Title: abc : the AspectBench Compiler for AspectJ
1abc the AspectBench Compilerfor AspectJ
- Oege de Moor
- Programming Tools Group
- University of Oxford
Joint work with Chris Allan, Pavel Avgustinov,
Sascha Kuzins, Neil Ongkingco,
Damien Sereni, Ganesh Sittampalam, Julian Tibble
(Oxford), Laurie Hendren, Jennifer Lhoták,
Ondrej Lhoták, Bruno Dufour, Christopher Goard,
Clark Verbrugge (McGill), Aske Simon Christensen
2What is AspectJ?
- Disciplined Metaprogramming
3Bluffers guide to aspect-lingo
- Static inject new members into existing
- classes at compile-time
- Dynamic aspects observe composite events in
- base program run extra code at
- begin/end of certain events
joinpoint composite event node in
generalised dynamic call graph
pointcut pattern of events set of nodes in
call graph advice extra code shadow
program point that corresponds to joinpoint
4Events, joinpoints and advice
events begin/end joinpoints boxes
begin call f() begin execution f()
begin get x end get x
begin set x end set x end execut
ion f() end call f()
Program int x void f() x x1
Advice can be run before a joinpoint (immediate
ly following begin event) after a joinpoint (i
mmediately preceding end event)
around a joinpoint (replacing whole contents of
box between begin/end)
5Example aspects
- AspectJ extension of Java
6No allocations with new in inner loop
- aspect NoNewInRound
- private int allocations
- before() call( World.play(..))
- allocations 0
- before() cflow(call( World.play(..)))
- call(.new(..))
- !within(NoNewInRound)
- System.err.println("alloc at "
- allocations
- after() call( World.play(..))
- if (allocations 0)
System.err.println("allocations per game
- aspect Memo
- Hashtable table
- pointcut toMemo() call(Integer
- before() toMemo() !cflowbelow(toMemo())
- table new Hashtable()
- Integer around(Integer n) toMemo()
- Integer entry (Integer) table.get(n)
- if (entry null)
- entry proceed(n)
- table.put(n, entry)
- return entry
8Observing an oblivious subject
- aspect Observe
- List Subject.observers new ArrayList()
- after(Subject s) returning(Observer o)
- call(Observer.new(..)) args(s)
- s.observers.add(o)
- after(Subject s) call( Subject.update(..))
- for (Iterator obsit s.observers.iterator()
obsit.hasnext() )
- Observer o (Observer) obsit.next()
- o.refreshView()
9AOP languages summary
- Conceptual model
- traces of (composite) events at runtime
- Pointcuts
- query language for events
- Advice
- run extra code before/after/around
- selected events
10Compiling AspectJ
- Match events at compile timewhenever possible
11AspectJ compilers
- ajc
- de facto standard
- developed at Xerox, then IBM
- extends Eclipse compiler
- integrated with Eclipse IDE
- abc
- research compiler
- extensible for experiments in language design
- aggressive optimisation
- no IDE integration
12The AspectBench Compiler
parsing, type-checking
AspectJ AST
Polyglot-based frontend
Java AST
Aspect Info
code generation static weaving
Soot-based backend
Jimple IR
advice weaving postprocessing
13Close-up of the advice weaver
Jimple IR for bytecode
IRfor pointcuts
Shadow finder
Woven Jimple
Jimple is a typed, stackless 3-address intermedia
te representation
of Java bytecode
Bytecode generator
14Does this work? cflow benchmarks (1)
15cflow benchmarks (2)
16Sample language extension
- Tracematches
- match regular patterns
- on sequences of begin/end events
17Failsafe enumeration over vectors
- public aspect FailSafeEnum
- pointcut vector_update() call(
- tracematch(Vector ds, Enumeration e)
- sym create_enum after returning(e)
call(Enumeration.new(..)) args(ds)
- sym call_next before call(Object
Enumeration.nextElement()) target(e)
- sym update_source after vector_update()
- create_enum call_next update_source
- throw new ConcurrentModificationException()
18Database connection pooling
- public aspect DBConnectionPoolingTM
- Connection tracematch(Connection connection,
String url, String uid, String password)
- sym get_connection1 after
returning(connection) connectionCreation(url,
uid, password)
- sym get_connection2 around (url, uid,
password) connectionCreation(url, uid,
- sym release_connection before
- get_connection1 release_connection
- return connection
- void around() connectionRelease()
19Anatomy of an abc extension
- abc.tm
- glue for new, extended compiler
- ast
- 17 new AST node classes
- new AST node factory
- parse
- new lexer and parser rules
- visit
- one new pass to translate tracematches to
- weaving
- aspectInfo
- IR for tracematches (3 classes)
- matching
- compile-time state machines (5 classes)
- weaver
- Jimple code generation (4 classes)
No change whatsoever to abc base code
20Performance of generated code
Memory usage of animations in JHotDraw FailSa
NO leaks!
Running time of dbpooling (seconds)
Pure Java without pooling 6.0
with hand-coded pooling aspect 1.0
with tracematch 1.2
21Sample of other abc extensions
- Bruno HarbulotLoopsAJloop joinpoints for
- Aotani MasuharaSCoPEstatic evaluation of
conditional pointcuts
- Bodden StolzJ-LOrun-time checking of LTL
22abc goes shopping at GPCE
- What typical GPCE technologies might be used in
a tool like abc?
23Frontend shopping list
- Automated pass ordering demand-driven attribute
- Extending AST nodes in middle of
hierarchy virtual classes nested inheritance
- Rewrite rules and strategies
In the market for JastAdd (Hedin and Ekman) Str
atego (Visser et al)
24Backend shopping list
- Quotation for Jimple
- Guarantees that generated Jimple iswell-formed
In the market for MetaBorg (Bravenboer and Visse
Safegen (Huang et al)
25AspectJ design shopping list
- Virtual classes in lieu of intertype
- Regular query language (Datalog?) for traces and
static structure
- Hiding (and exposure) of implementation detail to
various degrees of pure advice(TR abc-2005-2)
- Interaction of all this with generics
In the market for semantics!
26Further informationhttp//aspectbench.org
- Papers, dissertations, talks
- Downloads
- Bug reports
- Mailing lists
27Oxford Centre for Metacomputation
- Oxford University Computing Laboratory
- A new EPSRC-funded venture led by
- Samson Abramsky, Tom Melham,
- Oege de Moor, and Luke Ong
- types for reflection, termination analysis,
compositional model checking of higher-order
programs, games semantics for aspects
- 4-year postdoc position available
- further postdocs for a shorter period
- ask Oege for further information