Title: A l a b a m a 4 H
1- A l a b a m a 4 H
- More Than You Ever Thought!
2Innovative, Responsive
4-H will be recognized as an innovative,
responsive leader in developing Alabamas young
people to become productive citizens and leaders
in a complex and dynamic society. We will attain
this vision through collaborative, committed
efforts of Extension professionals, youth and
volunteers. - Alabama 4-H Vision Statement
3Who We Are
- Alabama 4-H Clubs (May, 2006)
- 1,260 Organized 4-H Clubs
- 121 Community Clubs
- 1047 In-School Clubs
- 73 Special Interest/Project Clubs
- 19 After-School Clubs
- Alabama 4-H Volunteers (May, 2006)
- 1,498 Adult Volunteers
- 581 Direct Volunteers
- 102 Screened by 4-H
- 253 Screened by school system
- 132 Overnight certified
- 869 Indirect Volunteers
- 46 of volunteers are school teachers
4What 4-H Teaches
- Positive Youth Development
- Belonging
- Independence
- Generosity
- Mastery
5How 4-H Reaches Young People
Community Clubs In-School Clubs After-School
Clubs Interest Clubs Camps Events and
Activities They Are All 4-H and They Are All
6If it isnt fun, it isnt 4-H!
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15Opportunities Experiences
164-H Summer Camp
17And Much More.
Leadership, Citizenship, and Communications ?
Plant and Animal Sciences Science, Engineering,
and Technology ? Arts, Architecture Photography
Natural Resources Environmental Education ?
Healthy Lifestyles
18An Example of Our Impact
- Art and Architecture
- Increased or Greatly
Increased - Ability to create something new
- Youth 97
- Adult 86
- Use good artistic techniques
- Youth 93
- Adult 96
- Make choices about what you like
- Youth 71
- Adult 96
- Communicate through words, artwork, pictures or
in other ways - Youth 79
- Adult 96
19An Example of Our Impact
- Foods and Nutrition
- Increased or Greatly
Increased - Ability to choose activities that make me
healthier - Youth 91
- Adult 78
- Be more active every day
- Youth 68
- Adult 79
- Make healthy food choices
- Youth 83
- Adult 81
- Avoid risky behaviors
- Youth 85
- Adult 90
20An Example of Our Impact
- Leadership, Citizenship, and Communication
- Increased or Greatly
Increased - Ability to make a presentation
- Youth 93
- Adult 93
- Listen carefully to others
- Youth 84
- Adult 86
- Clearly state thoughts, feelings and ideas
- Youth 91
- Adult 91
- Settle disagreements in non-hurtful ways
- Youth 71
- Adult 75
21Volunteers Make it Happen!
- Volunteers are the lifes blood of Alabama 4-H.
- Experience
- Caring
- Commitment
- Skills
- Resources
22Working with 4-H youth -- whats in it for you?
- Make a difference in young lives.
- Develop new skills.
- Meet new friends.
- Have fun.
- Share your interests and abilities.