Title: Washington State Environmental Policy Act SEPA
1Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
- University of Washington
- Environmental Law and Regulation
- October 2007
2Comparison of NEPA SEPA
3SEPA Policy (RCW 43.21C.020)
- To create and maintain conditions under which man
and nature can exist in productive harmony and - Fulfill the social, economic, and other
requirements of present and future generations of
Washington citizens - Assure for all people of Washington safe,
healthful, productive, and aesthetically and
culturally pleasing surroundings - The legislature recognizes that each person has
a fundamental and inalienable right to a
healthful environment and that each person has a
responsibility to contribute to the preservation
and enhancement of the environment.
4Judicial Elaboration of SEPA Policy
- Polygon Corp. v. City of Seattle, 90 Wn.2d 59,
578 P.2d 1309 (1978) - SEPA sets forth a state policy of protection,
restoration, and enhancement of the environment.
RCW 43.21C.020 - Procedurally, the environmental protection policy
is to be implemented by the preparation and
circulation of an environmental impact statement
disclosing the environmental impacts of the
proposed action. RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). - Reading SEPA as a purely procedure law would
thwart the policies it establishes and would
render the provision that environmental
amenities and values will be given appropriate
consideration in decision making a nullity. RCW
43.21C.030(2)(b). - It necessarily follows that SEPA confers
substantive authority to the deciding agency to
act on the basis of the impacts disclosed.
5Judicial Elaboration of SEPA Policy (Continued)
- However, since the 1980s at least five appellate
courts have held that government required
mitigation or denial exceeded SEPA authority - But, the Court of Appeals decision in the
Victoria Tower II case upheld Seattles SEPA
conditions since SEPA bestows broad powers and is
to be given a vigorous construction
6Judicial Elaboration of SEPA Policy (Continued)
- Required to Mitigate? Save a Valuable Environment
(SAVE) v. City of Bothell, 89 Wn.2d 862, 870
71, 576 P.2d 401, 405 06 (1978) - The action to rezone 141 acres of farm land to
permit construction of a major regional shopping
center was arbitrary and capricious in that it
failed to serve the welfare of the community as a
whole. Specifically, adverse environmental
effects and potentially severe financial burdens
on the affected community have been completely
disregarded. If it is possible to substantially
mitigate or avoid potential adverse environmental
effects, and if Bothell takes the necessary steps
to do so, responsible planning for the shopping
center may be reasonable. It has not acted to
avoid these consequences, however, and the rezone
cannot be sustained. - It is the policy of this state, expressed in the
State Environmental Policy Act that each person
has a fundamental and inalienable right to a
healthful environment . . . RCW 43.21C.020(3).
This right has been threatened in the community
directly affected by the environmental
consequences of Bothell's zoning decision. The
welfare of people living in this area must be
7When is an EIS to be prepared?SEPA
- The standard for when an EIS should be prepared
is whether the proposal is "a major action
significantly affecting the quality of the
environment ...." RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c) - An EIS must be prepared whenever more than an
moderate effect on the environment is a
reasonable probability. Norway Hill
Preservation and Protection Association v. King
County Council, 87 Wn.2d 267, 278, 552 P.2d 674,
680 (1976) - Cannot offset negative impacts with the positive
impacts. WAC 197-11-330(5) King County v.
Boundary Review Board
8When is an EIS to be prepared?SEPA (Continued)
- In close cases courts tend to require preparation
of an EIS - Courts are not inclined to require an EIS where
- There will be no environmental impact without a
subsequent action that is subject to SEPA, and - The action does not imply a commitment to a later
action likely to have environmental consequences - For rezones, significance tends to be based on
the differences in allowed intensity between the
existing and proposed zoning and whether there is
a specific proposal - For development permits courts seem to focus on
- Intensity and irrevocability of the proposed
development - Vulnerability of the site and surroundings
9When is an EIS to be prepared?SEPA (Continued)
- Shoreline substantial development permits usually
require an EIS given the SMA policy - Courts review the threshold decision using the
arbitrary or capricious standard - Willful and unreasonable action without
consideration and in disregard of facts and
circumstances - If there is room for two opinions, it is not
arbitrary or capricious - In Norway Hill the Washington Supreme Court also
held that the clearly erroneous standard is also
used - Firm and definite conviction a mistake has been
made - Taking SEPAs policy into account
10SEPA Categorical Exemptions
- Statutory exemptions in RCW 43.21C.035 through
0384 for certain irrigation projects, school
closures, annexations, fish habitat restoration,
air operating permits, water waste discharge
permits for existing dischargers, and others - Administrative exemptions in Part Nine of SEPA
Rules - Administrative exemptions cannot include major
actions significantly affecting the quality of
the environment. RCW 43.21C.110(1)(a) - Include optional flexible thresholds WAC
197-11-800(1) - From 4 to 20 dwelling units
- From 10,000 to 30,000 sq. ft. agricultural
buildings - 20 to 40 car parking lots
- From 100 to 500 cubic yard landfills or
11Process for SEPA Threshold Determination
- If not categorically exempt, applicant or agency
proposing action prepares a SEPA Checklist - Based on applicants own knowledge and
observations - Normally to be prepared by applicant with agency
assistance - However, not uncommon for a consultant to prepare
a checklist - Independently reviewed by the lead agency. WAC
197-11-335 provides that If the lead agency
determines the checklist does not provide
reasonably sufficient information to evaluate the
proposal, - The lead agency must either obtain additional
information or - Defer the threshold determination
- The needed information may be provided by the
applicant, the lead agency, or consultation with
agencies with jurisdiction or environmental
12Process for SEPA Threshold Determination
- Responsible Official makes the threshold
determination - Determination of Nonsignificance, no EIS required
- Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS),
no EIS required due to mitigating conditions - Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping
Notice, EIS is required - Notice is required for DNSs for certain types of
development such as those where another agency
has jurisdiction and clearing or grading permits
13SEPA Mitigated Determinations of Nonsignificance
- Provided for in WAC 197-11-350
- Applicant may modify proposal so that it is not
"a major action significantly affecting the
quality of the environment .... - Or the lead agency can require conditions to meet
the same standard - Since 1989s West 514 decision, there has been a
judicial trend not to overturn MDNSs
14SEPA EIS Requirements
- WAC 197-11- 430 -- 443
- Fact Sheet including the planned date of the
final action - Table of Contents
- Summary of the contents
- Alternatives including the proposed action
- Must evaluate the no-action alternative and
compare it to the other alternatives - Must include reasonable alternatives
- Reasonable alternatives include actions that
could feasibly attain or approximate a proposals
objectives, but at a lower environmental cost or
a decreased level of environmental degradation - The lead agency may limit reasonable alternatives
to those over which an agency with jurisdiction
has authority to control impacts either directly,
or indirectly through requirement of mitigation
measures - In the Citizens Alliance case, the WA Supreme
Court said that municipalities decide whether to
review alternatives outside their jurisdiction
15SEPA EIS Requirements (Continued)
- For private projects the lead agency may not be
required analyze off site alternatives. This
exemption does not apply to rezones unless the
rezone is consistent with a comprehensive plan
that has undergone SEPA review - A description of the affected environment,
significant impacts, and mitigation measures - A succinct description of the principal features
of the environment that would be affected or
created - Describe the significant impacts on the built and
natural environments - Clearly indicate mitigation measures that could
be implemented or might be required as well as
those that agencies or applicants are committed
to implement - Summarize significant impacts that cannot or will
not be mitigated - The final EIS must include comment letters and
16Procedural Requirements for SEPA EISs
- After the threshold determination, the lead
agency issues the scoping notice. WAC 197-11-
408 - The lead agency shall narrow the scope of every
EIS to the probable significant adverse impacts
and reasonable alternatives, including mitigation
measures - Must invite agencies, affected tribes, and the
public to comment on the scope - Must allow comments for 21 days, unless expanded
scoping is used
17Procedural Requirements for SEPA EISs (Continued)
- EIS preparation. WAC 197-11-420
- Lead agency and responsible official responsible
for compliance - EIS must be professionally prepared and with an
interdisciplinary methodology - Must be readable
- Draft EIS is issued for public comment. WAC
197-11-455 - Must be provided to each agency with jurisdiction
or environmental expertise - Must give public notice. WAC 197-11-510
- Include in SEPA register
- May hold a public hearing or when 50 people or
two or more agencies request one - 30 day comment period, may be extended to 45 days
- Issuance of Final EIS. WAC 197-11-455
18When is a SEPA EIS Adequate?
- The Adequacy of an EIS is tested under the rule
of reason. Citizens Alliance To Protect Our
Wetlands v. City of Auburn, 126 Wn.2d 356,
361-362, 894 P.2d 1300, 1304 (1995) - In order for an EIS to be adequate under this
rule, the EIS must present decision makers with a
"reasonably thorough discussion of the
significant aspects of the probable environmental
consequences" of the agency's decision. Cheney,
87 Wn.2d at 344-45 552 P.2d 184 (quoting Trout
Unlimited v. Morton, 509 F.2d 1276, 1283 (9th
Cir.1974)). - The rule of reason is "in large part a broad,
flexible cost-effectiveness standard", in which
the adequacy of an EIS is best determined "on a
case-by-case basis guided by all of the policy
and factual considerations reasonably related to
SEPA's terse directives". R. Settle, The
Washington State Environmental Policy Act A
Legal and Policy Analysis 14(a)(i) (4th
ed.1993) . - This court "must determine whether the
environmental effects of the proposed action are
sufficiently disclosed, discussed, and
substantiated by supportive opinion and data." - The court does not rule on the wisdom of the
proposed development but rather on whether the
FEIS gave the decision maker sufficient
information to make a reasoned decision
19When is a SEPA EIS Adequate?(Continued)
- Remote and speculative impacts or alternatives
need not be considered - Based on cost-effectiveness grounds. SWAP v.
Okanogan County v. Okanogan County, 66 Wn. App.
439, 832 P.2d 503 (1992) - Professor William Rogers has observed a rule of
thumb that in Washington a statement, any
statement, is more likely to withstand judicial
review than a declaration of nonsignificance.
Rogers, The Washington Environmental Policy Act,
60 WASH. L. REV. 33, 50 (1984) - The appellant courts have addressed EIS adequacy
in 14 cases, only three have found an EIS
20SEPA AppealsRCW 43.21C.060 080 WAC 197-11-
- You must exhaust administrative remedies before
filing a judicial appeal - The agency or local government is not required to
have a local appeal process - But they may
- A SEPA appeal must be combined with an appeal of
the substantive decision, except for an appeal of
a DS - May use a notice of action taken to set a final
deadline for a SEPA judicial appeal, 21 days from
the second publication of the notice
- Ecologys SEPA website http//www.ecy.wa.gov/prog