Title: Governance and Technology:
1Governance and Technology
- Success Stories from the Real World
- Heather Edwards
- Institute On Governance
- www.iog.ca
- good governance
- examples of ICT impact
- resulting hypotheses
3Democracy Good Governance
- community building
- corruption busting
- freedom of information
- exercising a political voice
- input on the political agenda
4Democracy Good Governance
- Respect for human rights and basic freedoms
- transparency
- rule of law
- lack of corruption
- accountability
- social equity
- effective representation
- respect for under represented groups
- independent judiciary
- independent and responsible media
- merit based public service
5Community building
6Burkina Faso
- Communication key to building strong communities
- ICT role in mobilisation of civil society and
- Tanzania Media Womens Association
- using ICTs to create and distribute information
9NDI in Namibia
10Working against corruption
12Transparency International
- Citizens using ICTs to speak directly with
14Freedom of information
- Using ICTs to circumvent censorship
- inability to control the media
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17Provision of judicial information
18Political voice choice
20United Kingdom
- Tool for mobilisation of general uprising
- Power of internet, even when only a minority can
access it
23Government reaction
Participation in Liberal Democracies
Telephone Fax, Letter
Social Groups
Citizens voice political opinions and
interests. Citizens ask about political
Receives, processes and communicates information
in a selective way.
Mass Media
24OECD Trends
- Information
- scope, quantity and quality has increased greatly
- now a shared objective for all OECD Members
- Consultation
- on the rise but at a slower rate
- large differences remain between OECD Members
- Active participation
- efforts to engage citizens in policy-making are
rare - examples confined to a only a very few countries
25Resulting hypotheses
26Democracy Good Governance
- Respect for human rights and basic freedoms
- transparency
- rule of law
- lack of corruption
- accountability
- social equity
- effective representation
- respect for under represented groups
- independent judiciary
- independent and responsible media
- merit based public service
27Citizens use ICTs when...
- ICTs are part of normal citizen participation
- Available means of participation are perceived as
ineffective - technology is available
28Constructive use of ICTs
- Create and institutionalise space for citizens to
make positive use of ICTs
29(No Transcript)