Title: RainforeST People
1RainforeST People
Rainforst people live in tribes
3Where do they live?
They live the jungles of the Amazon, Central
America and Arfrica near the equator where it is
the hottest place
4Different tribes
There are different tribes
Baka tribe
The Baka tribe live in interesting houses made
out of Tilipi leaves
The women carry their babies with them as they
catch fish or gather vegetables and grubs. They
also eat termites which taste like raw eggs.
The Baka don't care for other tribes' villages.
5Different tribes
Cashinuaha tribe
They are from Eastern Peru
They still make beautiful jewellery necklaces.
For clothes they wear fur and rags.
They are really into body piercing and body
They are a modern tribe
6Different tribes
Efe Pygmies
They are some of the smallest people in the world
They come from Central Africa, but now they also
live in the tropical rain forests of Cameroon,
Congo, Gabon, Rwanda, and Zaire.
They make their houses by driving bendy branches
into the ground and making tents
The women collect fruit, berries and vegatables.
The men hunt for animal using poison arrows
7Different tribes
Kayapo tribe
They live in the Amazon River Basin of Brazil
They worship circle shapes because the moon and
sun are round.
They like Red and black colours. Men and boys
apply their own paint, using their hands.
Children are painted by their mothers who use
fancy designs on them. Women get together every
10 days to reapply their own body paint.
8Different tribes
Yanomamo tribe
They live in South America
They are war like people.
They had no contact with the outside world until
the 1940s
They believe in animal and plant spirits
The live in very small villages
9Interesting facts
- Amazon rainforests produce about 40 of the
world's oxygen. - We have already destroyed half of the world's
original tropical rainforests! - Rainforests can be found all over the world from
as far north as Alaska and Canada to Latin
America, Asia and Africa.
10Rainforest pictures
Rainforest people lives in places with lots of
trees and water.
11Rainforest people homes
12What rainforest people wear
These are some of the things rainforest people