Millennium Development Goals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Millennium Development Goals


United Nations has been working with states leaders in three major global ... Some 300 million children go to bed hungry every day. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Millennium Development Goals

Millennium Development Goals
Make a World of Difference
  • In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in
    San Francisco
  • USA at the United Nations Conference on
    International Organization to draw up the United
    Nations Charter.
  • It was ratified by China, France, the Soviet
    Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and
    a majority of other signatories.
  • As a result, the United Nations officially came
    into existence on 24 October 1945.

United Nations has been working with states
leaders in three major global governance areas -
Human Rights, Peace Keeping, and Sustainable
In September 2000 at the Millennium Summit, the
largest gathering of world leaders in history,
the UN Millennium Declaration was adopted,
committing their nations to a new global
partnership to reduce extreme poverty and
outlining a series of time-bound targets known as
the Millennium Development Goals with a deadline
set for 2015.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the
world's time-bound and quantified targets for
addressing extreme poverty in its many
dimensions-income poverty, hunger, disease, lack
of adequate shelter, and exclusion-while
promoting gender equality, education, and
environmental sustainability. They are also basic
human rights, the rights of each person on the
planet to health, education, shelter, and
Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) is a shared
vision among all of international leaders. Due to
these goals, they all know what development is
about and they all know what needs to be done
The Millennium Development goals are, in my
understanding, the most important global
governance that each and every International
Organization, Non Governmental Organization and
world leaders should work towards to. It is and
expansion of the UN global Governance in Human
Highs, Peace Keeping, and Sustainable Development
Goal 1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
  • Reduce by half the proportion of people living on
    less than a dollar a day.
  • B. Reduce by half the proportion of people who
    suffer from hunger.

More than 30 per cent of children in developing
countries about 600 million live on less than
US 1 a day.
Every 3.6 seconds one person dies of starvation.
Usually it is a child under the age of 5. Poverty
hits children hardest and it creates an
environment that is damaging to childrens
development in every way mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual. 
Some 300 million children go to bed hungry every
day. Of these, only eight percent are victims of
famine or other emergency situations. More than
90 per cent are suffering long-term
malnourishment and micronutrient deficiency
Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education
2.1) Ensure all boys and girls complete a full
course of primary schooling. As of 2001
estimates around 115 million children of primary
school age, the majority of them girls, do not
attend school.
Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women
Two-thirds of the worlds 799 million illiterate
adults ages 15 and over are women. Practices
such as early marriage or poor health services
result in high rates of maternal mortality. Some
121 million children are not in school, most of
them girls. They are chosen over the boys to do
housework, to take younger siblings and to fetch
water instead of going to school. Girls will
also most likely be withdrawn from school early
in adolescence as the age of marriage approaches.

  • Educated mothers immunize their children 50 per
    cent more often than mothers who are not
    educated, and their children have a 40 per cent
    higher survival rate. Moreover, mothers who have
    had some education are more than twice as likely
    to send their own children to school, as are
    mothers with no education.
  • Educating girls is the single most effective
    policy to raise overall economic productivity,
    lower infant and maternal mortality, educate the
    next generation, improve nutrition and promote
  • In fact, there are an estimated 60-100 million
    fewer women alive today than there would be in a
    world without gender discrimination and without
    social norms that favor sons.

Tens of millions of children across the globe
are victims of exploitation, abuse and violence
each year. They are abducted from their homes and
schools and recruited into armed conflicts,
exploited sexually, or trafficked and forced to
work in abominable conditions.  Girls in
particular are vulnerable, particularly when not
in school. Girls also suffer from abuses that
may have their societys mandate, but severely
curtail their rights they are victims of
violence in the home, they arent allowed to
attend school, are forced into early marriage, or
to undergo genital mutilation.
Goal 4. Reduce child mortality
4.1) Reduce by two thirds, the mortality rate
among children under five Around 270 million
children, just over 14 per cent of all children
in developing countries, have no access to health
care services. About 29,000 children under the
age of five  21 each minute die every day
mainly from preventable causes. Research and
experience show that six million of the almost 11
million children who die each year could be saved
by vaccines, antibiotics, micronutrient
supplementation, insecticide-treated bed nets and
improved family care and breastfeeding practices.
Goal 5. Improve maternal health
Some 529,000 women died giving birth last year,
99 per cent of them in developing countries. For
each birth-related death, 30 other women were
injured or disabled.   A woman in sub-Saharan
Africa has a 1 in 16 chance of dying in pregnancy
or childbirth, compared to a 1 in 4,000 risk in a
developed country the largest difference
between poor and rich countries of any health
indicator. The direct causes of maternal deaths
are hemorrhaged, infection, obstructed labor,
hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, and
complications of unsafe abortion.
Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other
6.1) Halt and begin to reverse the spread of
HIV/AIDS. 6.2) Halt and begin to reverse the
incidence of malaria and other major diseases
  • Globally, 2.3 million children are living with
    HIV. In 2005, around 380,000 children died of
    AIDS and 540,000 children got newly infected.
    Over 15 million children have lost one or both
    parents to AIDS.
  • Another target in this area is increasing the
    rate of children sleeping under mosquito nets to
    at least 60 per cent in malaria-endemic areas.
    Malaria is responsible for 10 per cent of all
    under-five deaths in developing countries.
  • In some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, HIV
    prevalence among teenage girls is five times
    higher than among teenage boys.  The danger of
    infection is highest among the poorest and least
    powerful particularly children who live among
    violence suffer sexual exploitation or have been
    orphaned by HIV/AIDS.

Goal 7. Ensure Environmental Sustainability
7.1) Integrate the principles of sustainable
development into country policies and programs
reverse loss of environmental resources 7.2)
Reduce by half the proportion of people without
sustainable access to safe drinking water 7.3)
Achieve significant improvement in lives of at
least 100 million slum dwellers, by 2020
Out of 100 people in developing countries, 17
will not have safe drinking water (43 in
sub-Saharan Africa) and 42 will not have adequate
sanitation facilities.  A child dies every 15
seconds from disease attributable to unsafe
drinking water, deplorable sanitation and poor
hygiene. As of 2002, one in six people worldwide
1.1 billion total had no access to clean
water.  About 400 million of these are children.
Four of ten people worldwide don't have access to
even a simple latrine. And more than 614 million
children have to live in dwellings with more than
five people per room with mud flooring.
Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for
8.1) Develop further an open trading and
financial system that is rule-based, predictable
and non-discriminatory, includes a commitment to
good governance, development and poverty
reduction nationally and internationally 8.2)
Address the least developed countries' special
needs. This includes tariff- and quota-free
access for their exports enhanced debt relief
for heavily indebted poor countries cancellation
of official bilateral debt and more generous
official development assistance for countries
committed to poverty reduction 8.3) Address the
special needs of landlocked and Small Island
developing States 8.4) Deal comprehensively with
developing countries' debt problems through
national and international measures to make debt
sustainable in the long term
8.5) In cooperation with the developing
countries, develop decent and productive work for
youth 8.6) In cooperation with pharmaceutical
companies, provide access to affordable essential
drugs in developing countries 8.7) In
cooperation with the private sector, make
available the benefits of new technologies
especially information and communications
Millennium Development Goals Monitor
Noeli Piccoli Biggs Richland College
International Programs Coordinator International
Education and Global Partnership
Department 972.761.6742
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