Title: The need for an IT Asset Management Model
1The need for an IT Asset Management Model
- OMG Meeting,
- Mesa, Arizona, Jan. 2000
- Karsten Riemer, Sun Microsystems
- Hans-Peter Hoidn, UBS
2Working in the dark
- Most IT shops dont know what they have
- Dont have formal list of applications in
portfolio - Dont have mapped dependencies
- Dont have mapped information flows
- Dont have documented business function coverage
3Current Imperatives
- Business processes are constantly changing
- That means constant remapping to IT Assets
- Corporations merge, divest, acquire
- That means IT shops merge, divest, acquire
- Business processes today are as much across
company boundaries as within - That requires functional and information
integration across application portfolios - ASPs are here
- That means we have to know what can be outsourced
and what cannot/should not, and we have to
communicate that unambiguously
4Islands of knowledge
- Release Management
- Systems Operations
- But not integrated, or even consistent
- Not the right viewpoints to support the required
IT decisions
- Application Portfolio-Scape at your fingertips
- Impact Analysis without phone-calls
- Relationships across life cycles
- Consistent model for sharing information about IT
assets - Tools capable of importing and exporting
according to model - Repository enabling navigation among distributed
sources of IT information
6Shared problem Similar Solutions
- UBS, Switzerland
- Sun Microsystems
- You too?
- If several organizations are tackling same
problem and arriving at similar solutions, then
its time for a standard
Common Core Metamodel (CCMM)
Hans-Peter Hoidn hans-peter.hoidn_at_ubs.com
8Federated Repository System (FRS) for Flexible
Metadata Management
Application Architecture
IT Operations
IT Operations Tool
Architecture Tool
Development Tool
Repository C
Repository B
Repository A
Federated Repository System (FRS)
Each repository - has its own metamodel - has
the focus on one area of concern
9Business System
Def Cluster of Business Functions within
one organizational domain Examples Front PCC
CH, Front PB CH, Factory CH, Logistic CH,
Output Factory CH
10Package / Package Version
Def Logical Unit of SW distribution,
bundling one or more IT Applications
(Package) Physical Unit of SW distribution,
bundling one or more Software System
Releases (Package Version) Examples OraForms,
JFILLER, OpenTime, WinAKB (Package)
OraForms 1.0, JFILLER 1.1, OpenTime 1.7, WinAKB
2.2 (P.Version)
exposed by
Software Component
required by
bundled in
IT Application
implemented by
Package Version
11CCMM Global Picture
12Conclusions and Goals
- Provides a high level metamodel for IT assets
- Integrates with other metamodels
- Goals
- Maintain the semantic integration level for UBS
metamodels - Assure alignment with various metamodels
13The Challenge for SunIT
- Catalog our applications
- Much more efficient impact analysis
- Analyze for consolidation opportunities
- Integrate in new ways for E-business
- Plan and map outsourcing to ASP (Application
Service Provider)
14Sun mapping to UBS
15Sun High Level Model
16The Goal
- An industry standard information model for
describing IT assets and environments - UML based model
- XMI based exchange
- MOF based persistence
- A model that integrates with other current and
future OMG models - CWMI
- UML for Edoc
- Also align with other standards, e.g. DMTF
- Basis for planning and impact analysis
17How do we get there
- Establish a Working Group
- Pool our experiences
- Issue an RFP
- OMG adoption
- IT shop adoption
- Tool vendor adoption
- Who wants to play?