Title: Consumer Behavior
1Consumer Behavior
- Chapter 7Consumer Beliefs, Attitudes,
Behaviors Formation and Change
2Consumer Beliefs About Product Attributes
- Represent the knowledge and inferences that a
consumer has about objects, their attributes, and
their benefits provided. - Attributes Can Be Placed Into Two Broad Classes
- Intrinsic attributes
- Extrinsic attributes
3Attribute Importance and Consumer Attitude/Beliefs
- Consumer Attitude and Beliefs
- Attitude is the amount of affect or feelings for
or against a stimulus - Beliefs are the cognitive knowledge about an
- Attribute Importance
- a persons general assessment of the significance
of an attribute for products or services of a
certain type
4Behaviors Intentionsto Behave
- Consumer behaviors consist of all the actions
taken by consumers related to acquiring,
disposing, and using products and services
- Behavioral intentions may be defined as the
intentions of consumers to behave in a particular
way with regard to the acquisition, disposition,
and use of products and services
5Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behaviors May Be Formed
in Two Ways
- Direct formation
- Hierarchy of effects
6Predicting Consumer Attitudes
- Multiattribute models identify how consumers in
high-involvement situations (i.e. standard
hierarchy of effects) combine their beliefs about
product attributes to form attitudes about
various brand alternatives, corporations, or
other objects.
7Attitude-Toward-The-Object Model
- Identifies three major factors that are
predictive of attitudes - Salient Beliefs
- Strength of the Belief
- Evaluation
8The Behavioral Intentions Model
- . . . was developed by Fishbein and his
colleagues to improve on the ability of the
attitude-toward-the-object model to predict
consumer behavior
9Persuasion and Communication
- Persuasion -- the explicit attempt to influence
beliefs, attitudes, and/or behaviors - Communication -- defined broadly to include all
aspects of the message, including the source of
the message, the type of message given, and
through what channel it moved
10The Elaboration Likelihood Model . . .
- Belief/Attitude Change May Take One of Two
Routes - The Central Route
- The Peripheral Route
understanding the persuasion process which
illustrates the decision-making path to belief,
attitude, and behavior change
11The Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion
- Peripheral Route
- Cognitive responses are much less likely to occur
- Peripheral Cues -- include the attractiveness of
the source, the number of arguments, and the
pos/neg stimuli that form the context of message
presentation (e.g., pleasant music)
- Central Route
- attends to the message and compares it to his/her
own attitudes. - Likely generates a number of cognitive responses
- Central Cues -- ideas and supporting data that
bear directly upon the quality of the arguments
developed in the message
12Multiattribute Models and the Decision-Making Path
- A-T-O model
- Behavioral Intentions Model
13Balance Theory . . .
. . . proposes that people have a preference to
maintain a balanced state among the cognitive
elements if these elements are perceived as
forming a system
14Social Judgment Theory . . .
. . . proposes that when consumers form an
attitude about an object, an incoming message is
compared to the initial attitude, which acts as a
frame of reference for the judgment
15Impact of Reactance Dissonance on Attitudes
Predecisional Reactance . . . Postpurcha
se cognitive dissonance . . .
16Attitudes Toward the Advertisement . . .
. . . are a consumers general liking or
disliking for a particular advertising stimulus
during a particular advertising exposure
17The Behavioral Influence Route to Behavior Change
- The ecological design of buildings and spaces can
strongly affect the behavior of people without
them being aware of the influence - Strong reinforcers or punishers in the
environment can induce people to take actions
that they would prefer to avoid
18Ingratiation . . .
- . . . refers to self-serving tactics engaged in
by one person to make himself or herself more
attractive to another - The Foot-in-the-Door Technique
- The Door-in-the-Face Technique
- Even-a-Penny-Will-Help Technique