Title: Annual Membership Meeting
1Annual Membership Meeting March 23, 2009
2FY 2007 Annual Meeting Minutes February 13, 2008
- The Redfield Energy LLC annual meeting was held
on February 13, 2008 at the South Dakota National
Guard Armory in Redfield, SD. - Chairman Ron Frankenstein called the meeting to
order at 103 p.m. - The National Anthem was sung by the Redfield High
School Choir. - Chairman Frankenstein introduced the board
members and various Redfield Energy staff. - Frankenstein appointed Paul Gillette as the
parliamentarian. - Jim Seurer delivered the financial presentation
and answered questions. - Gillette verified that a quorum was in
attendance. - Jandel read the Formal Notice of the Annual
Meeting. - Frankenstein gave the Presidents Report.
- Frankenstein called for nominations for board
seat one. Jeff Albrecht made a motion to nominate
Max Williams. David Mendel seconded the motion.
3Special Member MeetingJanuary 19, 2009
- A special meeting of the members of Redfield
Energy LLC was held on January 19, 2009 at the
Redfield High School Gymnasium in Redfield, SD. - Chairman Ron Frankenstein called the meeting to
order at 141 p.m. - The National Anthem was sung by the Redfield High
School Choir. - Ron Lambert from the American Coalition for
Ethanol discussed the future value of ethanol and
its importance to - agriculture.
- Secretary Joe Jandel verified that a quorum had
been established. - Jandel read the Formal Notice of the Special
Meeting. - Chairman Frankenstein introduced the board
members and various Redfield Energy staff. - Jandel read the proposed resolution. Craig
Johnson made a motion to pass the proposed
resolution to create a Class C membership.
Richard Gallup seconded the motion. - There was no discussion. Ballots were collected.
- Frankenstein, Tom Hitchcock, Jim Seurer, and Paul
Gillette delivered the presentation and answered
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5Ethanol/Corn Prices
6Unleaded Gas Price
7E10 Blend Wall
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9Oil getting more expensive, carbon-intensive, and
Cost of producing oil from future sources is on
the rise
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12Corn Sustainability Improvements 1987-2007
Source Field to Market
13Corn Availability
14Amazon Deforestation on Decline while Biofuels
Production on the Rise
Source IEA Butler, Mongabay.com (FAO, NISR)
15Sustainable, Efficient Corn Ethanol
- Net energy ratio values from 1.29 to 2.23
- Corn-ethanol systems reduced GHG emissions by
48 to 59 compared to gasoline, which has a GHG
intensity of 92 gCO2e MJ. - Â Ethanol-to-petroleum ratios were 101 to 131
for corn-ethanol but could increase to 191 with
progressive crop management that increases both
yield and input use efficiency.
Improvements in LCA GHG Emissions of Corn
EthanolLiska et al Journal of Industrial
Ecology Feb 09
16(No Transcript)
17Regional Corn Basis Comparison
- State
Average Basis -
- Ohio 7
- North Dakota 1
- Colorado
0 - Indiana
-2 - Illinois
-9 - Missouri
-15 - Iowa
-17 - Michigan
-25 - Nebraska
-25 - Minnesota
-26 - Wisconsin
-27 - South Dakota
-38 - Kansas
-45 Kansas data skewed by milo usage
of 50 - Data from First National Bank of Omaha for nearby
CBOT month for corn
18Available Funds
- We Raise 3 Million
- Bank Releases 1.5 Million
- On Hand 2 Million
- __________________________________
- Available Funds 6.5 Million
19Unleaded Gas Price
20Status of Fund Drive
- 2 million
- Grows To
- 3 million