Title: Water Conservation: An Appropriate Business Practice for Utilities
1Water Conservation An Appropriate Business
Practice for Utilities
- Roy Fowler, III
- Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority
2A Utility must meet todays needs.
while planning for tomorrows needs.
3Vicious Circle, Part I
Increased demand requires bigger plants
Borrow money to build plants
Sell water to retire debt
4Vicious Circle, Part II (the sequel)
Borrow more money to treat more water
Wheres the water ????
Sell more water to retire larger debt
5Competition for Resource
6Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority
- Political subdivision of Georgia
- Regional water wholesaler
- water obtained from both ACT and ACF basins
- 14 wholesale customers serving over 700,000
people - Second largest water purveyor in state
7Population Projections
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950 Year Water Supply Plan
- Obtainment of additional surface water allocation
and additional reservoir development - Ground water
- Reuse
- Water conservation
10Water Resource Management Options
- Importation
- Reuse - direct/non-direct
- New reservoir development
- Maximize existing surface water
- Groundwater supplement
- Education and Conservation
11Additional Water Resource Lake Efficiency
Virtual Reservoir mitigates environmental
Simplest 404 permit in the universe
Depending on level of effort, 8-12 demand
12Financial Incentive
- Water Conservation
- allows for treatment plant capacity to be
maximized before additional expansion is
required. - Long range planning is based on sustainable
growth curve, not excessive outdoor use.
13(No Transcript)
14Business Plan Balance
Infrastructure O M
Capacity to Deliver
Bond Coverage
Available Resource
Public Health/Safety (today)
Resource Asset Management
Public Health/Safety (tomorrow)
Long-Range Planning
15Reservoirs and WTPs dont make water
they function by virtue of resource available.