Title: Motion Tracking
1Motion Tracking
- Finding how objects have moved in an image
sequence - Movement in space
- Movement in image plane
- Camera options
- Static camera, moving objects
- Moving camera, moving objects
- Acquiring targets
- Image differencing
- Moving edge detector
- Following targets
- Matching
- Minimum path curvature
- Model based methods
- Kalman filtering
- Condensation
- Hidden Markov Model
4Camera calibration revisited
- Image to camera co-ordinate transformation
- Intrinsic parameters
- Camera to world co-ordinate transformation
- Extrinsic parameters
5Camera to Image Co-ordinates Distortionless
- If
- no distortions
- uniform sampling
- Co-ordinates linearly related
- offset and scale
6Camera to Image Co-ordinates Distorting Camera
- Periphery is distorted
- k2 0 is good enough
7Pinhole Camera
Optical centre
Image and centre, object and centre are similar
8Camera and World Co-ordinates
translate and rotate
9System architecture
10Target acquisition
- Finding a target to follow
- Differencing
- Moving edge detector
11Change and Moving Object Detection
- Simplest method of detecting change
- Compute differences between
- Live and background images
- Adjacent images in a sequence
12Image Differencing
- Differences due to
- Moving object overlying static background
- Moving object overlying another moving object
- Moving object overlying same moving object
- Random fluctuation of image data
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14Background image
- Detecting true differences required an accurate
background - Lighting changes?
- Camera movement?
15Background image updates
- Periodically modify whole background
- Will include changes in new background
- Systematically incorporate non-changed portions
of image into background
- Can identify changes in the image data
- But what do the changes mean?
- Need a second layer of processing
- To recognize changes
- Optical flow sidesteps this problem...
17Target following
- Observing the positions of an object or objects
in a time sequence of images. - Object matching
- Minimum path curvature
- Model based methods
- Locate objects in each image
- Match objects between images
- Use methods of previous lectures
19Minimum path curvature
- Observations of two objects in three images
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24Which is best solution?
- One with overall straightest paths
- For each solution
- For each path
- Compute total curvature
- Sum
25Model based tracking
- Mathematical model of objects motions
- position, velocity (speed, direction),
acceleration - Can predict objects positions
26System overview
Motion Model
Predict Location
Verify Location
27Simple Motion Model
- Newtons laws
- s position
- u velocity
- a acceleration
- all vector quantities
- measured in image co-ordinates
- Can predict position at time t knowing
- Position
- Velocity
- Acceleration
- At t0
- If some error in a - Da or u - Du
- Then error in predicted position - Ds
- Is the object at the predicted location?
- Matching
- How to decide if object is found
- Search area
- Where to look for object
31Object Matching
- Compare
- A small bitmap derived from the object vs.
- Small regions of the image
- Matching?
- Measure differences
32Search Area Why? and Where?
- Uncertainty in knowledge of model parameters
- Limited accuracy of measurement
- Values might change between measurements
- Define an area in which object could be
- Centred on predicted location, s ? Ds
33Update the Model?
- Is the object at the predicted location?
- Yes
- No change to model
- No
- Model needs updating
- Kalman filter is a solution
34Kalman filter
- Mathematically rigorous methods of using
uncertain measurements to update a model
35Kalman filter notation
- Relates
- Measurements yk
- e.g. positions
- System state xk
- Position, velocity of object, etc
- Observation matrix Hk
- Relates system state to measurements
- Evolution matrix Ak
- Relates state of system between epochs
- Measurement noise nk
- Process noise vk
How do observations relate to model?
37Prediction of System State
- Relates system states at epochs k and k1
38Prediction of Observation
- From predicted system state, estimate what
observation should occur
39Updating the Model
- Predict/estimate a measurement
- Make a measurement
- Predict state of model
- How does the new measurement contribute to
updating the model?
40Updating the Model
- G is Kalman Gain
- Derived from A, H, v, n.
- Tracking two corners of a minimum bounding box
- Matching using colour
- Image differencing to locate target
42Condensation Tracking
- So far considered single motions
- What if movements change?
- Bouncing ball
- Human movements
- Use multiple models
- plus a model selection mechanism
43Selection and Tracking
- Occur simultaneously
- Maintain
- A distribution of likely object positions plus
weights - Predict
- Select N samples, predict locations
- Verify
- Match predicted locations against image
- Update distributions
44Tracking Using Hidden Markov Models
- Hidden Markov model describes
- States occupied by a system
- Possible transitions between states
- Probabilities of transitions
- How to recognise a transition
45Optic Flow
- Assume each pixel moves but does not change
intensity - Pixel at location (x,y) in image 1 is pixel at
(xDx,yDy) in image 2. - Optic flow associates displacement vector with
each pixel
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47Aperture Problem
- ?I/ ? x ? horizontal difference
- ? I/ ? y ? vertical difference
- ? I/ ? t ? difference between images
- One equation, two unknowns
- ? cannot solve equation
- Could solve for movement perpendicular to gradient
- Impose smoothness constraint
- Minimise total of sum of squares of velocity
component gradients
49l is a constant Iterate over a pair of frames,
or over a sequence
- Assumptions
- Linear variation of intensities
- Velocity changes smoothly
- These are invalid
- Especially at object boundaries
51Area Based Methods
- Match small regions in image 1 with small regions
in image 2 - Assume objects move but do not deform
- Same formulation as for optical flow, different
areas involved.
- Compute (Dx, Dy) by finding (u,v) that minimises
- Then (u,v) (Dx, Dy)
- Target acquisition
- Image differencing
- Background model
- Target following
- Matching
- Minimum path curvature
- Model based methods
- Optic flow
54- This telephone has too many shortcomings to be
seriously considered as a means of communication.
The device is of no value to us. - Western Union internal memo, 1876