Title: Diversity in Society
1Diversity in Society
2Equity, Equitable
- Equity
- Justness, Impartiality
- Equitable
- Just, Fair
- Discriminate
- Distinguish, Differentiate
- To make a distinction in favor of or against one
person or thing as compared with others.
- The wide range of differences among people,
families, and communities based on their cultural
and ethnic backgrounds. - Text
6Some Issues Related To Diversity
- Language
- Individual and Group Expectations
- Individual and Group Behaviors
- Religious Practices and Beliefs
8Elements of Culture
- Language and dialects
- Non-verbal communication
- Values and behavioral styles
- Awareness of ones own cultural distinctiveness
- Identification with a way of life
- Socially transmitted ways of thinking, believing,
feeling, and acting within a group of people that
are passed from one generation to the next. - Text
10Culture and Society
- How is culture communicated?
- Enculturation
- The process of learning the characteristics of
the culture of the group to which one belongs. - Text
11Culture and Society
- Is it possible for an individual or group to
enter into another culture? - Assimilation
- A process by which an immigrant or culturally
distinct group is incorporated into the dominate
culture. - Acculturation
- The process of learning the cultural patterns of
the dominate culture.
12Culture and Society
- Cultural Pluralism
- The maintenance of cultures parallel and equal to
the dominate culture of society. - Text
13Is it possible for an individual to belong to one
or more groups?
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15Cultural Identity
- Interaction of membership in multiple groups
- Influence of one group to another
- Bicultural and Multicultural
16Cultural Identity
- Membership in multiple micro-cultural groups help
to define our individual cultural identity.
17Is it possible to identify ones own cultural
18Characteristics of the U.S. Culture
- Universal education and literacy for all citizens
is valued - Individualism and freedom
- Taking charge of ones own destiny
- Mass communications, technology
- A job or career
- Mobility
19Characteristics of the U.S. Culture
- Achievement and success is highly valued
- Possessions
- Work hard (careers)
- Play hard (vacations)
- Associations of common interests
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26Cultural Identity of the United States
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29More Issues
- Socioeconomic
- Social Stratification
- Class Structure
- Poverty
- Exceptionalities
- Inclusion
- Religion
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Language
30Do these issues affect students in school?
31What is Educations Perspective
32Equity, Equitable (Revisited)
- Equity
- Justness, Impartiality
- Equitable
- Just, Fair
33Discrimination (Revisited)
- Discriminate
- Distinguish, Differentiate
- To make a distinction in favor of or against one
person or thing as compared with others.
34Education and Diversity in Society (KEY THOUGHT)
- Cultural backgrounds and experiences need to be
respected and reflected in all aspects of the
education process. - Translation of this reality into educational
practice leads to different strategies and
35Geography and its Influence
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37What can be done?
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