Title: Wisconsin Knowledge And Concepts Examinations
1Wisconsin Knowledge AndConcepts Examinations
10th Grade
Wisconsin Student Assessment System
2The Wisconsin Knowledge And Concepts
Examinations (WKCE)
are tests that
all Wisconsin students
in grades 4, 8,
and 10 are
required to take.
I cant stand tests!
4The WKCE provides
- information about how well students have learned
academic skills and facts. - information schools can use to improve what they
teach. - information the State of Wisconsin uses to
compare schools and grade them.
5- You cant study
for a standardized test. - There are strict rules
that students and teachers must follow. - Your scores can be compared
with those of students
across the nation.
6WKCE measures knowledge
and skills in
- Reading Language Arts,
- Mathematics,
- Science,
- Social Studies, and
- Writing Assessment.
7Reading Language Arts
- WKCE Reading Language Arts questions
measure - how well you understand what you read.
- how well you use language
to express yourself. - your vocabulary skills.
- your reference skills.
- WKCE reading comprehension questions
- focus on the meaning of a passage.
- require you to demonstrate that you are able to
- understand,
- interpret,
- evaluate, and
- apply
what you read.
9Language Arts
- WKCE language arts questions measure how well you
have learned - grammar,
- sentence formation,
- writing strategies, and
- editing skills.
- WKCE Mathematics questions
measure skills such as - computation,
- estimation,
- applied mathematics,
- number theory,
- reading and interpreting graphs, and
- measurement.
2 2 4
- Many of the mathematics problems
require the use of - critical thinking,
- reasoning, and
- problem solving skills.
- WKCE Science questions come
from the subjects of - life science,
- physical science, and
- Earth and space science.
- Science questions may also
come from the areas of - science and technology,
- science for personal and social use, and
- the history and nature of science.
14Social Studies
- WKCE Social Studies questions come from the
subjects of - geography,
- history and culture,
- civics and government, and
- economics.
15Writing Assessment
- The WKCE Writing Assessment requires
you to - plan,
- write, and
- edit
- an essay based on the prompt.
16Writing Assessment
- The essay will be either a
- persuasive
- informative, or
- expressive
piece of writing.
17WKCE Test Dates
During the 2002-2003 school year,
the WKCE will be given between November 4th and
Your teachers or counselor will tell you on which
days you will take sections of the WKCE.
Thats a lot of days!
18WKCE Test Dates
Because testing will be
spread out over several days,
it is important that you
are in school every day the test is
being given.
If you are sick,
you will have an opportunity
to make up the section you
Me too!
19WKCE Test Dates
The complete WKCE will take approximately 5 hours.
20WKCE Self-Directed Search
The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is
a career interest survey that may be
an additional section of the WKCE. It is
not a test!
21WKCE Self-Directed Search
- The Self-Directed Search (SDS) helps you
- learn about yourself and your educational
and career options. - explore education choices,
job opportunities, and careers. - understand skills you will need
to achieve your goals. - plan and make decisions about your future.
22WKCE Scores
You will receive
2 types of scores
on each of the areas
of the WKCE.
23WKCE Scores
- Norm-referenced scores
tell how well you are doing
in comparison to other 10th graders across
the nation.
- Proficiency scores
tell how well you are achieving the
goals that have been set by the State of
Wisconsin for all 10th graders.
24WKCE Proficiency Scores
- There are 4 possible proficiency scores.
- They indicate the degree
to which you have learned the knowledge and
skills included in the 10th
grade goals.
25WKCE Proficiency Scores
Aim high!
Advanced Performance - outstanding achievement
showing in-depth understanding in the subject
area content
Proficient Performance - competent achievement of
the important knowledge and skills in the
subject area content
Basic Performance - somewhat competent
achievement of most of the important knowledge
and skills in the subject area content
Minimal Performance - limited achievement in the
subject area content
26Test Taking Skills
Test taking is a set of skills you need to
- learn,
- practice, and
- use
in all testing
27Test Taking Skills
- There is a difference between
- knowing the subject information
a test covers
- and knowing how to take the test!
28Test Taking Skills
- Skills used
- before the test.
- during the test.
- after the test.
29Test Taking Skills
Before The Test
- Remember,
- the WKCE is a standardized test.
- Before taking it, there are
things you can do to prepare for it.
30Test Taking SkillsBefore The Test
- Read the guide to help you understand the
- types of questions that will be asked.
- subject material that will be covered.
- Take any available practice tests,
including the sample questions in the guide.
31Test Taking SkillsBefore The Test
- Be realistic.
- There will be questions you cant answer.
The test is written so that
no one can get all the
answers right. - Know the rules of the test.
- Not following the rules can lower your score.
32Test Taking SkillsBefore The Test
- Be physically prepared for the test.
- Get plenty of sleep the night before.
- Eat so you are not hungry.
- Bring a sweater in case the room is chilly.
- Bring any supplies you will need.
33Test Taking SkillsBefore The Test
- Being physically prepared for the test also
means - being on time.
34Test Taking SkillsBefore The Test
- Be confident in your ability to do well.
- Be prepared to work hard.
- Know what kinds of questions you will be asked.
35Test Taking Skills
During The Test
- Put everything else out of your mind.
- Relax and forget about other people.
- Read all the directions carefully.
- Skim the test quickly
so you will know what to expect.
36Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
- Budget your time.
- Answer the easy questions first.
- Use all the time you are given.
- If you finish before time is called,
check your work.
37Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
Multiple Choice Questions
- After reading the question,
try to figure out the answer
before you read the possible answers.
- If your answer was not one of the choices, read
all of the possible answers carefully before
choosing one.
38Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
Multiple Choice Questions
- Watch for qualifying words like
- usually,
- none, and
- always.
- Use the test to help you take the test.
39Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
Multiple Choice Questions
- The WKCE does not penalize you for
wrong answers,
so answer every question.
- If you must guess,
make it an educated guess.
40Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
Multiple Choice Questions
- Dont change an answer
that comes to mind first
unless youre absolutely sure
it is wrong.
41Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test WKCE
Multiple Choice Questions
- The WKCE multiple choice questions are scored by
a machine so be precise in
marking your answers.
42Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test WKCE
Multiple Choice Questions
- When taking the WKCE, select
the BEST possible answer from the choices
43Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test WKCE
Multiple Choice Questions
- Mark only one answer for each question.
- If you change an answer, erase completely.
- Dont make any stray marks.
44Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
WKCE Writing Assessment
- The WKCE writing assessment requires you to write
an essay on a
specified topic that
is given in the writing prompt.
45Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
Essay Writing
- Think before you write.
- Dont write everything you know
on the subject.
46Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- Let the questions key words such as
- discuss,
- explain, and
- compare
- guide you as you write your essay.
47Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- Make an outline which contains the key
- words,
- ideas, and
- points
- you want to include.
48Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- in the opening paragraph,
begin with a topic sentence that includes the
key words of the writing prompt.
49Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- in each of the middle paragraphs,
present examples, details,
evidence, and facts to support your topic
50Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- in the final paragraph,
restate your position and
give a brief summary.
51Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- Write legibly and in complete sentences.
- Reread your essay
and make content corrections.
52Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test Essay Writing
- Proofread your essay.
- spelling
- grammar
- punctuation
53Test Taking SkillsDuring The Test
WKCE Writing Assessment
- WKCE essays are scored
on a 9 point scale
by at least 2 readers.
54Test Taking SkillsDuring The TestWKCE Writing
- Readers will consider how well you
- addressed the topic.
- organized your essay.
- developed your ideas.
- used appropriate
- vocabulary,
- spelling,
- grammar, and
- punctuation.
55Test Taking Skills
After The Test
- Review your test results
with your parents, teachers, and counselor. - Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
- Ask for suggestions on how to
- build on your areas of strength.
- strengthen your areas of weakness.
- Be there.
- Relax.
- Use your knowledge of the WKCE.
- Use good test taking skills.
57Milwaukee Public Schools
- Carl Perkins School To Work Integrated
Studies - Claude Beale
- Project Coordinator
- 2002
Lynn Butenhoff Rita Fagan L. Lynn Krebs
Betty Lolkes Therese Trimberger