Title: Children with Disabilities and the Family
1Children with Disabilities and the Family
Class Information
Elizabeth M. Delaney, Ed.D. ECSW 3119 phone
996-4677 fax 996-5651 email bdelaney_at_uic.edu
Kara McAlister, M.A., CCC-SLP phone
413-7953 Monday Wednesday 430 to 830
p.m. ECSW 2237 Turnbull, A. P. Turnbull, H. R.
(1997). Families, professionals, and
exceptionality A special partnership. Upper
Saddle River, NJ Prentice-Hall.
Instructor TA Time Location Required
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
2Course Rationale
Sped 507
Class Information
The purpose of this course is to provide
students with information and skills necessary to
work in partnerships with the families of
individuals with disabilities. The course will
give students insight into the perspectives and
the experiences of families by examining the
factors which shape individual and family
functioning. Topics covered will include family
systems theory, communication, assessment,
cultural sensitivity, advocacy, legal rights, and
the knowledge of available resources. A
secondary goal of this course is to learn to
utilize educational research. Published research
articles in special education are important tools
to be used for the development and evaluation of
intervention and assessment instruments.
Familiarity with sources of high quality research
will improve the professional knowledge of class
participants and allow them to continue learning
long after they have completed their degree.
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
3Course Objectives
SPED 507
Class Information
1. Recognition of the unique perspectives of the
child, family, and community that effect
learning. 2. Knowledge of theories and models
for understanding family systems and
development. 3. Knowledge of family dynamic
systems, parental reactions to handicapping
conditions, and strategies for coping with such
systems. 4. Ability to identify national, state,
and local support services, organizations,
advocacy groups and government agencies concerned
with special education. 5. Ability to
communicate systematically with parents about
learning, medical concerns, and communication
behaviors and the importance of parents'
facilitating learning at home. 6. Ability to
integrate resources effectively. 7. Ability to
foster shared decision making with parents and
service providers in order to develop
individualized learning goals and objectives
which specify conditions, performance, and
criteria for considering a task or activity
learned (IEP and IFSP).
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
4Course Objectives
SPED 507
Class Information
8. Ability to work with families in evaluating
their child's progress, identifying their
strengths and needs, and setting goals. 9.
Ability to conduct a family-centered assessment.
10. Knowledge and respect of cultural
differences among young children with
disabilities and their families ability to
demonstrate that understanding. 11.
Understanding of the role of parents as primary
informal teachers ability to assist parents in
incorporating child goals in naturally occurring
opportunities. 12. Awareness of research,
publications, and professional organizations
concerned with topics of importance to families
and educators. 13. Understanding of the
importance of maintaining ethical and
professional standards and maintaining
confidentiality with respect to the sharing of
student information. 14. Knowledge of and
ability to access national, state, and local
resources for obtaining, borrowing and repairing
materials and equipment for students.
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
5Schedule Assignments
SPED 507
Class Information
Introduction FPE 1,2, 5 Definitions Roles
6/7 Family Systems Theory FPE 6, 7,
8 Resource Family Due 6/9 Parent
Interviews FPE 9 10 Clare, et al. (98)
Mahoney, et al. (92) 6/14 Family-Professional
Partnerships FPE 3 4 Empowerment Fox, et al.
(95) 6/16 Family Strengths FPE 7 8
Theories of Family Adaptations Espe-Sherwindt,
et al. (90) Kalil Eccles (98)
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
6Schedule Assignments
SPED 507
Panel Parent Interview Due Hanline Daley
(92) Frison, et al. (98) 6/23 Family Panel
Eddy Walker (99) Waski Roberts
(94) 6/28 Family Adjustment FPE 12 13
Gibbs (93) Hanna Midlarsky (99)
Schilmoeller Baranowski (98) 6/30 Home
Visiting Hancock Kaiser (96) Culture,
Ethnicity, Strengths 7/5 Family
Interventions 7/7 Family-School
Partnerships Journal Due 7/19 Finals Due to 3119
ECSW by 500 p.m.
Class Information
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
7Assignments Grading Policy
SPED 507
Class Information
Resource Family Journal...(3/30 each) 60
pts. Final Project.100
pts. Family Interview..100
pts. Research Article Summary
Presentation...50 pts. Research
Article Written Critiques.40 pts. Class
Participation.50 pts. A 360 to 400
pts. C 280 to 319 pts. B 320 to 359 pts.
D 240 to 279 pts.
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
8Resource Family
SPED 507
Class Information
Each class member is responsible to find a family
with whom to work throughout the semester. The
purpose of your work with the Resource Family is
to assist you in learning to recognize and be
sensitive to parent, sibling, and extended family
needs. You are required to spend 10 hours with
your Resource Family over the course of the
semester. Your contact with the family will
provide an opportunity for a mutual exchange of
information and resources. For at least seven
of these hours, you should be in direct contact
with the family member. The other three hours
are to be negotiated with your family. Please
give me the name, address, and telephone number
of your family by June 7. I will send a letter
to the family explaining the Resource Family
assignments. All information about your
resource family will be kept confidential.
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
SPED 507
Class Information
- Each student will keep a journal throughout the
semester in order to (a) document and describe
contacts with the Resource Family, (b) reflect on
contacts/interactions, and (c) examine there own
values and assumptions related to families. - A journal entry is required for each contact with
your Resource Family. Journal entries should
include - Descriptive information about the contact. In at
least one paragraph describe what the contact
was, who was involved, and the length of the
contact. - Self-reflective information about the contact.
This should be at least one paragraph in which
you examine your perceptions and feelings about
the contact and if or how it relates to class
discussion and readings - Throughout the semester, guiding questions may be
given by the instructor. - Up to 30 points can be earned each time the
journals are collected. Collection Dates June
16th July 7th.
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
10Family Interview
SPED 507
Class Information
Family-centered intervention requires that you
give careful consideration to gathering
information about family strengths, concerns, and
preferences. You will be developing a family
interview protocol as a group activity in class.
On an individual basis, you will implement this
interview with your Resource Family. Individual
Implementation Implement the interview with your
Resource Family. Critique your interview form
and yourself based on this field test. Include in
this a written synopsis of the interview. June
21 100 points
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
11 Class Participation
SPED 507
Class Information
Students are expected to attend class, complete
the assigned readings each week before the class
session, and join in class discussions. 50
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
12Article Summary
SPED 507
Class Information
Summarize Research Article Lead Class
Discussion All students will be required to
lead a class discussion about a research article
assigned for class reading. Student-lead
discussions will occur for approximately 15
minutes. Students are required to make copies of
the article to be critiqued and distribute them
to their classmates at least one week prior to
the presentation. A written summary of the
critique/presentation will be presented to Dr.
Delaney on the day of the presentation. Grading O
ral Summary 20 points Written Summary 20
points Encouraging others to participate in
discussion 10 points You must also critique two
articles that will be presented by your
classmates. These critiques should conform to
the guidelines presented by Dr. Delaney and
should be approximately one to two typed pages in
length. The critiques must be handed in on the
day that your classmate is presenting the
article. 20 points/critique 40 points total
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
13Final Project
SPED 507
Purpose To explore, in depth, an issue of
concern to you. Project Components 1. Identify
a specific issue that you would like to address
and explain why it is important. Your
explanation should cite the professional
literature. 2. Identify available resources
concerning this issue. These might include print
and video resources, programs serving the
identified population, etc. 3. Evaluate
available resources in terms of family-centered
principles. 4. Describe how you would
disseminate this information to families. Be
specific. Grading Statement of issue/topic
and explanation of importance 30 pts Quality of
resources collected and reviewed 20 pts Logic of
program and adherence to family-centered practice
30 pts Clarity of Writing (Grammar, spelling,
punctuation, organization) 20 pts 100 pts.
Class Information
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
14Student Roster
SPED 507
Class Information
Course Rational
Course Objectives
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links
15Interesting Web Sites
SPED 507
Class Information
Course Rational
Course Objectives
- The Council for Exceptional Children
- The Division for Early Childhood of CEC
- Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
- Forgotten Kids
- Illinois Starnet
- National Association for the Education of Young
Children - National Parent Network on Disabilities
- Parent Information Resources
- US Department of Special Education Programs
Schedule Readings
Student Roster
Interesting Links