Title: Financial Status and Funding Arrangements
STRATEGIES International Experience
Barry Dalal-Clayton IIED
Yunnan Sustainable Development Action Plan
2Scope of presentation
- Targets
- OECD UN Learning Initiatives
- OECD/UNDP Resource Book
- Rationale for strategies
- Changing approaches since Rio
- Principles Characteristics
- Continuous improvement approach
- Mechanisms
- Participation
- Partnerships the SD triad
- Challenges
- Agenda 21 call for NSDSs
- Rio5 (introduce by 2002)
- MDG Goal 7, target 7 (integrate principles of SD
into country policies programmes) - WSSD (begin implementation by 2005)
4Rationale for a systematic approach to
sustainable development strategies
5NSDS Definition
A co-ordinated set of participatory and
continuously improving processes of analysis,
debate, capacity strengthening, planning and
investment, which seeks to integrate the short
and long term economic, social and environmental
objectives of society through mutually
supportive approaches wherever possible - and
manages trade offs where this is not
A co-ordinated set of participatory and
continuously improving processes of analysis,
debate, capacity strengthening, planning and
investment, which seeks to integrate the short
and long term economic, social and environmental
objectives of society through mutually
supportive approaches wherever possible - and
manages trade offs where this is not possible
(OECD DAC 2001
6(No Transcript)
71999-2002 OECD/DAC and UN Learning
InitiativesReviews dialogues
- Lessons from many approaches to strategy
- Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Nepal, Thailand,
Ghana, Namibia, Pakistan - 3 international workshops
- Web-based information exchange (www.nssd.net)
- DAC policy guidance 2001 principles building
on what works - UN Forum on NSDSs November 2001 (Ghana)
- UN Guidance(2002)
8OECD/UNDP Resource Book
- Launch at WSSD
- How to implement OECD and UN policy guidance on
strategies - Distilling technical guidance from the 8 study
countries and far more - 150 contributors
- CD ROM ( other resources)
- French, Spanish, Russian, others?
- Website (www.nssd.net)
9Resource Book chapters
- Introduction a road map to the book.
- Why are strategies needed for SD?
- What have previous strategies achieved?
- How can we start a strategy, improve one, or
coordinate many? - How to generate the knowledge required?
- How to get the right people involved?
- How to ensure good communications?
- How to make decisions about strategy objectives
and instruments? - How to obtain a secure financial basis?
- How to improve strategy through monitoring and
10Changing approaches to strategies
Builds a system of coordinated mechanisms
processes dealing with SD priorities step-by-step
Master plan for SD (gets increasingly out of
Continuous process monitoring, leaning
One-off initiative
Fixed ideas and solutions
An adaptive, learning system offering coherence
between activities
11Also experimentation and managing uncertainty
Management based on precedent or evidence only
State alone is responsible
Society as a whole is responsible
Multi-stakeholder approach
Narrow participation
Focus on outputs (projects, laws, etc.)
Focus on outcomes (impacts) and the quality of
participation and management processes
12Partnerships and integrated research and planning
Sector-based research and planning
Externally-driven (in developing countries)
Country-driven, locally-owned
Focus on costly projects (and a consequent
dependence on external assistance)
Focus on cost savings and domestically-driven and
financed investment and development
13International Strategy Principles
- Integration of economic, social and environmental
objectives - Coordination and balance between sector and
thematic strategies and decentralised levels, and
across generations - Broad participation, effective partnerships,
transparency and accountability - Country ownership, shared vision with a clear
timeframe on which stakeholders agree, commitment
and continuous improvement
14International Strategy Principles
- Developing capacity and an enabling environment,
building on existing knowledge and processes - Focus on priorities, outcomes and coherent means
of implementation - Linkage with budget and investment processes
- Continuous monitoring and evaluation
15Continuous improvement approach to managing
17Some key tools
- Policy mappingThe other strategies, policies,
plans initiatives that the NSDS needs to be
coordinated and coherent with (International,
National, Provincial, Local) - VisioningWhat kind of sustainable future for
Yunnan Province? - Scenario planningA method for learning about
the future by understanding the nature and impact
of the most uncertain and important driving
forces affecting the future
18Participation map
Private sector
Communities in specific regions
Regional, eg, EU
Provinces, regions
Marginal groups
19The sustainable development Triad
- Think and behave in new, open, participatory ways
that provide for dialogue and consensus-building - Agree what is needed and how to get there
- Identify motivations to encourage bureaucrats to
work differently - Work in support of each other to achieve
cross-sectoral integration and synchronisation - Identify and support existing constructive
institutional relationships and experiments
- Secure genuine political support
- Use NSDS principles and system to continuously
improve such political will - Secure bold leadership to kick off the whole NSDS
22Strategies Website