1 CASAS Preliminary On-line Training
2CASASPreliminary On-line Training
- In the face-to-face training with our certified
CASAS Trainers, you will receive how-to training
that addresses administration, scoring, and
reporting of test scores. - You will also receive training for the specific
groups - ESL (English as a Second Language)
- ABE/ASE (Adult Basic Education/ Adult Secondary
Education), and - DD (Developmental Disabilities).
3Certified CASAS Trainers for NC
- Evelyn Woods, Isothermal Community College
- (828) 288-7134
- ewoods_at_isothermal.edu
- Shelley Bleyl, Haywood Community College
- (828) 627-4643
- sbleyl_at_haywood.hcc
4CASAS History
- 1976survey of adult education programs in
California revealed disarray, i.e., use of K-12
curricular materials no structure for program or
student monitoring. Review of national literature
showed programs using competency-based education
were working best - 1980California adopted competency-based
education and funded CASAS for the first time.
5The CASAS System
- More than 24 years of research and development
- Approved validated by the U.S. Department of
Education and Labor - Meets mandates of 1998 Workforce Investment Act
- Standardized accountability for reporting results
and outcomes facilitated by CASAS TOPSpro
software - Employment and life skills focused
competency-based system for youth and adult
- Integrates functional life skills and
employability-based assessment, curriculum, and
instruction - Assessment instruments and instructional
accommodations for learners who have disabilities - Learners in programs implementing CASAS
demonstrate learning gains and increased
participation and goal attainment
6CASAS Tests
CASAS has developed more than 180 tests to assess
learners in a variety of settings. The CASAS
appraisal scores determine appropriate learner
placement and the appropriate pretest to
administer. Learners generally take the
pretest within the first week or two of
instruction. Pretest results inform instructors
about what their learners already know, which
competencies to target, and what to incorporate
into instruction. After a period of instruction,
learners should take a post-test to help measure
learning gains.
7CASAS Tests (cont)
Standardized assessment requires adhering to
specific procedures to ensure reliable and valid
results. Standardized assessments have been field
tested with groups of learners who parallel the
population who will take the particular
assessment. Learner scores from standardized
assessments can be aggregated and reported to
administrative and funding sources. CASAS
assessment instruments are standardized and all
have been field tested on large groups of youth
and adult learners.
8Pre-Post Assessment Process
There are four main ways to track a learners
performance with assessments First, place
students into your program by using a screening
instrument or an appraisal. Next pre-test your
students at their appropriate class level to
diagnose their learning needs. Third, provide
instruction. Lastly, post-test your students to
measure their progress.
9About CASAS
This URL will link you to the CASAS website.
10The Competency Coding System
Every competency is identified with a three digit
number. The first digit always refers to the
content area. The second digit refers to a
competency area. 3.4 represents the content
area of health and the more specific competency
area of understanding basic health and safety
procedures. The three digit competency
statement describes a measurable action. Every
test item in the CASAS system is associated with
a specific competency.
11Curriculum The Competencies
CASAS Competencies are reviewed annually by the
CASAS National Consortium. Please bring hard copy
of CASAS Competencies to the training. http//www
12Performance Accountability Mandate
This URL will link you to H.R. 1385, WORKFORCE
INVESTMENT ACT OF 1998. Scroll down to TITLE
familiar with SECTIONS 201-251. http//www.doleta
13National Reporting System
- The National Reporting System for Adult Education
(NRS) is an outcome-based reporting system for
the State-administered, federally funded adult
education program. - This link will describe the changes in the July
2006 NRS Implementation Guidelines - http//www.nrsweb.org/docs/foundations/Summary20o
14Instruction Instructional Support Materials
CASAS also offers a selection of helpful
instructional resources that assist programs in
selecting appropriate instructional materials.
This URL will link you to Instructional
Resources http//www.casas.org/DirctDwnlds.cfm?
15Instruction Instructional Support Materials
- Quick Search
- Instructional Materials Quick Search,
referred to as Quick Search or QS, is an
easy-to-use database that contains information on
more than 2,000 commercially published print,
audio, visual, and computer-related instructional
materials appropriate for use with adults or
youth. - http//www.casas.org/DirctDwnlds.cfm?mfile_id1771
16Instruction Instructional Support Materials
- The Bibliography of Citizenship Materials
- The CASAS Bibliography of Citizenship
Materials is an annotated index of commercially
published citizenship textbooks, audiocassettes,
videos, and Internet sites and is a terrific
resource and time saver for citizenship programs
and instructors. - http//www.casas.org/DirctDwnlds.cfm?mfile_id1442
17Instruction Instructional Support Materials
- Classroom reports generated from TOPSpro
- TOPSpro is CASAS software for tracking
student progress. TOPSpro reports are used to
report learner assessment scores. They can also
report learner performance on target
competencies. These classroom reports are helpful
to teachers and administrators for planning
instructional approaches. - http//www.casas.org/DirctDwnlds.cfm?mfile_id3677
18Instruction Instructional Support Materials
- EL Civics Objectives Correlated to Instructional
Materials - This bibliography is designed to assist
California EL Civics programs in identifying
useful instructional materials that relate
directly to individual EL Civics language and
literacy objectives. Each EL Civics objective
has specific language and literacy objectives. - https//www.casas.org/home/?fuseactionhome.showCo
19Products and Services
CASAS test series organized by Skill Area tested
and Program (ESL , ABE, and ASE). Review the
chart. http//www.casas.org/Downloads/more.cfm?mf
20Products and Services (cont)
- CASAS test forms organized by Skill Area, Level,
and Series - http//www.casas.org/DirctDwnlds.cfm?mfile_id3895
21Products and Services (cont)
- CASAS test forms for the ECS, WLS, Life Skills,
and Life and Work Series. Review the chart. - http//www.casas.org/Downloads/more.cfm?mfile_id2
22Adult Education Content Standards
- Adult Education Content Standards. The
warehouse provides access to materials for
developing, aligning, and implementing adult
education content standards in the areas of
English language acquisition, mathematics, and
reading. On this site you can find content
standards from a variety of states and
organizations. Review this document - http//www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/