Title: Maritime Supplier Operations
1Maritime Supplier Operations Break-Out Session
August 29-30, 2006
- Maritime Supply Chain Overview
- Supplier Relationship Management
- Supplier Collaboration
- Open Dialogue
3Maritime Supplier Ops At a Glance
All Maritime Supply Chain NSNs will be in BSM as
of 1 Sep
By 352K Contract Actions Worth 1.7B
- 32 Integrated Supplier Teams
4Maritime Supplier Ops Organization
5BSM Roles, Responsibilities Functions
- Integrated Supplier Team (IST) Basic
Organizational Unit - Product Specialists What to buy?
- Supply Planners How many and when to buy?
- Pre Award Acquisition Specialists Execute the
buy! - Strategic Material Sourcing Group
- Long Term Contracting (LTC) Multi-NSNs
Corporate Contracts - Supplier Support Division
- Small Emergency Buying Team for our customers
most urgent needs - Centralized Post-award for Contract
Administration matters - Manages PACE for all DSCC
- Centralized management of solicitation, award and
administration of Auto IDPOs
6Supplier RelationshipManagement
- What is it?
- SRM is a strategy for building relationships with
key suppliers across the DLA Enterprise. It is a
way of evaluating and leveraging supplier
capability and using the knowledge gained to
improve business processes.
7SRMOrganizational Position
Communicate alliance strategies, continuous
performance improvement actions and key supplier
Manage key supplier relationships
Director of Supplier Operations
Understanding Customer Requirements
Strategic Material Sourcing Group
Acquisition Specialist
Product Specialist
Key Suppliers
Sourcing Strategy Specialist
Manages key supplier performance
Communicating Key Supplier Capabilities and
Performance back to customer contacts
Assist in development of recommended sourcing
strategies Work with acquisition specialist in
development of long-term contracts and management
of supplier performance
8Supplier Alliances
Objectives Allow both parties to work jointly
to leverage capabilities to reduce inefficiencies
in the supply chain. Suppliers Raytheon,
York, Warren Pump, Dresser-Rand, Timken, Crane,
Clarcor, Kampi Components.
Goals ALT PLT Reduction Enhanced
forecast Economic purchases Contract
consolidation Successes Price
reductions Enhanced communication Greater LTC
coverage ALT/PLT savings
9How/Why Would SRMEngage My Company?
- Key suppliers identified by spend
- Charters with 8 Suppliers
- Commodity driven issues
- Process solutions
- Complex issues that require coordination between
customer and supplier
10Supplier CollaborationSole Source or Long Term
Contract Items
Web Access to Manugistics
BSM Program Primary COTS Components
Supply ChainPartners
- Order Fulfillment
- Procurement
- Financial Management
View Only or Full Collab
Customer DOCID CDD 1062 card column
Supply Planning Solicit Award
Exceptions DLASupply Planner Vendor Supply
11Supplier Collaboration Benefits
- Benefits to the Supplier
- See Time Phased Inventory Plan (TPIP) -
anticipated DLA requirements out 24 months - Ability to better plan production lines
- Reduce inventory levels
- Opportunity to smooth/adjust DLA planned orders
before they become purchase orders that the
vendor cannot fill
12Open Dialogue
13Story Board Charts
14Active Devices Division Division Chief Ernest
Integrated Supply Team Chiefs Electronic
Assemblies James Amatore Microcircuits
Semiconductors Kenneth Rumford Transformers
Lisa Ohl
Top Federal Supply Classes
15Electrical Devices Division Division Chief
Larry Scarberry
Integrated Supply Team Chiefs Connectors John
Pacak Relays, Wire, Cable John
Crough Switches Regina Westbrook
Top Federal Supply Classes
16Electronics Division Division Chief CDR
Clifford Scott
Integrated Supply Team Chiefs Antennas, Fuses,
Circuit Breakers Kathy Brewster Fire Control
Fiber Optics Robert Heber
Top Federal Supply Classes
17Fluid Handling Division Division Chief Linda
Integrated Supply Team Chiefs Fittings David
McGraw Flexible Hoses Tubing Anita
Luich Pipes Tubing LCDR Aaron Traver Pumps
Compressors Cheryle Casey
Top Federal Supply Classes
18Valves Hardware Division Division Chief Linda
K. Johnson
Integrated Supply Team Chiefs Non-Powered Valves
Stephen Finney Powered Valves, Marine Hardware,
Nuclear Reactor Program Joseph Smith
Top Federal Supply Classes
19Strategic Material Sourcing Group Chief Ken
- Mission Strategic Material Sourcing
- Function
- Determine optimal contracting strategy for
Maritime Supply Chain NSNs - Award long-term contracts including corporate and
prime vendor contracts - Maximize long-term contract coverage of strategic
material sourcing (SMS) NSNs - Execute contracting actions in support of SSAs
and SCAs - Optimize relationships with key suppliers through
SRM - Strategic Sourcing Branch Chiefs Kreston Harris,
Evan Baisden, Jeff Dixius - Supplier Relationship Management Branch
- Bruce Shively, Lead SRM
- Tom Bunnell, SRM
20Strategic Material Sourcing Group
Strategic Sourcing Branches Branch Chiefs
Kreston Harris Evan Baisden Award multiple NSN
long-term and corporate contracts Branch Chief
Jeff Dixius Determine groupings of NSNs for
long-term contracts review technical and quality
data perform contract administration on
multi-NSN long-term contracts Supplier
Relationship Management Branch Lead SRM Bruce
Shively SRM Tom Bunnell Manage relationships
with key suppliers via Strategic Supplier
Alliances (SSAs) and Supply Chain Alliances
(SCAs) coordinate with ISTs to develop solutions
to process issues that may impact customer support
21Supplier Support Division Division Chief David
Mission Support for Maritime Supplier
Operations Function Oversee Automated Indefinite
Delivery Purchase Orders (AutoIDPOs), emergency
buys, automated contracting, and post
award Branch Chiefs AutoIDPOs, Emergency Buy
Team (EBT), Procurement Automated Contracting
Evaluation (PACE) Ed Wingo Post Award
Stephanie McCormick
22Supplier Support Division
- Emergency Buy, PACE, AutoIDPO Branch
- Branch Chief Ed Wingo
- Emergency Buy Team Supervisor Tom Comeans
- Customer-Direct Buys for our customers most
urgent requirements - PACE AutoIDPO Team Supervisor Susan Knisley
- Procurement Automated Contracting Evaluation
(PACE) - Manage PACE automated solicitations and awards up
to 100,000 - Automated Indefinite Delivery Purchase Orders
(AutoIDPOs) - AutoIDPOs are valid for up to two years or
100,000. - Manage solicitation, award, administration of
all AutoIDPO instruments
23Supplier Support Division
- Post Award Branch
- Branch Chief Stephanie McCormick
- Post Award Supervisors - Joanne Bogner, Sue
Coyer, - Myrtice Gray, Jeff West
- Responsible for all post award issues related to
existing contracts assigned to Maritime Supplier
Operations. Proactively work delinquency,
backorder and special project reports. - The workload is assigned by state or cage code.
SSA/SCA suppliers are assigned to specific
administrators. - Coordinate with supply planners, product
specialists, resolution specialists, legal, DFAS
and the DCMA's to resolve issues.
24Maritime Detachment Philadelphia
25Organization Design
Land and Maritime Detachment Philadelphia Roger
Dixon, Director Diane Hale, Deputy Director
DSO Maritime
DCO Maritime
Maritime Division Frank Madeja, Chief
Maritime SMSG Hui Conti, Chief
Maritime IPT Alicia Ingber, Chief
Supplier Support Div. Marvin Rosenbaum, Chief
Post Award Branch Peg Adams, Chief, NLSE
Sea Hardware IST Mike Tarkett, Chief, NLMA
Resolution Specialist Branch Peg Adams, Chief,
Packing, Gaskets, O Ring IST Linda Middleman,
Chief, NLMB
PACE Branch Dawn Karpiak, Chief, NLSC
Packing, Gaskets, O Ring IST Robin Thomas, Chief,
26Maritime Support
- Federal Stock Codes
- 5330/31- Gaskets, O rings, Packing
- 5355 Knobs, Dials, Pointers
- Item Characteristics
- 260K items managed
- Wide variety of materials
- Cloth
- Rubber
- Paper
- Petroleum based compounds
- Metals
- Low dollar, high volume items
- 2500 average award value
- 100K requisitions received each month
27IST Mission and Functions
- Maritime Integrated Supplier Teams (ISTs)
- Consists of Acquisition Specialists, Supply
Planners, and Product Specialists that provide
logistic support for assigned NIINs. (100K per
team) - Primary Functions
- Pre Award Acquisition
- Supply Management
- Technical Support
- Long Term Contract Management
- Nuclear Reactor Program Management
- Strategic Materiel Sourcing Group (SMSG)
- Consists of Acquisition Specialists and Product
Specialists who plan and execute contracts for
groups of items - Primary Functions
- Cradle to Grave Supply Chain Logistic Support
- Average Contract Length 5 years
- Emphasis on developing supplier relationships
- Emphasis on Socio Economic Programs
- Corporate Contract Management
29MaritimeSupplier Support Division
- Post Award Branch
- Responsible for post award issues on purchase
orders and assigned delivery orders. - Team Leader Sharon Sax
- Resolution Specialist Branch
- Responsible for inventory and accounting
reconciliation issues. Works closely with DLA
depots and post award team. - Team Leaders Pam Stephens and Joann Peters
- Responsible for the automated purchase system.
- Team Leader Wilfredia Fields
30Post Award Process
- Post Award Message Center
- Phone (215)737-0706
- Fax (215) 737-7357
- Email dscpgandipa_at_dla.mil
- CIS Operator Opens Work Order
- Enters Into CATS
- Assessment On Cage Code
- CIS Post Award
- Analyst
- Researches
- Directs Message to Proper
- Specialist, i.e. Payment
- Issues to DCMA, Tech for
- Tech Issues, Supply Planner,
- Inventory Accounting for
- Receipts
- Returns Call/Notifies
- Contractor
Contractor Calls
- Land And Maritime
- Post Award
- KO Takes Appropriate
- Action i.e., Modification Issued
- Or Contract Cancelled
- Notify Contractor
Work Order Closed In CATS
31Land Maritime Detachment Richmond - NL
- Bearings
- Motors
- Maritime Instruments
- Maritime Miscellaneous
- Maritime Strategic Supplier Alliance
Haze gray and underway
32Land Maritime Detachment Richmond - NL
- Director (NL) Don Love
- Deputy Director (NL) Deny Coley
- Maritime I (NLM) Kim Hansen
- Bearings I IST Lead (NLMA) Darrel Borum
- Bearings II IST Lead (NLMB) Russell Wells
- Bearings III IST Lead (NLMC) Charleen Trotter
- Maritime II (NLN) Mike Kuszmaul
- Maritime II Deputy (NLN) Julia Roquemore
- Motors IST Lead (NLNA) John McCloud
- Maritime Instruments IST Lead (NLNB) Martha
Tuck - Maritime Miscellaneous IST Lead (NLNC) Emma
Pfeiffer - Maritime SSA IST Lead (NLND) Earnestine Minor
33Land Maritime Detachment Richmond - NL
Donald Love, Director Diana Coley, Deputy Director
NLM Maritime I
NLN Maritime II
Scope of Business
FY06 Proj. Sales (M) 390 FSCs
164 NSNs 207,318 Avg Monthly
Demands 64,460 Personnel Civilians 196
34Land Maritime Detachment Richmond - NL
FSC Management
- Maritime I
- FSCs
- 3110 Bearings, Anti-friction, Unmounted
- 3120 Bearings, Plain, Unmounted
- 3130 Bearings, Mounted
- Maritime II
- 160 FSCs, Some of the Major Ones are
- 5940 Lugs, Terminals and Terminal Strips
- 5975 Electrical Hardware and Supplies
- 5995 Cable, Cord and Wire Assemblies
- 6105 Motors, Electrical
- 6110 Electrical Control Equipment
- 6130 Power Conversion Equipment, Electrical
- 6150 Misc. Electrical Power, Solar Elec. Power
Sys., Fuel Units Components and Access - 6650 Optical Instruments
- 6680 Liquid and Gas Flow, Liquid Level, and Mech.
Motion Measuring Instruments - 6685 Pressure, temp. and Humidity Measuring and
Controlling Inst.
35Land Maritime Detachment Richmond - NL
- BSM Roll Out Complete Sept 1.
- Draw Down of Legacy Workload
- Reorganization Mid October
- Consolidation of LTC Efforts
- Establish Emergency Buyer Group
- Consolidates Post Award Resources
- Establish Program Mgmt Group