Title: General
1 VERA - A
The Czech Passive Surveillance System for Air
Traffic Control
- Radar support for ATC - SSR radars
- ATC community is looking for new (non-radar)
methods to increase airspace throughput and air
traffic safety - Automatic Dependence Surveillance GPS/GNSS
- Precise Landing Systems DGPS
Local Area Augmentation System LAAS - Other methods ...Passive Systems
3Passive Surveillance System
- principle multilateration TDOA (Time Difference
Of Arrival) - processed signal SSR replies (1090 MHz)
mode 3/A, C, - mode S (short and long)
- millitary modes 1, 2, 4 (IFF)
- PSS provides real-time Air Picture
- X,Y coordinates
- barometric altitude (from C mode replies)
- mode A identity
- track quality
- other replys modes S, 1, 2, IFF flag
4PSS VERA outline
5PSS structure
6PSS parameters
- range min. 400 km
- azimuth sector min. 120o
- accuracy (X,Y) order of 10 - 100 m
- accuracy altitude 100 feet
- track capacity 300 aircraft
- output data X,Y, altitude, mode A
identity, track quality, other
replys modes, Asterix format, 5s period - manning 1 operator at Situation Display
- independent position monitoring
- exploit existing SSR environment
- no additional aircraft equipment
- high accuracy
- low exploitation requirements
- high reliability
- low cost
8Area of application
- Backup system for ATC radar network
- En route and terminal area surveillance
- Precision approach monitoring
- Airport surface movement monitoring and
identification - Ground based complement of ADS-B
- Real time check of radar (RASS tool)
9Design and technologiesdesign objectives
- compactness, minimum dimensions and weight
- high climatic resistence
- electromagnetic coexistence (EMC)
- (communication towers, radioTV broadcast
towers) - high reliability (1 year operation without any
fault) - fully unattended operation
- up-to-date technologies
10Side receiving station
weight 25 kg, power consumtion 20 W
11Receiver and uw link
12Central processing station (CPS)
A part of signal preprocessor
13Airspace picture displayed by CPS
left window - 700x700 km, right window-zoom of
160x160 km area
14Airspace picture (zoom)
Aircraft tracks with 250-second history (each
dot represents 5 seconds position), 160x160 km
area displayed
15PSS VERA Situation display
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
18PSS VERA Situation display
The PSS VERA situation display (left workplace)
as a part of the Czech Air Force Search and
Rescue (SAR) center
19Surveillance area of two PSS systems
20Data fusion surveillance area (two syst.)
21Location accuracy
Static accuracy test - ground based SSR
transponder on distance 100 km far from PSS VERA
22Tracking accuracy - PSS vers. GPS
Record of the flight trajectory of the test
aircraft. GPS trajectory - blue, PSS VERA
trajectory - green, red circle - zoomed area,
200x150 km area
23Tracking accuracy - detail
GPS position data with 10 sec interval (blue),
PSS VERA position data with 5 sec interval
(green), 1x1 km grid, trajectory at 170 km range
far from PSS VERA system
24Climatic and EMC resistence
winter conditions - electronic block plus
microwave link antenna
Receiving stations placed on TV and radio
broadcast tower
25PSS versions
- Long-range 2D and 3D systems (400 km)
- for wide area/en-route surveillance
- Mid-range 3D system (70 km)
- for terminal area/airport surveillance
- Airport Surface Control System
- Mode S multilateration tracking and
- identification/labeling system
26 VERA - A
The Czech Passive Surveillance System for Air
Traffic Control
OMNIPOL a.s. Nekázanka 11 112 21 Prague 1 Czech
Republic Phone 420 2 2401 1111 Fax 420 2 2401