Title: Education Policy
1Education Policy
- SGB(Chapter 12)
- S(40-41)
- No Child Left Behind Where Do We Go From
Here?, by Krista Kafer. http//www.heritage.org/R
esearch/Education/bg1775.cfm -
- Mark Schneider, et al Institutional Arrangements
and the Creation of Social Capital The Effects
of Public School Choice.American Political
Science Review, Vol. 91, No. 1. (Mar., 1997), pp.
2Education Policy in the States
- Lecture Outline
- Federalism and Education
- Education funding (with a focus on equity)
- Education reform (accountability and choice)
3Historical Foundation
- Tradition of free public education in the United
States can be traced to early America (Jefferson)
and reflected several goals. - mass literacy
- class mobility
- political socialization (democratic values)
4Education and Federalism
- The Constitution does not mention education at
all. - Rather, education falls under the states
reserved powers (10th Amendment)
5Education and Federalism
- State governments retain ultimate authority
- Compulsory attendance, curriculum, graduation
standards, accreditation, calendar, records,
accounting procedures
6Education and Federalism
- State power is shared among several important
actors - Governor, Legislature, Courts
- State Board of Education
- Chief State School Officer
- State Department of Education
7State Government and Education
- State Boards of Education
- General supervision over all primary and
secondary schools - Elected or appointed
- Make policy and budget recommendations
- Tend to lack political clout, policy expertise,
and public visibility - KY Board of Education
8State Government and Education
- Chief State School Officer
- Aka state superintendent of schools or
commissioner of education - Work closely with SBEs
- Establishes and enforces standards for local
school curricula, teacher certification,
standardized testing, etc. - Also provides technical and other assistance to
schools - Elected or appointed
9State Government and Education
- State Department of Education
- Main administrative agency in the states
responsible for education - Administrative and technical support to SBE and
CSSO - Administers state and national aid programs
- Responsible for monitoring school performance,
and other state education reforms
10Local School Boards
- Legislative bodies governing local school
districts. Generally speaking - Nonpartisan elections
- No term limits
- Low levels of citizen participation
- Limited expertise?
- The number of school districts has decreased in
recent decades - 1940s approx. 109,000
- 2003 13,522
11School Boards
- Responsibilities include
- Levying taxes
- District organization
- Hire school administrators (including
superintendent of education) - Approve teacher appointments
- Determine building and facility needs
- Set teacher-pupil ratios
- Salaries
- Often defer to superintendent often constrained
by state policy
12The Federal Role in EducationFrom
Permissiveness to Engagement
- Post WWII period GI Bill
- 1954 Brown v. BOE, Topeka
- 1958 National Defense Education Act (Cold War)
- 1965 Title I of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act (ESEA) - 1979 U.S. Department of Education
- 2002 - NCLB
- Title I to provide financial assistanceto
local educational agencies serving areas with
concentrations of children from low income
families to expand and improve their educational
programswhich contribute particularly to meeting
the special education needs of educationally
deprived children.
- Title I over 11 billion today
- Still, approximately 90 of education funding
(nationwide) comes from state and local
15Education Funding Share, by Level of Government
- Title I over 11 billion today
- Still, approximately 90 of education funding
(nationwide) comes from state and local
16Education Funding (State and Local)
- Property tax
- State lotteries/gambling
- State general revenue
17Education Funding (State and Local)
- On average, the state share of education spending
is about 49 - Significant variation in the state-local shares
of education spending across the states
18Education Funding (State and Local)
- On average, the state share of education spending
is about 49 - Significant variation in the state-local shares
of education spending across the states
19Education Funding (State and Local)
- On average, the state share of education spending
is about 49 - Significant variation in the state-local shares
of education spending across the states
20Education Funding (State and Local)
- On average, the state share of education spending
is about 49 - Significant variation in the state-local shares
of education spending across the states
21Equity in Education Spending
- Serrano v. Priest (1971)
- California Supreme Court ruled that inequities in
school funding due to differences in local tax
bases were unconstitutional - The state must ensure that funding not come
primarily from local taxes
22Equity in Education Spending
- San Antonio Independent School District v.
Rodriguez (1973) - U.S. Supreme Court ruled that inequities in
school funding due to differences in local tax
bases were NOT unconstitutional (why?) - 43 state supreme courts have now heard cases on
educational financing
23Equity in Education Spending
24Equity in Education Spending
25Equity in Education Spending
26Equity in Education Spending
27Equity in Education Spending
28State Spending for Higher Education
- Higher education spending
- Higher education affordability
29Does Education Spending Make a Difference?
- The Coleman Report (1966)
- Examined the impact of a number of school
environmental factors (including expenditures) - Found that expenditures have no effect on student
performance - This finding supported by dozens of more recent
30Does Education Spending Make a Difference?
31Education Reform
- Reformers argue that money alone is not the
answer - Greater accountability
- School choice
- Education Standards
- Students Curriculum and graduation requirements
- Education Standards
- Students Curriculum and graduation requirements
- Teachers requirements for certification
on-going training tenure
- Performance-Based Evaluation
- Students testing
- Teachers/Schools School report cards
35Education Reform in KentuckyKERA (1990)
- 1985
- 66 school districts, seven boards of education
and 22 students filed suit in state court - "If you expect all districts to get equal
results, then give us equal resources."
36Education Reform in KentuckyKERA (1990)
- 1989
- Kentucky Supreme Court agreed, and declared the
entire system of public schools in Kentucky to be
unconstitutional. - invalidated the entire body of Kentucky school
law and directed the Kentucky legislature to
create a new and constitutional system of public
37Education Reform in KentuckyKERA (1990)
- School funding
- - 1990-1997 Kentucky cut the funding gap in
per pupil spending between the more- and
less-wealthy districts in half - from 1,200 to
38Education Reform in KentuckyKERA (1990)
- Assessment
- - the Commonwealth Accountability
- Testing System (CATS)
- Scores used to determine how much academic
progress each school has made
39Education Reform in KentuckyKERA (1990)
- Accountability
- rewards successful schools and helps those that
are not making progress.
40NCLB (2002)
- Accountability
- All students reach a proficient level of
education by 2013-2014 - Schools must make adequate yearly progress (AYP)
- All subgroups must reach proficiency
- -Emphasis on standardized testing and graduation
41NCLB (2002)
- Accountability
- Sanctions for schools that fail to meet AYP
- Must offer school choice
- Must offer supplemental services
- Can lose federal funding (Title I funds)
42Educational Accountability and Goal Displacement
- Do educational accountability programs distort
bureaucratic incentives?
43Educational Accountability and Goal Displacement
- Do educational accountability programs distort
bureaucratic incentives? - teaching the test
- Creaming
- Excusing students
- Graduation Rates (state flexibility in NCLB)
44Education Reform and School Choice
- Magnet Schools
- Charter Schools
- Vouchers