Title: Future of Information Integration
1Future of Information Integration?
- Kevin C. Chang
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
2Or, it seems
Integration is always in the future? We have been
5 years away from there for a while.
3Be optimistic. We are hopeful
- Our commitments never stop
- Phil B. has declared metadata as another hair pie
that he would like to address - Alon H. has declared semantic resolution as
lifelong goal - Plus, many juniors will swear in today
- Or, the problem may go away
- NSF deleted DB (IDM), added integration (SEIII)
- so database increasing will slow down, and
integration can eventually catch up
4Learn from reality Fact sheet.
- Data is on the Web
- Web is the ultimate data repository that we have
accessed - User is the people
- People have been under-served for their
information access - Funding is on applications
- Applications are what NSF claims to have funding
5Learn from history The reviving of information
- Traditionally focused on library scenarios,
subscription-based text archives. - The field has not thrived
- The Web has revived IR
- People as the consumers and publishers
- Huge cool factor!
- Killer application for pre-AI techniques
- With the large scale, bar is relatively low
- New insights emerged to change the paradigm
- With the large scale, new approaches are possible
6Future 1 In terms of problem.
Web is the Future. As both a killer
application and a novel domain.
7Web information integration Challenges
- Large scale integration
- Dynamic source discovery and modeling
- Application driven
- Facilitate domain-based integration
- User centered
- Enable ad-hoc on-the-fly integration
8Future 2 In terms of agenda.
Integration is the future! Need deliverables.
Put things together.
9Never too early Think about system integration
- Before working on abstract problems
- What is the big picture and context?
- The specific applications may give unique
insights - Beyond isolated abstract problems
- What can we deliver?
- Define and engineer a product is non-trivial
10Thank You!
For more information http//metaquerier.c
s.uiuc.edu kcchang_at_cs.uiuc.edu
document (single page)
information (multi sources)
12Or, it seems
Is there a future for integration? we have been 5
years away from there forever.
13Or, it seems
Integration is always in the future? we have been
5 years away from there forever.