Title: USF Transparency in Government Project
1USF Transparency in Government Project
- Campaign Finance Disclosure/Visualization
- David Wolber, University of San Francisco
The project has been funded by the Leo T.
McCarthy center and the City of San Francisco.
- Motivation for Project
- Funding data at federal/state levels
- Demo of whosfundingwhom.org
- Issues and Future Directions
4Disclosure and Accessibility Current Status
- On-line Disclosure (getting there)
- Implementation behind law, in SF
- Loopholes, e.g., late filing, addendums
- Data visualization (output) is far behind.
- sfgov.org/ethics
- Limited resources, especially software
5Accessibility is Limited
6Limited Accessibility
- Journalists
- Watchdog organizations
- Only most egregious violations checked
- Voters
7Campaign TransparencyNeeds
- More on-line filing
- Visualization tools
- Graphs, e.g., funding trails
- Views that integrate various data
- Automatic flagging of potential violations
- Data mining Analyzing the data to find
interesting things.
8Fed and State solutions
- Federal opensecrets.org
- Center for Responsive Politics
- State http//cal-access.ss.ca.gov/campaign/
- http//cal-access.ss.ca.gov/Campaign/Candidates/li
9Idea behind our project City and University
- Fill the gap in resources for city.
- Students work on real projects.
- Encourage public service.
- Build some real software to help city/community.
10Current Status of Project
- Lobbyist database and on-line forms deployed this
April. - Campaign funding Visualization
- whosfundingwhom.org
- Relational view of funding chains
- Tabular
- Graph
- Launch April 1.
- Basis for data mining, integration,etc.
- See http//bay.cs.usfca.edu/tgpGraph.htm
12Future Goals
- Integrate multiple data sources
- Flag potential violations
- Mine data for hidden relationships
- Allow users to input data/associations
- Special Election/Filing Date views
13Integrating Data
David Wolber
Joe Contributor
Employee Of
Awarded Contract By
City Department X
14Integrating Data Sources
- State Filings
- Other Cities and Counties
- Data Standards?
15Integrating Lobbyist and Campaign Finance Data
- Does a contributor employ a lobbyist? If so, what
issue is the lobbyist hired to promote? - Lobbyists must report if theyve prompted someone
to make a contribution.
16Data within Ethics Commission.
- Independent Expenditure Database
- 461 Major Donors
- Political Consultants
- City Contracts/Permits Awarded
- Voting Records
18Flagging Possible Violations
- Sometimes duplicative filings are required.
- e.g., cross-checking RCPT database with
Independent Expenditure DB. - Are RCPT committees contributing to other
committees (a violation) - Negative cash balances
19Geographical Queries
- For instance, funding by neighborhood or
district. - Note that this information is not in the redacted
data now online at Ethics Commission.
20Potential Projects
- Identify on-line data sources
- Appointees, employed_by, contracts_awarded.
- Use whosfundingwhom.org and suggest
modifications, additions, and directions.
21Trends in Information Systems
- Collaboration and the power of the many
- e.g., wikipedia, del.icio.us, slashdot
- Collect and organize now scattered data
- All kinds of legal issues (Feinstein case,
Kennedy assasination accusations) - How to moderate
- Who is liable?
22Trends in Information Systems
- XML and web services
- Standard data formats
- Separate presentation from data
- Mashups/aggregators
- E.g., Craigslist/Google maps
- Semantic web
23Human input of Data
- The Internet has a lot of data that is free text,
not structured. - e.g., voting on issues, news
- Administer/Researcher/Expert/public can identify
and input data (e.g., wikipedia) - Objectivity Issues
24Thank You
- whosfundingwho.org
- David Wolber (wolber_at_usfca.edu)
- (415) 422-6451
- Email us or come by and see us we want detailed
feedback and ideas