Title: Template de prsentation Powerpoint
1 TV Broadcasting
2 Objective of the support
- promoting transnational broadcasting and intl.
circulation of TV works - encouraging cooperation between broadcasters /
producers / distributors - enhance European cultural and linguistic
3 For Who? For What?
- Who can apply?
- Independent European production companies
- - owned by EU citizens
- - majority producer
- - no previous experience necessary
4 What kind of Projects?
- Fiction (min 50) Animation (min
24) Documentary (min 25)
5 Attention !
- - Projects financed by Eurimages are not eligible
- - Sequels/series based on previous projects are
not eligible - - Max. 2 applications per project
6 Theatrical release
- Only projects originally intended for TV market
- Countries with low audiovisual production
capacity National theatrical release allowed but
after an initial TV transmission. - Big countries (FR, UK, ES, DE, IT) no theatrical
- Theatrical release allowed prior TV transmission
7 How much ?
- - Documentary Subsidy of 20 of the eligible
production budget - (max. 300.000 )
- - Fiction/Anim. Subsidy of 12,5 of the
eligible production budget - (max. 500.000 )
- Available budget for the call 20/2008 11,4
millions (/- 3,8 millions/deadline)
8 Production budget
9Eligible period of costs
- Starts
- - 6 months before the submission date of the
application - Finishes
- - 24 months after date of submission
- - 36 montths after date of submission (series)
10 Apply when?
- At the earliest 6 months before principal
photography - At the latest on the day of principal photography
- Relevant date for submission date of posting
- Next deadline of call 20/2008 26 June 2009
11 Other Eligibility criteria
- at least 3 broadcasters from several states
participating to the MEDIA program have to be
involved. -
- Min. participation of the 3 first broadcasters
of total budget
12 Eligibility Criteria
- min 50 of the financing confirmed by third
parties. - min 50 of prod. budget financed by European
sources - Rights of the project have to revert to the
producer after -
- - a license period of 7 years for presale
- - a license period of 10 years for coproduction
13Sum up of the 10 Eligibility Criteria
- 1) Duly filled in application forms specific to
the call for proposals - 2) Application submitted during the correct
time period - 3) Respect of number of applications per
project - 4) The Applicant is a European independent
production company - 5) The Applicant is the majority producer
- 6) The project is a European project
- 7) At 50 of the project is financed by the
European Sources - 8) At least 3 broadcasters from several members
states involved - 9) At least 50 of the financing is confirmed
- 10) The 7 and 10 years license period for the
broadcasters is respected for the pre-sales and
14Changes in the Guidelines in 2008
- Analytic and flexible point system
- Analyses each individual project globally
- Takes into consideration the market of origin of
the producers and the efforts done - Tends to award the best projects
15Award criteria
- Points will be allocated by the Evaluation
Committee (with the help of Independent Experts)
out of a total of 100 points on the basis of the
following weightings - European dimension and financing 45pt
- Int. distributors involvement 10pt
- Int. appeal and distribution potential 25pt
- Cultural and linguistic diversity 7pt
- Use of european archive 3pt
- Track record of producer 10pt
16 European dimension and financing of the film
(45 points)
- European dimension and financing 45pt
17 Intl. distributors involvement
(10 points)
- Int. distributors involvement 10pt
- Distributor attached?
- - MG,
- - track record of the Distributor
- - distribution arm in the company
- Self-distribution detail thoroughly in the
Marketing Strategy
18 Criteria related to the work
- International appeal of the work (25 points)
- Linguistic/cultural diversity (7 points)
- European audiovisual heritage (3 points)
19 Criteria related to the company
(10 points)
Track record of previous sales
20 Project selected whats next?
Official answer and contracts 4 5 months
after the deadline
- Payments
- 40 after signature of the contract
confirmation of first day of shooting - 20 with Interim Report contract with main
broadcaster - 40 after delivery and submission of certified
Final Report declaration of the main
broadcaster copy of the film
21Examples of successful documentaries
Producer from New Member states Ex.1 - 3
broadcasters, small company, - coproduction
with 3 countries and good marketing
strategy Producer from small countries Ex. 1 -
4 or 5 broadcasters, small company, - medium
potential but targeted marketing strategy -
good distributor Ex. 2 - 4 or 5 broadcasters,
experienced company - no distributor - good
marketing strategy
22 Examples of successful animations
- Producer from small countries
- - 3 or 4 broadcasters,
- - small companies
- - but difficult or experimental projects
23 Examples of rejected projects
- Projects with 3 broadcasters
- Projects with 4 to 5 broadcasters, but
- - no specific international dimension or
distribution potential - - poor marketing strategy
- Projects with more broadcasters, but
- - weak or not accomplished commitments
- - unrealistic and not defined budget
- - unrealistic and weak distribution strategy
24 Conclusions
- No chances without applications
- Producer has to show that he knows what he is
doing - Coproductions with other companies can help
- Efforts are awarded
25 Contact details
- http//ec.europa.eu/information_society/media/prod
Laura Texier (Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal,
Ireland, Luxembourg)
laura.texier_at_ec.europa.eu Matteo Solaro (France,
Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Greece)
matteo.solaro_at_ec.europa.eu Monica
Galeriu (UK, Eastern Europe, Nordic Baltic
- Thank you and good luck!
- ?