Title: Alex Fox
1Alex Fox
Paul DiPaolo
Chief Information Officer
Director of Security Technology
2CIOS Security Teams Researchers Executive
Staff Network Administrators Professional
Associates FBOP State /County Corrections
Special Operations Project Managers Wardens Line
Officers Trainers Programmers Analysts Vendors
3- Operations Technology Defined
The Objective of the NIJ Corrections Technology
Program is to work with available resources to
identify or develop and demonstrate technology
that meets the needs of corrections. This goal is
to make this technology affordable, reliable,
easy to install, use, and maintain. NIJ considers
the following in working towards this goal
Develop a program that balances the needs of
prisons, jails, and community corrections.
Use input from Correctional Professionals and
Technical Experts. Stress technologies that
have an application across public safety areas.
Identify problems that need solutions rather
than solutions that need problems. Identify
currently available technology that can be
quickly transferred for use in corrections
and technology that requires multi-year
development. Demonstrate technology under
field conditions whenever possible. The NIJ
Corrections Technology Program currently has
active projects in a number of current and
emerging technology areas including
Biometrics Developing automated methods to
identify and authenticate a person based on
physiological or behavioral characteristics.
Identification and authentication are fundamental
requirements for security in corrections.
4- Operations Technology Defined
Drug detection and drug screening Identifying,
developing, demonstrating , and assessing drug
detection and non-invasive drug screening
technologies applicable to corrections
environment. Developing alternative technology to
effectively replace urinalysis as the method for
drug screening in corrections. In addition,
identify and/or develop technology capable of
detecting small amounts of drugs introduced into
correctional facilities through mail, packages or
other means. Tracking and monitoring systems
Developing advanced technology and products for
monitoring status and location of staff and
inmate population within a correctional facility,
evaluate effectiveness of electronic monitoring
technology in domestic violence cases, develop
technology to remotely monitor human vital signs.
Institution security Developing a
vulnerability assessment for facilities. The goal
is to develop a correctional security auditing
process that would address both basic
correctional security issues and technology
issues. A vulnerability assessment program in
electronic format will be developed for
distribution to correctional facilities.
5Why Collaborate?
- Reduce costs associated with Operational
- Apply tried and tested solutions to common
problems in corrections
- Provide data for performance management and
program evaluation
- Invest limited resources more strategically
- Identify and share best practices
- Leverage staff knowledge, experience, and foster
communication between disciplines
- Identify meaningful and measurable objectives
- Minimize and manage the risk associated with key
Agency projects
- Identify promising emerging technologies.
- Provide manufacturers and developers with
comments and suggestions for creating and
customizing products to meet the needs of the
Department of Correction.
6Northeast Technology Product and Assessment
Committee Representatives
New Hampshire
District of Columbia
New York
Rhode Island
New Jersey
Federal Bureau of Prisons
7Mission Statement
The Mission of the Northeast Technology Product
and Assessment Committee (NTPAC) is to identify
and evaluate emerging technological advances in
products and services for Corrections. Through
its affiliation with the Northeast Association of
Correctional Administrators (NACA), and
consultation with the National Law Enforcement
and Correction Technology Center, Northeast
(LECTC), the Committee will disseminate
information throughout the region. This
collaborative effort will be achieved through
- The identification of technological needs
throughout the Northeast region. -
- The evaluation of products and services by
Committee members. -
- The convening of quarterly conferences to share
all information regarding the evaluation and
results of identified tested products and
services. -
- The development of a database/web site to
identify the products that have been evaluated by
each state. -
- The development of ongoing partnerships between
all states within the Northeast Region to share
best practices and assist in identifying
solutions to common operational problems. -
- The sharing of results and information by
Committee members with Correctional
Administrators throughout the Northeast. -
- Build upon these partnerships to ensure
competitive bidding and sharing costs associated
with the introduction of new initiatives,
consistent with each state's procurement and
competitive bidding laws.
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- The Act supports the elimination, reduction and
prevention of sexual assault and rape within
corrections systems - Mandates national data collection efforts
- Provides funding for program development and
research - Creates a national commission to develop
standards and accountability measures - Applies to all federal, state and local prisons,
jails, police lock-ups, private facilities and
community settings such as residential facilities
13Applied Technologies
- Constant/passive surveillance systems
- Incident Mapping
- Proximity Scanning
- Inmate Management Systems
- Passive Alarm Systems
- E learning
- Active location tracking (staff/Inmates)
- Biometrics
- Hotline/Phone Monitoring
- Data exchanges
14Driving Collaboration/Institutionalizing the
- Professional Conferences
- NTPAC Meetings
- Security Technology Policy
- Technology Committee Membership
- Technology Budget
- Strategic Planning
- Work Group Model
- Performance Management
- Best Practices
- Manager Training
- Research Model
- Accreditation Standards
- Grants
15Operational Technology Considerations
- Deterrence Factor
- Camera Specifications
- System functionality
- Implementation cost
- Choice of Lenses
- Weatherproofing/Durability
- PTZ/Stationary
- Strategic location/field of view
- Active/passive system
- Lighting sensitivity
- Night vision application
- Evidence Integrity/Chain of custody
- Operator training
16Camera Project IT Considerations
- Network Integration/Impact on Performance
- System administration/Profile management
- Hardware standardization/installation
- Software support and maintenance
- Cost of ownership
- Storage of Digital files/Archiving
- Asset management/Inventory
- Hardware maintenance history
- Parts availability/in stock
- Incident data /camera location
- System testing/baseline system performance
- Data collection/Performance measures
- Technical training
- User support
17Operational Technology
Information Technology
Hardware standardization/installation System
testing/performance Cost of ownership Hardware
maintenance history User support Network
Integration/Impact Data collection/Performance
Measures Asset management/Inventory Incident data
/camera location System admin./Profile
management Storage of Digital files/Archiving Soft
ware support and maintenance Parts
availability/in stock Technical training
- Camera Specifications
- System functionality
- Implementation cost
- Weatherproofing/Durability
- Operator training
- System Availability
- Deterrence Factor
- Strategic location/field of view
- Evidence Integrity
- Active/passive system
- Lighting sensitivity
- Night vision application
- Choice of Lenses
- PTZ/Stationary