Title: Model for Improvement and testing change
1Model for Improvement and testing change
- Jane Taylor, Ed.D
- Medical Home
- Fall 2005
- List the three improvement questions
- Identify components of an effective AIM
- Refine team aim and measures during team meeting
- Review testing and create a test (or 2) of change
3Model for Improvement
What are we trying to accomplish?
How will we know that a change is an improvement?
What change can we make that will result in
4First Question
- What are we trying to accomplish?
- AIM content
- Explicit over arching description
- Specific actions or focus
- Goals
- AIM characteristics
- Time specific
- Measurable
- Define pilot unit
5Sample aim with abbreviated goals
- In the next x months, ABC practice will create a
Medical Home by including parents as partners in
care, coordinating care and linking parents to
community resources. - Our concrete goals include
- Increase MH Index score by 30 percent
- Decrease ED visits to less than 5
- Improve family perceptions to 95 who rate us top
at compassionate, coordinated,comprehensive,
accessibility - Optional items to include in your aim statement
- Our team includes
- We meet x often
- We have unique support from abc for this project
from Title V and parent team members
6Align and Match
Collaborative AIM
Collaborative Focus
Collaborative Goal
Team AIM
Team Focus
Team Goals
7Get feedback on your Aim
- AIM content
- Explicit over arching description
- Specific actions or focus
- Goals
- AIM characteristics
- Time specific
- Measurable
- Define pilot unit
8Model for Improvement
What are we trying to accomplish?
How will we know that a change is an improvement?
What change can we make that will result in
9Second Question
- How will we know change is an improvement?
10(No Transcript)
11Balanced Set of Measures
- Outcome measures
- Process measures
- Balancing measures
12Outcome Measures
- Voice of the customer or patient
13Process Measures
- Voice of the workings of the system
14Balancing Measures
- Voice of the other parts of the system
15(No Transcript)
16Measurement Types Time
PDSA Measures
Changes That Result in Improvement
Process Measures
Outcome Measures
Hunches Theories Ideas
17Tips for Measurement 1
- Plot data over time Tracking a few key measures
over time is the single most powerful tool a team
can use.
18Tips for Measurement 2
- Seek usefulness, not perfection.
19Tips for Measurement 3
20Tips for Measurement 4
- Integrate measurement into the daily routine
21Tips for Measurement 5
- It is not either or
- it is both and
Q and Q
22Model for Improvement
What are we trying to accomplish?
How will we know that a change is an improvement?
What change can we make that will result in
23Third Question
- What changes can
- we make that will
- lead to an
- improvement?
24Change Concept
- While all changes
- do not lead to improvement,
- all improvement requires change
25Change concepts and change ideas
- Change concepts
- Change ideas
- Ideas for testing
26- PDSA Cycles to
- test and learn,
- adapt
- and implement
- changes
- Objective
- Questions and
- predictions (why)
- Plan to carry out
- the cycle (who,
- what, where, when)
- Carry out the plan
- Document problems
- and unexpected
- observations
- Begin analysis
- of the data
- Complete analysis
- Compare data to
predictions - Summarize
- learning
- Objective
- Questions and
- predictions (why)
- Plan to carry out
- the cycle (who,
- what, where, when)
- What changes
- are to be made?
- Next cycle?
- Complete analysis Compare data to
- predictions
- Summarize
- learning
- Carry out the plan
- Document problems
- and unexpected
- observations
- Begin analysis
- of the data
31Repeated Use of Cycle
Changes That Result in Improvement
Learning from Data
Hunches Theories Ideas
32Why Test?
- Increase degree of belief
- Document expectations
- Minimize resistance
- Learn and adapt
- Evaluate costs and side-effects
33Ideas for Change (10 minutes)
- Develop a small
- PDSA cycle based
- on one of the good
- ideas you have
- identified in the
- change package.
- Pair share and get
- feedback
34PDSA Tip 1 Scale Down
- Years
- Quarters
- Months
- Weeks
- Days
- Hours
- Minutes
- Number of pts
35PDSA Tip 2 Oneness
36PDSA Tip 3 Changes in Parallel
Decision Support
Health System
Clinical Information System
37PDSA Tip 4
38Task or Test?
Hold team meeting
Decide which care plans to use
Create bulletin board
Learn what parents need most
Implement fax back forms Hold youth focus group
39How do you make smaller test of change?
Use care plans for a month Develop resource
directory Dedicate phone line for CSHCN Hire
Care Coordinator
40PDSA Tip 5