Title: Resolving Conflicting Information
1Resolving Conflicting Information
- Greensboro, NC
- February 2006
2What is Conflicting Information under the
- Information obtained that is different from
information previously available to the
institution and that impacts a students
eligibility for aid - Includes, but is not limited to, verification
3Conflicting Information vs. Verification
- Conflicting information
- All Title IV recipients
- Any information that affects Title IV aid
- Verification
- Selected Title IV recipients
- Only specific ISIR data elements
4Conflicting Information 668.16(b)(3)
- Requires that the institution communicates to
the individual designated to be responsible for
administering Title IV, HEA programs, all the
information received by any institutional office
that bears on a students eligibility for Title
IV, HEA program assistance
5Conflicting Information 668.16(f)
- Develops and applies an adequate system to
identify and resolve discrepancies in the
information that the institution receives from
different sources with respect to a students
application for financial aid under Title IV, HEA
6Conflicting Information668.16(f)
- (1) All student aid applications, need
analysis documents, Statements of Educational
Purpose, Statements of Registration Status, and
eligibility notification documents presented by
or on behalf of each applicant - (2) Any documents, including any copies of
State and Federal income tax returns, that are
normally collected by the institution to verify
information received from the student or other
sources and - (3) Any other information normally available
to the institution regarding a students
citizenship, previous educational experience,
documentation of the students social security
number or other factors relating to the students
eligibility for funds under the Title IV, HEA
7To File Or Not To File
- ISIR says not going to file and gross income
meets IRS minimums
- Thats conflicting information!
- www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040.pdf
- Scroll to bottom of page 12
8 Other IRS Stuff You Need To Know
- Correct filing status
- Example is married couple files separate tax
returns and both filed as head of household
- Individual cannot be claimed as exemption on two
- Example is student and parent both claimed
student as tax exemption
9Handling Conflicts In Untaxed Income
- Whats verified doesnt match Worksheets A B!
- more items reported as untaxed income and
benefits than regulations require to be verified
10A Conflict With Assets
- Look at assets and compare to income from assets
reported on a tax return
- interest and dividend income
- rental income
- business or farm income
11Sources Of Conflicting Information
- Outside scholarship sources
- State Agencies such as Voc Rehab., WIA, State
Scholarship Agencies, etc.
- Tips from outside sources
- Handling anonymous calls and hearsay vs.
documented credible evidence
- Being proactive
- Is the information from a routine business
process at the school?
12What About Other Offices?
- Admissions has different information than FAO
- Business office receives outside aid payment
- Veterans Certifying Official certifies student
for VA benefits
- Other campus departments award aid
13What Is Not Conflicting Information?
- Household size differs from number of exemptions
on tax return
- Dependent under IRS rules vs. ED definition of
- Roster of candidates for an outside scholarship,
as opposed to a list of recipients
- Privacy protected information, such as
information from professional counselors,
chaplains, doctors, etc.
14What Is Not Conflicting Information?
- FAFSA filed using estimated income
- Zero or low income
- Assumptions made by the CPS
- Secondary confirmation match successful, but
student has an expired INS document
- W-2 Box 14
- Tax filer claimed multiple or conflicting
15Sources Of Conflicting InformationInformation
From ED
- Subsequent SARs or ISIRs must be reviewed
- If no change in EFC (and no change in C Flag,
matches, or NSLDS), no action required
- If EFC changes and data elements changed were
previously verified, no action needed
- If EFC changes and data not previously verified,
must resolve conflict
16Sources Of Conflicting InformationInformation
From ED
- Updated NSLDS information
- Postscreening - Info that has changed since the
last transaction are marked on the output
document with a sign, and a system-generated
flag of N will appearloan limits and C flags - Transfer Monitoring process
- MRRs and POPs from COD
17What Constitutes Resolution Of Conflicting
- Basically, resolution is the determination of
what is the correct information
- sometimes that may be simply confirmation that an
earlier determination is correct
- Documentation of resolution required
18Timing Of Institutions Receipt Of Conflicting
- No further action is needed if
- all aid for period of enrollment has been
disbursed, and
- at the time of disbursement, there was no
conflicting information, and
- student no longer enrolled at the institution
(and is not intending to re-enroll)
19What About Late Disbursements PWDs?
- If student is no longer enrolled when institution
becomes aware of conflicting information and
there is remaining aid to be disbursed, you must
resolve the conflict before making any late or
postwithdrawal disbursements
20Timing Of Institutions Receipt Of Conflicting
- Cross-year conflicts must be resolved
- continuing student, but payment period or award
year has ended and all payment periods for which
aid has been awarded are finished
- between award yearsusually student eligibility
issues such as prior default, late reporting of
overpayment, student had BA and received Pell,
21Timing Of Institutions Receipt Of Conflicting
- Aid that school is unaware of received after
student no longer enrolled (but is intending to
re-enroll) may be treated as resource/EFA for the
subsequent period of enrollment, but institution
must resolve - If the processing year has shut down, conflict
must still be resolved
22When Should You Contact The Office Of The
Inspector General?
- Section 668.16(g) requires an institution to
refer to the OIG any credible information
indicating that an applicant for Title IV aid may
have engaged in fraud or other criminal
misconduct in connection with his or her
application. Refer information which is relevant
to the students eligibility or the amount of the
assistance. - Examples false claims of independent student
status, false claims of citizenship, use of false
identities, forgery of signatures of
certifications, and false statements of income - Remember that fraud is an intent to deceive as
opposed to a mistake
23You Can Ask For Anything!
- If you believe that any information provided is
incorrect, you must require that the information
be documented
- Any data element may be documented
24FSA Assessment Activity
- http//ifap.ed.gov/qadocs/FSAVeriModule/activity7.
- References
- Charts
- Analysis of your policies
- 2005-2006 AVG, pages 101-102
- IRS Publication 17
- www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p17.pdf
26- Jamie A. Malone
- Training Officer
- U.S. Department of Education
- 312-886-8731
- jamie.malone_at_ed.gov