Title: 21st Century High School
1(No Transcript)
221st Century High School
321st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- What has changed????
421st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- What has changed????
- Jesse Dickert Oconto High School Grad 2000
- No cell phone use, no laptops, school only e-mail
accounts accepted, took one class ITV, rarely had
e-mail from or to teachers, all teachers used
overheads. Computers available in lab, cafeteria,
study hall, and some classrooms
521st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- What has changed????
- Jesse Dickert Oconto High School (Grad 2000)
- No cell phone use, no laptops, school only e-mail
accounts accepted, took one class ITV, rarely had
e-mail from or to teachers, all teachers used
overheads. Computers available in lab and some
classrooms, higher level math allowed calculators - Jameson Dickert DePere High School (Junior)
- No cell phone use in class, no personal laptops
allowed (must buy one from the school and their
network only), has not e-mailed to or received
e-mail from a teacher, all teachers use
overheads, computers available in labs and some
classrooms, use TVs for science classes, Band
director uses electronic sound recording system
to share individual results with parents, math
has new TI calculators this year
6(No Transcript)
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13 14 15Wisconsin only requires 13 credits According to
Education Week Tied for least with California,
and Wyoming Most 24 Credits Alabama,
Florida, Hawaii, Missouri, Oregon, South
Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia
16Wisconsin only requires 13 credits According to
Education Week Tied for least with California,
and Wyoming Most 24 Credits Alabama,
Florida, Hawaii, Missouri, Oregon, South
Carolina, Texas, and West Virginia
17 Every Child a Graduate
- High School Graduation SummitOn December 9,
2009, from 930am until 330pm at Country Springs
Conference Center in Waukesha, DPI is sponsoring
a High School Graduation summit for the purpose
of encouraging and informing local best practice
strategies to increase graduation rates,
especially among students of color and students
with disabilities. The targeted audience
includes - 57 school districts selected by the number of
dropouts higher dropout rate and/or
disparitiesrace/ethnicity, disability - School-Community teamsyouth/human services. Law
enforcement, business, parents, students,
teachers, school administrators - A proposal/call for examples of best practice
will soon be available through DPI.
18Honor Traditions/Embrace the Future
19Move to 21st Century Learning
20Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
21Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
- Change what we expect from our students
22Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
- Change what we expect from our students
- Change how we teach it to our students
23Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
- Change what we expect from our students
- Change how we teach it to our students
- Change work time of our staff
24Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
- Change what we expect from our students
- Change how we teach it to our students
- Change work time of our staff
- This is not radical change, but change that can
be made in the next few years leading to 2020
25Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
- Change what we expect from our students
- Change how we teach it to our students
- Change work time of our staff
- This is not radical change, but change that can
be made in the next few years leading to 2020 - Pretend you were setting this up for your child
or grandchild!!!!
26Change Proposal for 21st Century High Schools
- Change what we expect from our students
- Change how we teach it to our students
- Change work time of our staff
- This is not radical change, but change that can
be made in the next few years leading to 2020 - Pretend you were setting this up for your child
or grandchild!!!!
27Change What We Expect From Our Students
- More rigor
- More versatility
- More effort
- More understanding of the end target
28 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
29 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Math Pathways Advance Geom., Adv. Alg, Trig,
AP Calc. Traditional Alg., Geom., Adv. Alg,
Trig World Alg., Geom., Electives (Statistics,
AP, Stats, Business Math and Measures, Math
Projects, Spreadsheet Math, Research Math,
Accounting, Data Analysis)
30 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Science Pathways Advance Bio, AP Chem., AP
Physics, AP Elective Traditional Phys. Sci.,
Bio, Chem., Physics World Phys. Sci., Bio,
Electives (Ecology, Horticulture, DNA, Science
Projects, Science Research, Practical Science,
Science Applications)
31 Incremental Change
Social Studies
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Social Studies Pathways Advance Amer. Govt,
World Geography, AP U.S. History, A.P. World
History, Electives (AP European History, AP U.S.
Govt Politics, AP Comparative Govt Politics,
AP Human Geography, AP Psychology) Traditional
Amer. Govt, World Geography, U.S. History, World
History, Electives ( AP Courses, Sociology,
Psychology, other created courses) World
Amer. Govt, World Geography, U.S. History, World
History, Electives (Sociology, Psychology, other
created courses)
32 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
English/Multi-Literacy Pathways Advance Lang.
Arts 10, Lang. Arts 11, AP M-L Electives
Traditional Lang. Arts 9, Lang Arts 10, M-L
Electives World Lang. Arts 9, Lang. Arts 10,
M-L Electives Multi-Literacy Electives Journalis
m, Modern Public Speaking, Creative Writing,
Interpersonal Communications, American Lit., AP
English Language and Composition ,World Lit., AP
English Literature and Composition,
Composition/Writing, Poetry, Blogging, Modern
Communications, Webinar Creation, Social Media
33 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Computer/Software Electives Maximizing Your
Computer, Programming, Webpage Design,
e-Communications, Gaming Software, Maximizing the
Internet, Standard Software Applications, Video
Creation, Graphic Design
34 Incremental Change
Technology Ed.
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Technology Ed. Electives Engineering, Basic
CAD, Adv. CAD, Robotics, Electrical Principals,
Manufacturing Management, 21st Century Work
Skills, Computer Generated Products,
Entrepreneurial Studies
35 Incremental Change
Foreign Language
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Foreign Language Electives Ten Languages
Available One Language Taught In-house Nine
Languages Via On-line Note Technology may make
this obsolete by 2020
36 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Arts Electives Band, Choir, Visual
Arts Karaoke, Music Management, Art Design
Management, Garage Band, Computer Generated
37 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Fitness Electives Semester of Personal Fitness
Each School Year Athletic Fitness Heart Healthy
38 Incremental Change
Personal Economics
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Course Units Covered Job Incomes, Banking,
Interest, Mortgages, Investment Planning,
Retirement Planning, Budgeting, Taxes,
Credit/Debit, Loans, etc.
39 Incremental Change
World Economics
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
World Econ. Electives Micro, Macro, AP Econ,
Small Business Econ
40 Incremental Change
On-Line Electives
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
On-Line Electives In any subject approved by
Lead Teacher. Taken their Junior or Senior year
to enhance their post secondary aspirations. Do
not count for other required credits (No double
counting!). Great opportunity to meet 1 Credit
must be from 2-Year or 4-Year College
41 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Course While the state requires many units, all
should be based on healthy lifestyle choices.
42 Incremental Change
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Selection Junior Senior Year
Options District Courses Not Taken Specialty
Courses ACT Prep Compass Prep On-Line
Selections Post Secondary Options Open Enrollment
Option for Two Courses Great opportunity to meet
1 Credit must be from 2-Year or 4-Year College
43 Incremental Change
Senior Project
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Senior Project Course Taken first Semester of
Senior Year. Concept approved by Principal.
Credit granted after successful presentation to
Academy (District Administration, Community
Member, Former Grad., Retired Teacher) All
Seniors start on project in September. Present in
January. Those not approved, resubmit in March.
44 Incremental Change
Post Sec. Rigor Exp.
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Requirement One Credit of the 31 Credits must
be taken from a 2-Year or 4-Year College. Should
match level of post secondary plans.
45 Incremental Change
Total Credits
High School High School
Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
- 31 Credits
- Per Day
- 7 Hours (Example 8-3)
- 30 minute lunch
- 8 Period Day
- 45 Minute Periods
- 6 Hours of Classes
- 4 Minutes of Passing Time 30 minutes
- Class Failures are made up 9th Period 315-400
with Instructional Coaches. Tutoring same time. - Zero Hour (700-745) for myriad of courses also
available - Required 8 Periods of Instruction Freshman,
Sophomore, Junior Years 7 Periods Senior Year
with Senior Project Expectation
46Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
47Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Freshman Year
- 25 of all assignments will be project based
48Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Freshman Year
- 25 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Sophomore Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
49Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Freshman Year
- 25 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Sophomore Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Junior Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
learning- 25 of those projects must include
students from another school - Core subjects meet four times a week with
resource learning the other day
50Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Freshman Year
- 25 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Sophomore Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Junior Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
learning- 25 of those projects must include
students from another school - Core subjects meet four times a week with
resource learning the other day - Senior Year
- 75 of all assignments will be project based
learning- 50 of those projects must include
resources other than students - Core subjects meet three times a week with
resource learning the other two days
51Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Freshman Year
- 25 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Sophomore Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
learning - Junior Year
- 50 of all assignments will be project based
learning- 25 of those projects must include
students from another school - Core subjects meet four times a week with
resource learning the other day - Senior Year
- 75 of all assignments will be project based
learning- 50 of those projects must include
resources other than students - Core subjects meet three times a week with
resource learning the other two days
52Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
53Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Data Driven Decisions to Adjust Individually
- ACT Partner
- 8th Grade Explore 8
- 9th Grade Explore 9
- 10th Grade Plan
- 11th Grade ACT
- New State Test
54Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Data Driven Decisions to Adjust Individually
- ACT Partner
- 8th Grade Explore 8
- 9th Grade Explore 9
- 10th Grade Plan
- 11th Grade ACT
- New State Test
- Use Technology
- 50 of skill work should come from computer
software programs - Imbed technology into one new unit a quarter
55Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Data Driven Decisions to Adjust Individually
- ACT Partner
- 8th Grade Explore 8
- 9th Grade Explore 9
- 10th Grade Plan
- 11th Grade ACT
- New State Test
- Use Technology
- 50 of skill work should come from computer
software programs - Imbed technology into one new unit a quarter
56Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
57Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Teacher shifts from Traditional holder and
presenter of all knowledge to an Instructional
Coach model (Guide on the side)
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61Factory Model 20th Century
62Factory Model 20th Century
63Factory Model 20th Century
64Factory Model 20th Century
Title I
65Factory Model 20th Century
Title I
66Factory Model 20th Century
Title I
67Knowledge Model 21st Century
68You Heard It Hear First
- Differentiated Instruction 2000-2015
69You Heard It Hear First
- Differentiated Instruction 2000-2015
70You Heard It Hear First
- Differentiated Instruction 2000-2015
- Customized Instruction
71Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Teacher shifts from Traditional holder and
presenter of all knowledge to an Instructional
Coach model (Guide on the side) - Creates all courses and assignments on-line
- One per semester
- Eliminates students missing class from missing
and continuing their work
72Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Teacher shifts from Traditional holder and
presenter of all knowledge to an Instructional
Coach model (Guide on the side) - Creates all courses and assignments on-line
- One per semester
- Eliminates students missing class from missing
and continuing their work - Uses blended learning as major pedagogical
73Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Teacher shifts from Traditional holder and
presenter of all knowledge to an Instructional
Coach model (Guide on the side) - Creates all courses and assignments on-line
- One per semester
- Eliminates students missing class from missing
and continuing their work - Uses blended learning as major pedagogical
approach - Classrooms set up as Learning Arenas
74Incremental ChangeHow We Teach Students
- Teacher shifts from Traditional holder and
presenter of all knowledge to an Instructional
Coach model (Guide on the side) - Creates all courses and assignments on-line
- One per semester
- Eliminates students missing class from missing
and continuing their work - Uses blended learning as major pedagogical
approach - Classrooms set up as Learning Arenas
75Incremental ChangePotpourri
76Incremental ChangePotpourri
- Graduate tracking system for 10 year data set
- Goal 55 of Grads get 2-Year or 4-Year Diploma in
6-Year window
77Incremental ChangePotpourri
- Graduate tracking system for 10 year data set
- Goal 55 of Grads get 2-Year or 4-Year Diploma in
6-Year window - All students assigned to Lead Teacher for 4
years. Meet monthly during early release or after
school time.
78Incremental ChangePotpourri
- Graduate tracking system for 10 year data set
- Goal 55 of Grads get 2-Year or 4-Year Diploma in
6-Year window - All students assigned to Lead Teacher for 4
years. Meet monthly during early release or after
school time. - Students will be allowed to use hand helds or
laptops in all of their classes - .
79Incremental ChangePotpourri
- Graduate tracking system for 10 year data set
- Goal 55 of Grads get 2-Year or 4-Year Diploma in
6-Year window - All students assigned to Lead Teacher for 4
years. Meet monthly during early release or after
school time. - Students will be allowed to use hand helds or
laptops in all of their classes - Schools will phase out Textbook purchases by
2012. Dollars saved will go to laptop purchase
program for free and reduced lunch students. Loan
program for others. Home wireless access also
provided for those without cable.
80Incremental ChangePotpourri
- Graduate tracking system for 10 year data set
- Goal 55 of Grads get 2-Year or 4-Year Diploma in
6-Year window - All students assigned to Lead Teacher for 4
years. Meet monthly during early release or after
school time. - Students will be allowed to use hand helds or
laptops in all of their classes - Schools will phase out Textbook purchases by
2012. Dollars saved will go to laptop purchase
program for free and reduced lunch students. Loan
program for others. Home wireless access also
provided for those without cable.
81Textbook Suggestion
- Ion Jukes WASDA Winter Seminar 2009
- Dont Buy Another Set of Printed Textbooks
- Use current sets as main resource stretch out
usage - Teachers use technology for new resource and new
information. - 1st Year One Unit a Quarter
- 2nd Year Two Units a Quarter
- 3rd Year Three Units a Quarter (E-Text as
resource should be available, but questions the
need to purchase if just electronic duplication
of printed. He doubts that will be true!!) - Use saved from textbook purchases to beef up
82(No Transcript)
83Incremental ChangeStaff
84Incremental ChangeStaff
- Work an 8 Hour Day (30 minute lunch is not
included) - 30 minute lunch is not included in 8 hour count
- Districts adds 5 minutes a year until 8 hours is
reached - Eliminates the I do not have time argument
85Incremental ChangeStaff
- Work an 8 Hour Day (30 minute lunch is not
included) - 30 minute lunch is not included in 8 hour count
- Districts adds 5 minutes a year until 8 hours is
reached - Eliminates the I do not have time argument
- Add 10 Inservice Days to the School Year
- District adds 1 per year until 10 is reached
- Add 5 to the current beginning of the school year
Inservice for concentrated training - Place rest strategically in school year for
follow-up training - Vital to train staff and train them well
86Incremental ChangeStaff
- Work an 8 Hour Day (30 minute lunch is not
included) - 30 minute lunch is not included in 8 hour count
- Districts adds 5 minutes a year until 8 hours is
reached - Eliminates the I do not have time argument
- Add 10 Inservice Days to the School Year
- District adds 1 per year until 10 is reached
- Add 5 to the current beginning of the school year
Inservice for concentrated training - Place rest strategically in school year for
follow-up training - Vital to train staff and train them well
87- Industrial Age Education Model
- 21st Century Education Model
- Factory model, based upon the needs of employers
for the Industrial Age of the 19th century.
Scientific management - Time-based
- Focus memorization of discrete facts
- Lessons focus on the lower level of Blooms
Taxonomy knowledge, comprehension and
application. - Textbook-driven
- Passive learning
- Learners work in isolation classroom within 4
walls - Teacher-centered teacher is center of attention
and provider of information
- Global model, based upon the needs of a
globalized, high-tech society - Outcome-based
- Focus what students Know, Can Do and Are Like
after all the details are forgotten - Learning is designed on upper levels of Blooms
synthesis, analysis and evaluation (and include
lower levels as curriculum is designed down from
the top.) - Research-driven
- Active Learning
- Learners work collaboratively with classmates and
others around the world the Global Classroom - Student-centered teacher is facilitator/coach
- Great deal of student freedom
88- Industrial Age Education Model
- 21st Century Education Model
- Fragmented curriculum
- Grades averaged
- Low expectations
- Teacher is judge. No one else sees student work
- Curriculum/School is irrelevant and meaningless
to the students. - Print is the primary vehicle of learning and
assessment -
- Diversity in students is ignored
- Integrated and Interdisciplinary curriculum
- Grades based on what was learned
- High expectations If it isnt good it isnt
done. We expect, and ensure, that all students
succeed in learning at high levels. Some may go
higher we get out of their way to let them do
that. - Self, Peer and Other assessments. Public
audience, authentic assessments. - Curriculum is connected to students interests,
experiences, talents and the real world. - Performances, projects and multiple forms of
media are used for learning and assessment - Curriculum and instruction address student
89- Industrial Age Education Model
- 21st Century Education Model
- Literacy is the 3 Rs reading, writing and
math - Discipline problems" educators do not trust
students and vice versa. No student motivation. -
- Driven by the NCLB and standardized testing mania
- Multiple literacies of the 21st century aligned
to living and working in a globalized new
millennium. - Reduced discipline problems students and
teachers have mutually respectful relationship as
co-learners Students are highly motivated. - Standardized testing has its place. Education is
not driven by the NCLB and standardized testing
90are you ready?
91(No Transcript)
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9321st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
9421st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- Here is the Challenge
9521st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- Here is the Challenge in CESA 7
- 2020 20 of Century will be completed
9621st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- Here is the Challenge
- 2020 20 of Century will be completed
- What will change at Labor Day barbeque ??
9721st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- Here is the Challenge
- 2020 20 of Century will be completed
- What will change at Labor Day barbeque??
- Jameson Dickert DePere H.S. Grad 2012
- No cell phone use, no personal laptops allowed
(must buy one from the school and their network
only), has not e-mailed to or received e-mail
from a teacher, all teachers use overheads, Use
TVs for science classes, Band director uses
electronic sound recording system to share
individual results with parents
9821st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- Here is the Challenge
- 2020 20 of Century will be completed
- What will change at Labor Day barbeque??
- Jameson Dickert DePere H.S. Grad 2012
- No cell phone use, no personal laptops allowed
(must buy one from the school and their network
only), has not e-mailed to or received e-mail
from a teacher, all teachers use overheads, Use
TVs for science classes, Band director uses
electronic sound recording system to share
individual results with parents - Jaxon Dickert Green Bay West, Sophomore
- ???????????????
9921st Century High School
- 2000-2010 10 of Century Completed
- Here is the Challenge
- 2020 20 of Century will be completed
- What will change at Labor Day barbeque??
- Jameson Dickert DePere H.S. Grad 2012
- No cell phone use, no personal laptops allowed
(must buy one from the school and their network
only), has not e-mailed to or received e-mail
from a teacher, all teachers use overheads, Use
TVs for science classes, Band director uses
electronic sound recording system to share
individual results with parents - Jaxon Dickert Green Bay West, Sophomore
- ???????????????
100Sooooooooooooooo, will it look like this????
101 Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day Graduation Requirements - Standard 8 Period Day
Subjects Credits
Mathematics 4
Science 4
Social Studies 3
English 2
Multi-Literacy 2
Computer/Software 2
Technology Ed. 1
Foreign Language 3
Arts 2
Fitness 2
Personal Econ. 0.5
World Econ. 0.5
On-Line Electives 1
Health 0.5
Electives 3
Senior Project 0.5
1 credit must be from 2-yr. or 4-yr. College
Total Credits 31
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Something like this!!!!!!
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Something like this!!!!!!
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Something like this!!!!!!
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Something like this!!!!!!
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Something like this!!!!!!
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Something like this!!!!!!
107Time to Change Your School
- Write 5 things you can implement in the next two
school years that will begin the change to a 21st
Century School. - 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
- Change is inevitable - except from a vending
machine. Robert C. Gallagher, Author -
- Change is inevitable - except from a vending
machine. Robert C. Gallagher, Author - To improve is to change to be perfect is to
change often. Winston Churchill, Former
British Prime Minister -
- Change is inevitable - except from a vending
machine. Robert C. Gallagher, Author - To improve is to change to be perfect is to
change often. Winston Churchill, Former
British Prime Minister - He who rejects change is the architect of decay.
The only human institution which rejects progress
is the cemetery. - Harold Wilson, Former British Prime Minister
- Change is inevitable - except from a vending
machine. Robert C. Gallagher, Author - To improve is to change to be perfect is to
change often. Winston Churchill, Former
British Prime Minister - He who rejects change is the architect of decay.
The only human institution which rejects progress
is the cemetery and Public Education. - Harold Wilson, Former British Prime Minister
- Change is inevitable - except from a vending
machine. Robert C. Gallagher, Author - To improve is to change to be perfect is to
change often. Winston Churchill, Former
British Prime Minister - He who rejects change is the architect of decay.
The only human institution which rejects progress
is the cemetery and Public Education. - Harold Wilson, Former British Prime Minister
- Change before you have to.
- Jack
Welch, Former CEO of General Electric -
- Change is inevitable - except from a vending
machine. Robert C. Gallagher, Author - To improve is to change to be perfect is to
change often. Winston Churchill, Former
British Prime Minister - He who rejects change is the architect of decay.
The only human institution which rejects progress
is the cemetery and Public Education. - Harold Wilson, Former British Prime Minister
- Change before you have to.
- Jack
Welch, Former CEO of General Electric -
115CESA 7 Attributes of a 21st Century High School
- If you are interested in joining this effort,
e-mail me at jdickert_at_cesa7.k12.wi.us - If not interested in joining this effort, but
have thoughts, reactions, or comments also send
them to me at jdickert_at_cesa7.k12.wi.us
116CESA 7 Attributes of a 21st Century High School
- If you are interested in joining this effort,
e-mail me at jdickert_at_cesa7.k12.wi.us - If not interested in joining this effort, but
have thoughts, reactions, or comments also send
them to me at jdickert_at_cesa7.k12.wi.us
117CESA 7 Attributes of a 21st Century High School
- If you are interested in joining this effort,
e-mail me at jdickert_at_cesa7.k12.wi.us - If not interested in joining this effort, but
have thoughts, reactions, or comments also send
them to me at jdickert_at_cesa7.k12.wi.us