Title: CSR in Citi and Citibank Korea
1CSR in Citi and Citibank Korea
2009. 5. 7. Track II at World Civic Forum
2009 COEX Center, Seoul YongShik Lee Public
Affairs Officer, Citibank Korea Inc.
2Top 10 CSR Issues CSR Asia 2009 Report
- Climate Change
- Corporate Governance
- Labour and human resources
- Environmental Issues
- Partnerships with stakeholders
- Regulation and leadership from governments
- Community investment and pro-poor development
- Product responsibility
- The professionalization of CSR
- Bribery and corruption
Source The Future of CSR 2009 Report based on
10 year projection by 70 CSR experts in Asia,
published by CSR Asia(April 2009)
3CSR efforts by Citi
- 10-year 50 billion climate change initiative
targets set in 2007 - Reached 17.8B value of climate-related
activities as of 2008 including - The Novel Environmental Power projectthe largest
wind financing deal to date - The Green Energy Community Investment Fundsolar
power system reaching underserved communities - The Project Greene-statement programs signed on
in 28 countries including Korea - Community Relations helping about 440,000
homeowners since 2007 - Financial Education and Asset Preservation
granting funds to 74 countries - Citi Microfinance serving 100 microfinance
institutions in 35 countries - Environmental and Social Risk Management
reviewing 380 transactions - Diversity initiated by 44 employee networks
representing about 13,400 employees - VolunteerismAbout 55,000 people in 1,000
activities for Global Community Day - Global givingU139 million in 89 countries and
territories in 2008
Source Citigroup press release Strong Progress
on Global Climate-related projects Leads Citis
2008 Citizenship report (Apr. 21, 2009)
4CSR efforts in Citibank Korea
Financial Education
- Think Money
- Success Program
- Next Generation Talent Development
Korea Women Leaders Award Women Entrepreneur
Leadership Dev. Global Finance Academy in
Campus Breast Cancer Prevention Campaign
Community Development
Environment Others
Habitat for Humanity Microcredit
Joyfulunion NGO Internship Program Joyful
Workplace for Needle Workers
Green Citi Community Forest Global Community
Day Citi Journalistic Excellence Award One-time
giving and sponsorship
5Citibank Korea CSR History
6Citi never sleeps
CSR never sleeps