Title: Enforcement
1Enforcement Safetyon theRoad Network
- RSA and HSA Road Safety at Work Conference
- Dublin Castle, 15th June 2009.
- By
- Superintendent Declan OBrien, BSc (Mgmt)
3- EU White Paper on Transport 2000. Improving Road
Safety. - The European Union should set its self a target
of reducing the number of victims by half by
2010 - Road Safety Strategy 2007 2012. Specific
Target. - Reduce fatalities to no greater than 60
fatalities per million by the end of 2012 and 50
or fewer in the following years with demonstrable
downward reduction in each year of this strategy. - The Garda Siochana Corporate Strategy 2007 2009
Traffic and Road Safety. - To significantly reduce the incidents of fatal
and serious injuries and improve road safety. - TISPOL
- Reduce deaths and casualties on Europe's roads.
4Fatalities By Year
Last year there were 279 fatalities on Irish
Roads, the lowest number on record.
5Enforcement Strategy Purpose.
- To reduce fatalities by making the nations roads,
safer for Road Users. - To create a level playing pitch within which all
Road Haulage Operators and Professional Drivers
can operate. - To bring about a greater compliance culture
amongst all categories of Road Users. - NB. It is not about catching people.
6The Challenge
7Road lengths in Ireland .v. GB (km)
EU(27) Road Length. 6m. Km. EU(27) M.Way Length.
67,000 Km. Rural road type network EU 70 ,
UK 46 IRL 91
8The Road Network
- 5400km National roads
- (620km Motorway / D Cway).
- 1250km Motorway / D Cway by 2010 (23 national
network). -
- 92,000 km of Non-National roads.
- 12,000kms Regional Roads
- 80,000km Local Roads.
9Strength -v- Km.
- Garda Strength 14,000.
- Length of road infrastructure 97,400 km.
- i.e. 7 km./Garda
- GTC 1200
- 97,400 km.
- i.e. 81km./Garda
10The Operational Environment
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13Good Visibility
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17Safer on the Inside
18Calm Traffic Flow
19Advance Notice
20No Safe Pull in Zone
21Operate on one side only
22Garda Enforcement of Road Transport Legislation
for 2008, reveals the following
- The most up to date figures indicate 121,697
goods vehicles completed 26.4 million loaded
journeys in 2007, a ten year increase of 135.
This represents a significant proportion of road
traffic volumes. - In 2008 there were 6,251 road transport incidents
recorded on Pulse, -
- The DMR had the highest number of incidents at
2,022 or 32 of the national figure. This
represents a monthly average of 169 incidents.
23- The vast majority of road transport detections
occur from Monday to Friday around the hours of
8am to 4pm. This is in line with goods vehicle
activity. - Several haulage companies have had multiple road
transport offences detected in 2008, the most
prolific being AN OTHER.
24- Detections between 8am and 4pm account for 81.8
of all road transport incidents. The most active
hour is between 11am and 12pm. No exposure data
is available to compare this with, however it
would be expected the majority of goods vehicles
are on the roads during this time.
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27Enforcement Strategy
28- Strength.
- Inspection Sites.
- Multiagency Checkpoints.
- Digital Tachograph.
- Risk Register.
- Cross Border.
29Changes to Garda Traffic Corps Strengths
30- Provision of Inspection Sites for HGVS
- The National Roads Authority has a programme for
the delivery of service areas on national roads,
motorways and dual carriageways. - 12 different locations on the network.
- Service areas will be located approximately
50-60km apart. - At l00kph, travel time 30 40 minutes (approx)
between service areas. - All proposals are on-lineie with direct access
on and off the motorway / dual carriageway as
opposed to at a junction. - Within these Service Areas, AGS will have
inspection facilities. Weight, Height, Digi
Tacho, Vehicle Standards.
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32- The twelve areas are broken into three separate
tranches as follows - Tranche 1
- Ml (South) Lusk
- Ml (North) Castlebellingham
- M4 Enfield
- Tranche 2
- N6 Athlone
- N6/N18 Rathmorrissey
- M7 Mountrath
- N7 Moneygall
- Tranche 3
- N8 Cashel
- N8 Kilworth
- N9 Kilcullen
- N9 Paulstown
- N11 Gorey
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34Multi Agency Checkpoints (MACs)
- Commenced. November 2008.
- Partnership Agencies. Road Safety Authority.
Health and Safety Authority. Department of
Social and Family Affairs. Revenue
Commissioners. Local Authorities. - Primary Focus. Un Licensed Haulage Operators.
Marked Gas Oil in HGVs. Illegal
Haulage and Disposal of Waste Materials.
Overweight HGVs. Insecure Loads. - Time. Week Day Operations conducted during
daylight on the NPRs - Briefings. Briefing-Risk Assessment-Debriefing
- Review. March 2009. 2 Issues. H S
concerns due to large number of enforcement
personnel on the road. Traffic Tailbacks. - New Structure. 1 bilateral operation in each
Division (27) each week. 1 Multi Agency in each
Region(6) each week. 33 MACs each week. - Review and Analysis. July 2009
35Digital Tachograpy.
- EU Directive 2006/22 SI 545/2007 Annex ii
requires that M.S. shall ensure that enforcement
units (AGS) shall be provided with standard
equipment (Digital Tachograph) so that we can
enforce social legislation relating to road
transport activities. - RFT completed and ready for publication in EU
Journal. - Annex i requires a regime of Roadside Checks and
Checks at Premises of Undertakings. - 2008 RSA RTOs assisted AGS in conducting 254
Roadside Checkpoints. - For 2009 the figure stands at 131 Roadside
36Risk Rating System Targeted EnforcementArt. 9
EU Dir. 2006/22
- MS shall introduce a risk rating system for
undertakings based on the relative number and
severity of any infringements of regulations
3820/85 and 3821/85 that an individual
undertaking has committed. - Undertakings with a high risk rating shall be
checked more closely and more often. - ANPR/Risk Register.
- Reads VRNs
- Stores VRN image
- Allows Manual input to watch lists
- ANPR works in background if another application
in use - ANPR when integrated with Pulse will assist in
efficiently identifying vehicles that are
suspect, stolen, uninsured, untaxed, on a RR or
vehicles that are flagged on pulse as
persistently offending through the efficient use
of automated technology.
38Concerted Checks - Cross Border Enforcement.
Art. 5 EU Dir. 2006/22
- MS shall, at least 6 time per year, undertake
concerted road side checks on drivers and
vehicles falling within the scope of Regulations
3820/85 and 3821/85. - Such checks shall be undertaken at the same time
by the enforcement authorities of 2 or more MS,
each operating in its own territory. - 2008 Garda/PSNI 28
- 2008 Garda/RSA/NWP/VOSA 3
- 2009 Garda/PSNI 8
- 2009 Garda/RSA/NWP/VOSA 2
- The TISPOL organisation was established by the
Traffic Police Forces of Europe in 1999. - AGS has been a member of TISPOL since
1999. TISPOL Objectives. - Bring together Traffic Police Forces in Europe to
work together and exchange best practice. - Organise and co-ordinate pan- European operations
and campaigns. - Encourage enforcement and education based on
research, intelligence and information so as to
establish an effective and targeted education and
enforcement programme. - Initiating and supporting research on road
safety. - Providing an informed and co-ordinated police
opinion on road safety issues.
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41The Future
- Partnership.
- Inspection Facilities.
- Targeted Enforcement based on Intelligence led
Road Policing Operations. - Acquisition and deployment of new Enforcement
Technologies. - Cross Border Concerted Checks.
42Thank You