work every week.
These At-Work Internet users are a highly
attractive demographic group.
- Are most likely to visit news sites.
- Have a significantly higher household income and
are much more likely to authorize company
- Are also more likely to visit retail, financial,
computer/software and travel sites.
- Have positive attitudes toward Internet
- Daytime on the Internet is prime time for at-work
- Uses the Internet more than any other medium
during the week!
Source Media Audit Aug/Sept 2002
Online Publishers Association/MB1Q Media
Consumption Study, Nov. 2001
8SF Gate has a highly educated and affluent
audience in theSan Francisco Bay Area.
- 61 of SF Gate users are between 25-44.
- 90 of users have attended some college.
- SF Gate users are 82 more likely to make 100K
a year than the local market average.
- 118 more likely to have made 5 purchases online
in the last year than the local market average.
- 34 of SF Gate users are professional/technical
- 62 more likely to be a business
owner/partner/corporate officers than the local
market average.
Source Media audit Aug/sept 2001
9SF Gate Home
- The Home Page generates an average of 4 million
page viewsper month.
- Options of 3 Home Page positions
- Header 120 x 60.
- Body 220 x 60.
- Right column Marketplace, 46 x 36 includes 80
characters of text.
10The Chronicle Homepage
- The San Francisco Chronicle Homepage gives
readers dailynews in the familiar San Francisco
Chronicle format. Provides local, national, and
world news updated regularly throughout the day.
- The San Francisco Chronicle Homepage alone
generates 1,500,000 page views per month!
- Reach the valuable Bay Area audience with an ad
on the front page of the Chronicleonline!
11The Bay Area's Local Source for Classified
Advertising including Vehicles, Real Estate,
Rentals, Jobs and WebAds.
- With close to 3 million page views per month,
SFGate.com/classifieds can deliver your message
to thousands of shoppers per day.
- SFGate.com/Jobs ........job listings from the
Chronicle and Webads, resources for finding a
job, expandable TOPJOB postings and candidate
email alerts that will actually deliver the job
to the candidate. - SFGate.com/realestate................browse the
best in real estate for sale in the BayArea with
thousands of listings, open homes and more.
- SFGate.com/rentals......where the smart tenant
and landlord post their rentals.
- SFGate.com/vehicles.....find a car, buy a boat,
- SFGate.com/Webads......The BayArea's best web
only classifieds. Add your photo, website link
and email.
12- Banner Ad
- Banner ads will target the auto buying audience
with top of page domination. Your banner is
measurable by page view as well as click-thru,
served to unique users to maximize your
exposure. - Featured Vehicle
- Featured vehicles rotate your inventory PHOTOS on
the sfgate.com/vehicle home page as well as all
the pages throughout a user automotive search.
Linking straight to your detail page, it drives
the shopper to your door. - Sponsored By
- Sponsored by is our way for you to Showcase your
dealership. Front page sfgate.com/vehicle
domination for maximum exposure.
- Tile Ad
- Tile ads rotate upon page refresh and bring
"Top-of-Mind" awareness to your brand. One click
and the user walks through the door of your
business. - Hot Deals
- Hot Deals will allow your inventory to appear at
the top of the page of keyword searches making
your Hot Deal stand out above the rest.
- Database Integration
- Database integration lets you HIGHLIGHT AND
FEATURE plus AUTOMATE your inventory and brand
the classifieds with your logo. Offered in
Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platimun packages to fit
your budget and needs.
13(No Transcript)
14SFGate.com vs. The Competition
SFGate.com AutoTrader Cars.com CarsDirect Yahoo V
ehix Carpoint AutoV Auto by Tel
15- SFGate.com Searchable Job listings.
- Place your ad online with SFGate.com jobs when
you purchase your Chronicle print ad.
- Longer exposure - Your job ad runs on SFGate for
an additional 6 days.
- Easy email feature - Allows people to send job
postings to friends and relatives who may be
looking for the right job.
- Email alerts will allow job seekers to register
to have your ad emailed directly to them.
- Banner Ad
- Target this audience with top of page domination.
Your banner is measurable by page view as well as
click-thru, served to unique users to maximize
your exposure. - Sponsored By
- Our way for you to Showcase your business. Front
page sfgate.com/jobs domination for maximum
- Tile Ad
- Rotate upon page refresh and bring "Top-of-Mind"
awareness to your brand. One click and the user
walks through the door of your business.
- Data Integration
- Lets you AUTOMATE your jobs and brand the
classifieds with your logo.
16- SF Gate WebAds
- gives you 30 day, 24 hour a day exposure to the
Bay Area jobseeker.
- Job listings are customizable - It's your space
for the week -- you can get as detailed as you
want in the job description and even change it
during the week for better results. - Chronicle/Top Jobs.
- An entirely new concept in on-line recruitment.
Top Jobs benefits both the casual job seeker and
the potential Employer by placing recruitment ads
alongside articles on SFGate. - Attract the casual job seeker - catch their eye
as they read articles on SF Gate.
- Reach a new audience - 52 of Gate readers do not
read the Chronicle.
- Expand your brand - Your company name runs with
the ad listed in the articles.
17- SFGate.com Searchable Real Estate Listings
- Place your ad online with SFGate.com jobs when
you purchase your Chronicle print ad
- Longer exposure - Your job ad runs on SFGate for
an additional 6 days.
- Easy email feature - Allows people to send job
postings to friends and relatives who may be
looking for the right job.
- Email alerts will allow job seekers to register
to have your ad emailed directly to them.
- Banner Ad
- Target this audience with top of page domination.
Your banner is measurable by page view as well as
click-thru, served to unique users to maximize
your exposure. - Tile Ads
- Rotate upon page refresh and bring "Top-of-Mind"
awareness to your brand. One click and the user
walks through the door of your business.
- Sponsored By
- Our way for you to Showcase your dealership.
Front page sfgate.com/vehicle domination for
maximum exposure.
- Database Integration
- Lets you AUTOMATE your listings and brand the
classifieds with your logo.
18- SFGate.com Searchable Rental Listings
- Place your ad online with SFGate.com jobs when
you purchase your Chronicle print ad
- Longer exposure - Your job ad runs on SFGate for
an additional 6 days.
- Easy email feature - Allows people to send job
postings to friends and relatives who may be
looking for the right job.
- Email alerts will allow job seekers to register
to have your ad emailed directly to them.
- Banner Ad
- Target this audience with top of page domination.
Your banner is measurable by page view as well as
click-thru, served to unique users to maximize
your exposure. - Tile Ad
- Rotate upon page refresh and bring "Top-of-Mind"
awareness to your brand. One click and the user
walks through the door of your business.
- Sponsored By
- Our way for you to Showcase your business. Front
page sfgate.com/rentals domination for maximum
- Database Integration
- Lets you AUTOMATE your listings and brand the
classifieds with your logo.
19Why SF Gate?
- No other medium reaches the entire Bay Area like
SF Gate.
- SF Gate offers a multitude of advertising
placements and promotions.
- Ranked the 6th most visited newspaper site in the
- The 1 content site in the heart of the online
world the Bay Area.
- Reach the previously untapped At-Work
- A loyal audience in a highly desirable market.