Title: Examples of Youth activities in disaster response
1Examples of Youth activities in disaster response
Return of Happiness - Costa Rica The RC Youth
volunteers in Costa Rica, in collaboration with
UNICEF, a local University and other partners,
run a psychological support programme called
"Return of Happiness" to children affected by
natural disasters. They perform puppets show and
play with the children to help them overtake the
shock after the disaster.
2Examples of Youth activities in disaster response
Return of Happiness - Costa Rica The RC Youth
volunteers in Costa Rica, in collaboration with
UNICEF, a local University and other partners,
run a psychological support programme called
"Return of Happiness" to children affected by
natural disasters. They perform puppets show and
play with the children to help them overtake the
shock after the disaster.
3Examples of Youth activities in Health and Care
- The Safer Sex Bus Jamaica
- Jamaican activity, on Valentines Day 2004
- Youth organized the event, decorated, and
worked on the bus. The fare was free and as pay
the travellers had to listen to information about
HIV/AIDS, anti-stigma, protection and treatment - The involved youth were trained in Together We
Can, peer-education programme for HIV/AIDS
4Communication as integral part of capacity
- Youth and volunteer newsletter
- Youth web section . www.ifrc.org/youth
- Youth on FedNet (information and resource
sharing, and discussion forum)
5For more information about the RC/RC Youth
world, visit the International Federation Youth
web section www.ifrc.org/youth youth_at_ifrc.org
The end