Title: How to Upload a Site Using Fetch
1How to Upload a Site Using Fetch
2Connect to the web server
- In the Launcher, open Fetch
- Open the New Connection Menu
- Enter the host name, your user id and password,
and the directory where the files will be copied.
This the host address for the GoZips web server
3The directory opens and Fetch lists the files
contained in the directory
4Select the files to be copied from your computer
to the web server or host. Click on Remote
- A list of Remote file options appears.
5In the Remote Menu, click on Put Folders and
6A box appears. Make sure the folder listed at
the top is the correct folder for your web.
Make sure you select the folder that contains
your web.
Click on the Add All button.
7Click on Add All
Click on the Add All button.
8All of the files in the web folder will be copied
in the Files and Folders to Upload box
9A box appears confirming your choice of file
- Click OK
- A running dog appears as the files are copied
quickly from your computer to the web server.
10After the files are Put on the server, a window
appears with a list of the files on your space of
the server.
- Close Fetch and logon to the Internet.
11- Enter the following web address to see your newly
uploaded web site -
- http//GoZips.uakron.edu/yourusername
- Congratulations!