Title: Break Free from Inbox Clutter
1Break Free from Inbox Clutter
- 5 Strategies for Improving Revenue and Response
Margaret Farmakis, Senior Director, Strategic
Services Return Path, Inc. margaret.farmakis_at_retu
rnpath.net 44 (0) 2030 023 741
2Email Performance
We help you reach the inbox and earn a
3Information overload is real.
4More than 3,000 new books are published daily
5There were 715 new magazines launched in the
U.S in 2007
6965 movies are being released in 2008
7The number of text messages sent daily exceeds
the population of the planet.
8One 1996 study found that the average inbox
contained 2,482 messages
9What can you do to stand out?
10Be different.
11Email earns a lot of revenue.
12 And yet
13Break free!
14Revenue pressure Global recession Limited
budget Data integration List churn
Subscriber complaintsSend more email! Send
MORE!! Differing authentication standards Can
you get this mailed tomorrow? Reverse DNS
New bounce codes Email client rendering checks
15Winning Is Harder Now
16Make a Commitment
- Today, I will steal some actionable ideas from
this presentation that will help my email program
stand out. - Today, I will identify areas of opportunity for
growing revenue in my program.
175 Strategies 20 Minutes
18 Great Idea 1
19Adjust Your Typical Email Marketing Message Flow
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Hello, Ready to buy?
- Heres something interesting.
- Thanks for buying!
- Heres more of what you buy!
- Heres some relevant content.
20Trigger Email Post Purchase
Bought a bike helmet
Save on cycling gear and apparel
Promote relevant content
21Pre-Trip Email
- Deployment Post-purchase
- Purpose Itinerary confirmation cross-sell
22Target Inactives
- Encourage non-responders to take action
- Define trigger business rules at 30 days, 60
days, 90 days?
23Why Does this Work?
24Get a 10-strategy checklist on creating value in
email margaret.farmakis_at_returnpath.net
25 Great Idea 2
26You have a sender reputation.
29Spam Trap Hits
30 31Sending Permanence
32Um, okay. But how do I know what my email
reputation is?www.senderscore.org
33Get a 9-strategy checklist on sender
reputation. margaret.farmakis_at_returnpath.net
34 Great Idea 3
35(No Transcript)
36Lift of 30 for Best Buyers
37Engage Prospects Distinctly
38(No Transcript)
39Permission Them for More
40Get our research study on subscriber
experiences margaret.farmakis_at_returnpath.net
41 Great Idea 4
42Show up
43The way you intend.
44Get our best practice guide on managing image
blocking. margaret.farmakis_at_returnpath.net
45 Great Idea 5
46Understand Opt Outs
- Rules
- Make it simple
- Make it relevant
- Make it transparent.
- Measure
- Opt out rate
- Conversion rate on retention
- ROI on retention
47(No Transcript)
48Adjust frequency to keep subscribers
49Get our research study on unsubscribe
experiences margaret.farmakis_at_returnpath.net
50Email marketing is simple.
51Give subscribers what they want
52 And you will get what you want!
53How Did We Do?
- Today, I will steal some actionable ideas from
this presentation get our checklists and
research studies! - Today, I will identify areas of opportunity for
growing revenue in my program.
54Get Started Now
- Know your sender reputation at www.senderscore.org
- Get our checklists and research studies by
emailing me margaret.farmakis_at_returnpath.net - Want more? Sign up to receive four email
messages with more practical tips on improving
the subscriber experience. Visit
55Thank you!