Title: Investing in Emerging Technologies
Mark Brandt Managing Partner
March 3, 2005
- Investing in Emerging Technologies
2Rich in Gov Funded Research
RD 25 Billion of U.S. 10
RD 51 Billion of U.S. 20
RD 47 Billion of U.S. 18
RD 14 Billion of U.S. 6
Total US 256BB
Source NSF Data 2003
3Poor in Exposure to Venture Dollars
VC 3.2 Billion of U.S. 15
VC 7.7 Billion of U.S. 43
VC 1.0 Billion of U.S. 5
3.5x more VC goes to Ca 1.5x more VC goes to Ma
Total US 18BB
VC 1.1 Billion of U.S. 6
Source Thompson Venture Economics 2003
4Focus Technology Centers of Excellence
(Research funding in MM)
12 Targets 5.7bb
5.8x MIT 9x Stanford 2.2x Cal
Entire West Coast 5.4bb lt 12 Targets 5.7bb
Source Autm 2003
5RD in Ohio
- Examples of University Expenditures (1)
- Ohio-State - 416M/22nd (universities),
- Case Western Reserve 224M/56th (universities),
- University of Cincinnati - 132M/78th
(university), - Cleveland Clinic 109M/12th (hospitals),
- University of Akron - 48
- Ohio University - 37M,
- () Others
- 2002 Research Expenditures by Ohio Universities -
1.1B or 3 of the country (2)
(1) Autm FY 2002 Survey (2)National Science
Foundation/SRS, Survey of RD Expenditures, FY
6Venture Capital in Ohio
- Ohio Ranks 22nd
- Midwest Comparables
- Michigan 104M, Illinois 307M, Wisconsin
104M, Minnesota 204M, Indiana 23M, Missouri
120M - Major States
- Massachusetts 2.5B, California 7.6B,
Pennsylvania 539M - Investments in Ohio
- Investments in Medical Devices, Software,
Telecommunications, and a few in manufacturing. - Lacking Investments in Cleantech, Energy,
Pharmaceuticals and Electronics.
2004 NVCA Yearbook
7 Nanotechs Future in Ohio
- 21 VC investments made to companies in Ohio for
2003 - Less than Pennsylvania, Chicago, Minnesota, and
Missouri. - More than Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
- Rankings
- Lux Research Ranks it 29th
- SmallTimes Ranks it 10th
- What Ohio can do to foster Nanotech
- Support entrepreneurship programs inside our
universities. - Smart Valley in Ohio could possibly be created.
- Invest in those that will bring and develop
companies in Ohio.
2004 NVCA Yearbook
8Economic Development
- 1st Fund
- 100M Private Individual Investment,
- Later 7 to15 Venture Funds are closed,
- Afterwards, 20-30 investments in Ohio with
10M-25M put in each deal over their lifetime. - 3b. 1/5 of the VC Funds investments being located
in Ohio, - 3c. 20-30 deals would cumulatively add between
200M- 1000M respectively of economic
development to Ohio. - 2nd Fund
- 200M Public Investment,
- Later - 7 to15 Venture Funds are closed,
- Afterwards, 30-50 investments with 10M-25M put
in each deal over their lifetime, - 3b. 1/4th of the VC Funds investments being
located in Ohio, - 3c. 40 to 50 deals would cumulatively add between
400M - 1250M respectively of economic
development to OH .
- Better drug delivery
- Natural Mimicry of Nature
- Point to Point Diagnostics
10The Maple Fund
- About Us
- Cleveland Based Seed Fund We come in early
- Emerging Tech focus
- Co-invest with tier one coastal funds
- Source deals though out the Midwest (Purdue and
Cornell) but would love to do more in Ohio - Rob Miles/ Mark Ratner partners
- Created Economic Development
- Say YES! to Cleveland
- The Nano Network