Title: Climate Change and Agriculture in the Great Lakes Region
1Climate Change and Agriculture in the Great Lakes
- Potential Impacts of Climatic Variability and
Change - Jeffrey A. Andresen
- Dept. of Geography
- Michigan State University
2Climate Change andAgricultural Productivity
- Crop, forage productivity and production costs
- Changing temperature, precipitation
- CO2 enrichment
- Occurrence of extremes
3Climate Change andAgricultural Productivity
- Soil suitability
- Soil Erosion
- Oxidation of organic matter
4Climate Change andAgricultural Productivity
- Livestock productivity and production cost
- Animal mortality
- Feed conversion rates
- Rates of gain
- Milk production
- Conception rates
5Climate Change andAgricultural Productivity
- Irrigation water supply
- Changes in precipitation frequency and totals
- Changes in groundwater recharge rates
- Changes in nonagricultural usage
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12Annual trends (yr-1) for selected simulated
variables, soybean, 1895-1996
Trend significant at a0.05 level
13Projected Changes in Climate Great Lakes Region
- While considerable differences and uncertainty
exist, the majority of future climate simulations
suggest a warmer and wetter climate across the
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15Estimated changes in national crop production in
2030 relative to 2000 (Reilly et al., 2001)
16Ratios of GCM-projected future and POR historical
scenario crop yields averaged over all stations
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19Simulated Historical and Projected Future Growing
Season and Water Balance for Maize, Bay City, MI
20Agricultural strategies for coping with climate
- Adaptation
- Learn to change, adapt
- Mitigation
- Reduction of carbon and other GHG
- Carbon sequestration
- Production of fuels/energy from biomass/animal
waste - Reduction of CH4 and N2O
- Use of alternative energy sources in production
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22Probability Distribution of Simulated Dryland
Double Crop Soybean Yields by Planting
DateAdrian, MI, 1895-2000
23Probability Distribution of Simulated Irrigated
Double Crop Soybean Yields by Planting Date
Adrian, MI, 1895-2000
- A changing climate leads to many potential
challenges for agricultural production systems. - Observed climate has become wetter and cloudier
in the Great Lakes Region, especially during the
last 50 years. - The single most important climatological variable
associated with crop yields regionally is
precipitation. Growing season length and GDD
accumulation were relatively more important at
northern study sites.
25Summary (continued)
- The warmer and wetter climate suggested by the
many GCM projections for our region would suggest
yield increases for many crops. Yields of some
crops in the region might decline. - A significant portion of any future yield
increases will be associated with CO2 enrichment. - Recent research results suggest greater agronomic
potential for northern sections of the region,
even with less suitable soils. - More research is needed, especially regarding
indirect impacts of climate change and extreme
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