Title: Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
1Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
The Issues 1) What systems should be
developed 2) In-house or Out-Source
development 3) Buy or make 4) How do assess
systems benefit 5) How to manage development
process 6) How to manage ISD department 7) How
to maintain Information Systems
2Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
What systems should be developed? 1) Top
management systems 2) Back office systems 3)
Systems requested by users 4) Steering Committee
involvement 5) Create Applications
Portfolio Transaction Interpersonal
work Supporting knowledge work
3Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Sourcing of ISD 1) Develop In-house Advantages
/Disadvantages 2) Develop by outside software
house Advantages/Disadvantages 3) Buy packaged
software Advantages/Disadvantages
4Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
System Benefit 1) Help units to do an existing
job better Efficiency 2) Help organization
implement new strategy EDI - ATM 3) Help
provide a new service Selling on the Web
5Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Measure Performance Classical case study at RCA A
comparative case study involving two types of HRM
systems 1) Manual 2) Automated Over a
multiyear stretch, the cost for the automated HRM
system was lower than the manual HRM system.
6Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Measure the Service 1) What is ROI on a
web-based sales system? 2) Does the company need
to deliver the product/service regardless of
cost? 3) What does Top Management want? 4)
Consider system impact on the entire organization.
7Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Whatever happened to systems quality? 1) Lack
of system quality leads to Spaghetti code. 2)
Low quality systems deteriorate over time. 3)
Low quality systems are difficult to maintain. 4)
Low quality systems have many breakdowns. 5)
Low quality systems dont perform the functions
8Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Quality Components 1) Provides the users
information needs 2) Are adaptable to evolving
users information needs 3) Are clearly
documented - this enhances maintainability 4)
Low error frequency 5) Work at intended under
all situations 6) Easy to use 7) Outputs are
easy to understand
9Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Quality Data 1) No errors 2) Consistent data
descriptions 3) Meaningful data names 4) No
redundancy 5) Data validation procedures 6)
Data contest - different cultures have diverging
ideas about privacy. This impacts data flow.
10Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Data Quality How do we ensure data quality? 1)
Fix data errors through data validation
techniques 2) Update data lease in response to
new user information needs 3) Install and
maintain DBMS
11Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Legacy Systems 1) Upgrade? Usually the
preferred approach 2) Replace? When technology
is totally outmodeled 3) Restructure? Turn into
structured code 4) Re-engineer? Extract
underlying knowledge and reprogram
12Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Contd 5) Forward Engineer Start with the
program specifications and design the
program. 6) Refurbish Add new features to an
existing program. 7) Purchase a package -
especially useful When we are dealing with a
standard business need.
13Managing the ISD (Chapter 10)
Y2K Question 1) Basic idea - 00 implies
1800 2) Many industrial applications and
components use microprocessors with a
data-based function. These applications are
often impossible to identify, let alone
correct. It may cause many breakdowns of
important systems such as water, sewer,
electricity distributions, etc. 3) It has been
suggested that compliance is expensive, up to
600 billion.