Title: Keep Jacksonville Beautiful
1(No Transcript)
2What Makes Jacksonville Great
- Unique natural resources
- St. Johns River
- Beaches
- Parks
- Economic development wins
- Hanjin, MOL Mitsui, Alenia, Mayport aircraft
carrier - Strong military and veteran population
- Organized and collaborative non-profit community
- Diversified and skilled workforce
3Financial Crisis
- JCCI study Jacksonville at a point of financial
crisis - Third-party analysis of government spending and
comparisons to other metropolitan cities
4The Problem Math Doesnt Work
- State imposed property tax reductions
- 100 million
- Global economic crisis
- 30 million
- Unsustainable pension costs
- 40 million
5The Problem Pension Crisis
- Local pension problem same as national Social
Security crisis - Unfunded liability of 1.2 billion
- Costs increase to 110 million next year
- Costs in 2003 40 million
- Costs in current year 70 million
- Will increase to 260 million 10 years from now
6The Solution Three Part Plan
- Cut first
- Reform pension
- Increase revenue
7Part One More Cuts
- Previously reduced non-public safety spending
- Non-public safety budget smaller in FY 09/10 than
FY 03/04 - Identified additional 40 million in cuts
- Will affect employees and services, but will not
imperil city - Cuts include
- Continue hiring freeze
- Pay freezes for all employees
- Furloughs for non-public safety employees
- 5 percent reduction in all non-public safety
operating budgets - Elimination of vacant positions
8Part Two Address Unsustainable Pension System
- Key elements of pension reform could include
modifying - 8.4 DROP guarantee
- Retirement age and years of service criteria
- Employee contribution rate, final average pay
calculation, COLA implementation and other issues - Will address specific issues in each plan
- All negotiations will be part of collective
bargaining process
9Part Three Find Additional 50 Million
- Option 1
- Cut another 50 million from the budget
- Total of 90 million cut in one year
- Examples of what would have to be cut
- Close 2 fire stations
- Close 5 libraries
- Close 10 community/senior centers
- Eliminate social, cultural and nearly all
childrens programs - Eliminate recycling citywide
- Cancel Jazz Festival and other special events
- Close the Ritz Theatre
- Close Sexual Assault Response Center
10Part Three Find Additional 60 Million
- Option 2
- Millage increase of 1.02 mill
- Return to about rate before state-imposed
property-tax revenue reductions - Property tax increase for average homeowner of 97
11General Fund Budget About 1 Billion
Proposed Fiscal Year 2009/2010
12General Fund 24 To Mandatory Payments
Proposed Fiscal Year 2009/2010
13General Fund 44 To Public Safety
Proposed Fiscal Year 2009/2010
14General Fund 32 To Non-Public Safety
Proposed Fiscal Year 2009/2010
- Examples of departmental budgets
- Public Works - 77.8 m
- Rec Comm Services - 50.5 m
- Libraries - 40.2 m
- Environmental Comp - 17.2 m
- Childrens Commission - 21.7 m
- Planning Dev. - 7.4 m
- Mayors Office - 2.1 m
15How Do We Compare - Millage Rates
Fiscal Year 2008/2009
16How Do We Compare - Police
Fiscal Year 2008/2009
17How Do We Compare Fire/Rescue
Fiscal Year 2008/2009
18How Do We Compare - Recreation
Fiscal Year 2008/2009
19How Do We Compare - Public Works
- Will you
- A) Pay approx. 97 a yearOR
- B) Lose fire stations, community centers,
recycling, sexual assault center and funding for
cultural/social programs? - Should city workers be treated the same as other
American workers?
- Cut 40 million
- Fix the pension crisis
- Make it fair and treat city workers exactly same
as other American workers - Protect things that make this city great by
raising millage 1.02 mill - Gets city back to the tax rate before Tallahassee
cuts - Look to the future
- If we dont do this now, could take more than a
decade to replace even if economic boom started
23Engage Fix It Now
- Register on Fix It Now Web site
- www.fixitnow.cc
- Web site features a link to the JCCI report and
other resources - Call and e-mail 19 council members
- Write letters to the editor
- Communicate electronically (post on a blog,
Twitter, etc.)
24Three Critical Dates
- Monday, July 13
- Mayor presents budget to City Council
- Tuesday, July 28
- City Council sets millage rate
- Tuesday, September 22
- City Council votes on budget