Title: Virtual Weigh Stations Recent State Initiatives
1Virtual Weigh StationsRecent State Initiatives
- Talking Freight Series
- Webcast
- Presented By
- Daniel E. Shamo, P.E.
- February 10, 2009
2What is a Virtual Weigh Station?
- An Enhanced Weigh-in-Motion Scale
- Equipment to Record Violation Data
- Real Time
- Post Processed (Ex. Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
- Digital Imaging to Identify Vehicle Information
- Supporting Infrastructure
- Automate data handling
- Integrated DOT/Enforcement Operations
3A Weigh In Motion Scale (WIM)
4Dedicated Roadside Inspection Areas
5Certified Portable Scales
6Digital Image Capture
7What Problem are We Addressing?
- Pavement, Bridge and Rail Crossing Damage Results
from Two Principle Causes - Environmental Factors
- Freeze/Thaw Cycles
- Temperature Extremes
- 2) Excessive Vehicle Loading
- Gross Wt., Axle, Bridge Loading
8(No Transcript)
9Example damage from excessive axle loads
10Traditional Strategies
- Fixed Scale Facilities (Port of Entry Scales)
- Mobile Scales
- Roadside Enforcement
11VWS Strategies
- Targeted Roadside Enforcement
- Scale By-Pass Evasion
- Protection of Vulnerable Bridges Roads
- Identification of Habitual Offenders
- Performance Measures
12A Word about Weight Enforcement vs.Weight
13Enforcement vs. Compliance
- Enforcement is Costly and Has Not Delivered
- Fixed weigh stations are easily circumvented
- Enforcement resources are usually very limited
- Majority of legal trucks are unnecessarily
delayed - Port of Entry scales do not address intra-state
movements - Blind mobile enforcement has a low hit rate
- Compliance Programs can be More Effective
- Improving the compliance rate is the real goal,
not fines - Habitual Offenders are the real target
- Legal trucks are not disturbed
- Targeted mobile enforcement can be very efficient
14What VWSs Bring to the Table
- A More Covert Operation
- Lower Costs
- Zero Enforcement Opportunities
- Performance Measures
15Additional Enhancements Possible
- Infrared Temperature Sensors
- Tire Temperature
- Wheel Hub Temperature
- Road Weather Information Systems
- Meteorological Measurements
- Pavement Condition
- Radiation Detection
- Classifying Cargo for Commodity Research
- Illegal Disposal of Radioactive Materials
- Hostile Activities?
16State Accomplishments to date
- Successfully Virtualized V-WIM prototypes
- Developed Guidelines for Inspection Sites
- Created Weight Compliance Strategic Plans
- Used Data to Estimate Weight Damage
- Used Enforcement Data to Calibrate WIMs
- Night/Day Imaging Systems
- Internet Access for Roadside Enforcement
- Dimensional Enforcement
17Where do we go from here?
- Multi-state Consortium is encouraged
- Develop a Standard Central Operating System
- Sharing Specifications and Strategies
- Sharing Data from VWSs Near Borders
- Develop Performance Measures
- Promote Research
- Damage estimation
- Additional Enhancements
- Performance Measurements
18Weve come a long way!!!
19For more information contact
Dan Shamo URS Corporation (317)
532-5400 Dan_Shamo_at_urscorp.com