Title: SOA Building Blocks Civilian Case Studies
1- SOA Building Blocks Civilian Case Studies
- Chris Fornecker
- CTO, General Services Administration
- We are in EARLY stages of SOA implementation
- Activities
- Enterprise Architecture Methodology
- IT System Procurement changes
- Financial Management
- Organizational Changes
3The One GSA EA Methodology
Model Driven Architecture On Service Oriented
Executable EA
Driving toward a repeatable process
4Value Chain
- An enterprise wide collaboration model that
aligns processes and activities with respect to
value generation for GSA customers - Business process from a customers point of view
or, a supply chain as viewed by customer. - Not a new concept Charles Porter 1985
Emphasizes cross organizational horizontal
activity flows vice vertical, organization
centric, functional decomposition
5 OneGSA Generic Value Chain Structure
Acquisition VC
Policy VC
Customer Or Citizen
Finance VC
Marketing VC
Mission Critical VC
6Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
- A model is a description of a system written in a
well-defined language that has formal grammar and
syntax, suitable for automated interpretation by
a computer. - Example building blueprint in a computer aided
design tool - MDA is an open standards and vendor neutral
framework that formally links business models to
application implementation models. - MDA information at omg.org
- Manage enterprise focused business models
- Technology independent
- Consistent with industry direction to focus on
7 Holy Grail Model-To-Integrate,
aka Executable Architecture
- Business processes are configuration managed in
formal models - Changes can be provisioned automatically from
design-time to run-time systems - Automated transformation only possible if
processes are captured in formal models. - The ability to convert high level business
processes to executable code greatly increases
agility and value proposition of Enterprise
Architecture - Very disruptive changes the way we think about
application development and acquisition
Not implying that EA projects are responsible for
developing code but that we should enable the
timely implementation of architecture driven
8 Enterprise Components in SOA
One-GSA Target Model
- Enterprise Components must be independent
loosely coupled - While being able to interoperate with each other
using services - Making the information system a lattice of
cooperating components - Simulated or real
- Representing both business and technology
components - Driven from the business model
- Providing an Enterprise service bus using a
services oriented architecture
Solution Provider
Funds Management
9 High-level role identification
Industry Partner
Agency Customer
Business Planning
Account Management
Customer Strategy
Customer Contact
Customer Liaison
Customer Finance
Offering Line Management
Offering Management
Project Management
Funds Management
Solution Provider
Customer Program Management
Small Business Specialist
Industry Partner
Customer Contracting
Source Selection Authority
Contracting Team
Legal Officer
Technical Management
Administrative Support
Customer Care
10 EA and Org Design - Role Composition
11 Using EA to define a Shared
Service Specification
- Role and Activities define service
responsibilities - Map to Job Descriptions
- Boundaries are service interfaces
- Map to Software Component Interfaces
- The role, activity and interface choreography are
required for Architected Enterprise Solutions - Example shown is contract writing
12Collaborations contextualize Roles
13 Roles Choreography Value Chain
14Inner Roles Specify Service Granularity
15 Essential Change to Systems
Acquisition driven by SOA concepts
Standards based models are whats new!
Order Requirements
Order Requirements
Component Architecture
Reuse Library
Contractor Design Implement Test
Compose Test
Not the same Case Tools or Component Based
Architecture Reuse story
16 Financial Management Discipline
Legacy mainframe replacement
17 Receivables Accounting Enterprise
Provided protocols (services)
Initiated protocols (services)
18 Receivables Accounting Work Components
19 Organizational Changes
- The Public Building Service CIO has already
created a division dedicated to developing and
managing business processes. - The newly proposed Federal Acquisition Service
(former Federal Supply Service and Federal
Technology Service) CIO includes a dedicated
business analysts/process division
- SOA strategic direction influenced Architecture
Methodology - Strong relationship between business roles and
services - Provide Traceability between Business and System
Models - USE of MDA compliant Enterprise Collaboration
Architecture helps visualize role relationships
while storing in a standard way. - SOA changing the way we think about IT
acquisition strategies - Component/Service based vice monolithic COTs
- Organization adapting to greater emphasis on
business process analysis - Enables linkage of IT services to the business
21Thank You
- Chris Fornecker
- 202.219.3393
- Christopher.fornecker_at_gsa.gov
- George Thomas
- GSA Chief Architect
- 202.219.1979
- g.thomas_at_gsa.gov