Title: AA 4362: Astrodynamics
1AA 4362 Astrodynamics
Introduction to Orbital Dynamics Solution of
the Restricted Two-Body Problem (Vallado,
Sections 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.6)
2Kinematics versus Dynamics
Up to now we have mostly dealt with orbital
motions from a kinematics point of view I.e.
Keplers laws Were used simply as descriptors of
orbital motion Kepler's laws are a reasonable
approximation of the motions of a small body
orbiting around a much larger body in a 2-body
universe but there are no Physics (I.e. Isaac
Newton) Involved Kepler derived his laws of
planetary motion by Empirical observation only.
3Summary Keplers Laws
4Kepler's Laws (cont'd)
5Kepler's Laws (cont'd)
6Kepler's Laws (cont'd)
Havent really proven this! Yet.
7Time-of-Flight Graphs
8Time-of-Flight Graphs (contd)
9Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton used his new calculus and
laws of motion and gravitation to show that
Kepler was right. One day in 1682 he came up
to his friend, Edmund Halley, and casually
mentioned to him that he'd proved that, with a
1/r2 force law like gravity, planets orbit the
sun in the shapes of conic sections. This
undoubtedly took Halley aback, as Newton had
just revealed to him the nature of the Universe
(at least the Universe as it was known then).
Halley then pressed Newton to publish his
findings, but he realized that he'd forgotten
the proof. After struggling to remember how
he had proved the t heorem, he published his work
and it later appeared in full form in his
classic work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica -- commonly known as the Principia
-- published in1687. OK let walk down
Newtons path to enlightenment!
11Gravity Inverse Square Law
Gravity Inverse Square Law
12Some Light Vector MathDerives the Acceleration
13Satellite Angular Momentum
Velocity Vector
Angular Momentum
14 Evaluating the Cross Products
15Gravitational Torque Acting on Spacecraft
16Angular Momentum is Constant!
17Integrate Acceleration Equation
18Boundary Conditions
And .
19Boundary Conditions (contd)
20Boundary Conditions (contd)
21Velocity Vector
22Inner Products
23Inner Products (contd)
Collecting terms . But Since
24Almost there
Polar Form of a Conic Section, Keplers First
law is Proved!
From Homework 2
26Ellipse (contd)
27Elliptical Orbit Eccentricity
28Ellipse (contd)
29Elliptical Orbit Summarized(Keplers First Law)
30Keplers Second Law
31Keplers Second Law (contd)
Averaged angular momentum evaluated by
integrating around a full orbit trajectory
32Keplers Second Law (contd)
Averaged angular momentum can also be evaluated
by integrating around a partial orbit trajectory
33Keplers Third Law (revisited)
Keplers Third Law In a Restricted Two Body
Orbit, the squares of the periods of any two
objects revolving about the sun (earth) are in
the same ratio as the cubes of their mean
So NOW! We proved that
35Conclusion (contd)
Weve also already shown that
And .
36Where are we headed?