Title: Saint Lukes Hospital Baldrige Challenges and Rewards
1Saint Lukes Hospital Baldrige - Challenges and
- American Health Quality Association
- September 19, 2003
Sherry Toigo, RN Vice President, Quality Saint
Lukes Health System Kansas City, Missouri
2Implementing the Baldrige Criteria as a
Business Model
- Timeline
- 1994 - Participated on design team for
- Missouri Quality Award Healthcare
- Criteria
- 1995 - First healthcare organization in the
- state to receive Missouri Quality
Award - 1996 - Using the feedback to improve
- - Sharing best practices
3Implementing the Baldrige Criteria as a Business
- Timeline
- 1997 - Developed Commitment to Excellence
initiative - 1998 - Deployed CTE initiative to 3 SLHS
- entities
- Saint Lukes Hospital
- Saint Lukes Home Care
- Wright Memorial Hospital
4Implementing the Baldrige Criteria as a Business
- Timeline
- 1999 - Won second Missouri Quality Award
- - Advanced to Consensus Stage of
- Baldrige Competition
- 2000 - Using the feedback to improve
- - Sharing best practices
5Implementing the Baldrige Criteria as a Business
- Timeline
- 2001 - Commitment To Excellence Internal
- Assessment, Externally Scored
- 2002 - Won Third Missouri Quality Award
- - Selected for Malcolm Baldrige
National - Quality Award Site Visit
6Why Pursue Baldrige?
- To Structure And Align All Organizational
Components To Achieve High Performance
7Why Pursue Baldrige?
- Because its Logical
- Leadership
- Strategic Planning
- Focus on Patients, Other Customers, and Markets
- Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management
- Staff Focus
- Process Management
Organizational Performance Results
8Criteria Is A Framework
- Tailored to Each Organization
- Focused on Results
- Drives Continuous Improvement
- Emphasizes Strong Leadership in an Empowered Work
9How We Did It
Reviewed Healthcare Criteria
Used Feedback To Improve
Developed Application/Assessment Report
10Organizational Challenges
- Understanding the Criteria
- Writing the Application
- Acquisition of Data
- Understanding Concept of Alignment
- Organizing for Site Visits
- Communicating the Value
- Staying the Course
11Lessons Learned
- Must Be Led From the Top
- Requires Full and Active Participation
- Communicate as a Management Philosophy
- Valuable Team Building Experience
- When Writing an Application, Start Early
- Application Writing Reveals Your Gaps
- Assessment Leads to Performance Improvement
12Organizational Rewards
- Leadership
- Collaboration between medical and administrative
staffs -
- Physicians as co-leaders of Balanced
- Scorecard Perspectives
13Organizational Rewards
- Strategic Planning
- Robust strategic planning process integrated with
the balanced scorecard - 3 Phases, 7 Steps
- Series of Leadership Retreats
- 90-Day Action Planning Process
14Organizational Rewards
- Patient/Customer Focus
- Role model Customer Satisfaction Research Program
- Strong Customer Focus
- Multiple Listening and Learning Methods
- Data Provided on a Weekly Basis
15Organizational Rewards
- Measurement, Analysis, Knowledge
- Management
- Aligned Measurement System
- Balanced Scorecard
- Measures Linked to Strategy
- Ensures Proper Focus in Key
- Performance Areas
16Organizational Rewards
- Staff Focus
- Performance Management Process
- Aligns Individuals with Organizational
- Strategy
- Planning, Coaching, and Review
- Setting of Individual Commitments,
- Including Learning Goals
17Organizational Rewards
- Process Management
- Process-Focused
- Key Processes Defined
- PI Model Used to Design, Manage and
- Improve
- Process Level Scorecards
18Organizational Rewards
- Results of the Baldrige Management Philosophy .
- Improved Clinical Outcomes
- Improved Financial Performance
- Improved Customer Satisfaction
- Sustained High Levels of Community Perception
- Improved Productivity
- Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention
19The Best Place To Get Care
It is evident from the universal and passionate
comments from management and staff about
relationships, mutual respect, and support, that
SLH has been able to promote its core value of
teamwork as an integral part of its culture. SLH
has gone even beyond that to create an
environment of caring. This accomplishment
distinguishes the organization in capturing the
essence of valuing staff and committing to their
satisfaction and well-being.
The Best Place To Give Care!