Title: The Camera
1The Camera Obscura
A HenryTudor.co.uk Production
2Im not going to claim that the Camera Obscura
was a Tudor invention, there has been mention of
the technology as long ago as 500 years by the
Greeks, but nobody has used it to the extent that
the late Tudors did. From about 1545 the Camera
Obscura became a real tool for the painting of
near photographic standard pictures. I think the
painting of Sir Thomas More must have been by
Obscura because of the detail.
Anyhow I am going to show you all how to make one
for yourself. See the picture above and you can
now expect your picture to be upside down and
back to front. Hey! Thats how your eye works,
you brain must turn them the right way round
inside your head! Must tell my court about that
3(No Transcript)
4Fixed box
Light obscuring cover
Pin hole or Lens
Sliding box for focussing
Picture holder
This model is based upon an A4 sheet system, it
can be increased in scale by photocopying up.
5Fold outwards
Stick cellotape to the reverse of this panel,
then make a pin hole in the centre of the red
mark. Spin the pin to get a perfect round hole.
Cut but dont stick, fold over to act as springs.
Cut and fold to act as springs
Fold inwards
7The recommended paper type for the picture is
tracing paper. The large blue tabs will reduce
the light into the obscura.
Paper size template
The light obscuring cover should ideally be black
dense cloth, stick it to the fixed box and cover
your head as you view the picture.
Drawing paper