Title: Bay Area Regional Economy Report
1Bay Area Regional Economy Report
Stephen Levy Center for the Continuing Study of
the California Economy
2The Twin Challenges of Economic Growth and
Workforce Investment
- Economic Growth
- Identify sectors for innovation and growth, for
example, biotech and nanotech - Identify workforce and other policies to support
high growth sectors - Most focus will be on the regions economic base
- Workforce Investment
- Identify sectors where people can find career
paths and upward mobility, for example, nursing
and construction - Identify workforce policies that support both
individuals and sectors - Most focus may be on population-serving sectors
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4Different time periods give slightly different
results, but the overall pattern remains constant
California and the nation are suffering the
same job losses
5In Sept 03, the state and national unemployment
rates were the closest since 1990
6California, Texas and the nation have all lost
approximately 15 of their manufacturing jobs
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13The Bay Area had below average shares in
Wholesale and Retail Trade and Government
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