Title: Keypad Polling Results
1 2What is your age?
- 18 or under
- 19 to 30
- 31 to 40
- 41 to 50
- 51 to 65
- 66 or older
3What is your gender?
4What is your race/ethnicity?
- African American
- American Indian
- Asian/Pacific Islander
- Caucasian (Non Hispanic)
- Hispanic/Latino
- Other
5How often do you exercise?
- Every Day
- 3 to 5 times a week
- Less than 3 times a week
- Never
6What do you think is the primary perspective you
bring tonight?
- 0. Parent
- Student
- Educator
- Employee
- Employer
- Government Employee/Elected Official
- Business Person
- Nonprofit Organization Representative
- Health Provider/Public Health Professional
- Community Member
- Advocate
7With that perspective, which county do you
- Adams County
- Arapahoe County
- Boulder County
- Broomfield County
- Denver County
- Douglas County
- Jefferson County
- Multiple Counties
- Other
8Where do you live?
- Adams County
- Arapahoe County
- Boulder County
- Broomfield County
- Denver County
- Douglas County
- Jefferson County
- Multiple Counties
- Other
9What do you think are the top 3 reasons people
are not physically active? You will vote 3 times.
- 0. Crime
- Street safety (lighting, sidewalks, crossings)
- Lack of social support
- Lack of time
- Not a priority for individuals
- Not a priority in schools
- Not a priority in worksites
- Lack of knowledge
- Lack of affordable place to exercise
- Not close to parks or trails
- Other
10What do you think are the top 3 reasons people do
not eat healthy foods? You will vote 3 times.
- Lack of access to produce, nutritious foods
- Affordability of produce, nutritious foods
- Preference for less healthful foods
- Lack of social support
- Too difficult to prepare
- Not a priority at home
- Not a priority in schools
- Not a priority in worksites
- Lack of knowledge
- Other
11What are the two most important health and
wellness strategies in our schools? Vote for
your top priority 1st and your next priority
2ndIf you choose Other, write your strategy on
the comment card.
- Incorporate K-12 PE, physical activity, and
nutrition education - Secure funding to maintain expand after school
physical activity - Food and beverages meet or exceed healthy
standards - Physical activity and healthy foods in child care
facilities - Collect and report aggregate data on student
health wellness - Other
12What is your top priority to create healthy
worksites? If you choose Other, write your
strategy on the comment card.
- Incentive based insurance plans with individually
adapted wellness programs - Comprehensive worksite wellness programs,
including senior management support, targeted
interventions, incentives, supportive
environment, etc. - Other
13What are the most important local government
strategies? Vote for your top priority 1st and
your next priority 2ndIf you choose Other,
write your strategy on the comment card.
- Land use plans and policies, including
transportation funding, supporting active
community environments - Road improvements to decrease pedestrian, bicycle
wheelchair accidents - Community-driven initiatives with targeted
policies and programs - Access to healthy, affordable food
- Other
14What are the most important state government
strategies? Vote for your top priority 1st and
your next priority 2ndIf you choose Other,
write your strategy on the comment card.
- Develop and adopt Complete Streets standards,
e.g. sidewalks, bicycle lanes - Transportation funding to benefit pedestrians,
bicycles, wheelchairs, strollers - Pilot program to encourage healthy lifestyles for
Medicaid recipients - Pilot program like Medicaid program for active
retired state employees - Other