Title: Book review Willy the champ
1Book review Willy the champ by Lydia
2Story plot
B. Willy was really bad at sports and he listened
to music and read books. He never seemed to get
bored. And he tried to do football and bike
riding. M. One day Willy was playing with his
friends. Then Buster Nose came and he took a
punch at Willy. He ducked then he stood up. E.
He went home to his mum, Wily was a champ.
3Character description of Willy
Willy is slow at bike riding and he is bad at
soccer. He has brown straight hair, brown eyes
and a round face. He is a champ and a wimp. He is
frightened at times nice and friendly. Willy is
smart wears clothes and he wears red socks. He
always listens to music and reads books. He
worries and he is lonely. Willy is small and slow
and he watches sad movies and cries. The gorillas
laugh at him and Willy feels sad.
4(No Transcript)
I think the Illustrations are great because they
look very real and it looks like Willy is really
moving in the book or when Buster Nose punches
him. I like how Willy wears a checked shirt. I
think that would have taken a long time and the
drawings would of too.
I think you should read this book because it has
funny things in it and the illustrations are
great and cool. Willy has heaps of things that he
does in the book. Please read this book.