Title: To Blog Or Not To Blog
1To Blog Or Not To Blog
- Susan Buchanan, Fiona Cunningham and Primary 7
pupils (Woodhill Primary School) - Fiona Andrew (Learning and Teaching Scotland)
2What to expect today
- What is a blog? What is a podcast?
- Why blog/podcast?
- Overview of a school project.
- How you could use weblogs/podcasts.
- How you can get started with blogging/ podcasting.
3What is a blog? What is a podcast?
- What is a blog? a blog is an online journal,
which can be accessed worldwide, and allows
people to publish and share their thoughts, ideas
and work. The beauty of blogging is that your
audience can respond through comments on your
blog. - What is a podcast? Podcasting is when you
upload an audio file to the internet, which can
then be downloaded to your computer and, if you
wish, to any mp3 player no iPod required - http//pcpod.edublogs.org
4Why Blog/Podcast?
home-school links
real audience
ownership of learning
meaningful feedback
5A School Project
Decision to start small, with focus on French
SETT 2005 conference provides inspiration
Three iPods bought for the school through
Enterprise funding
Sound files and worksheets created and French
podcasts recorded
Development group established
Website created with sound files, worksheets and
Technical Support installs iTunes for pupil and
staff use
Files uploaded onto iPods for pupils use
Pupils use the podcasts to practise their French
6A School Project cont
Children listen to downloads and complete
worksheets to assess their learning
Children use the podcasts to revise and
consolidate vocabulary and focus on exercises
they are least secure in.
Letter sent to parents providing details of the
project and asking them to read and comment on
the pupils weblogs.
Pupils enter weblogs about their experiences.
Where next for Woodhill? http//woodhillprimarysch
oolecowarriors.blogspot.com http//woodhillprimary
schoolparents.blogspot.com http//eastdunbarton.wi
7Uses of Weblogs/Podcasts
- Create a journal type blog
- Produce a calendar of class/school information
- Post assignments/homework tasks
- Publish classwork online
- Blog about a school activity/ outing
- Showcase student work
- Create an online book club
- Link with another class/school
- Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web
Tools for Classrooms Will Richardson
8Some school blogs
- http//woodhillprimaryschool.blogspot.com
- http//www.sandaigprimary.co.uk/pivot/index.php
- http//www.abernet.org.uk/wp
- http//talkingteds.blogspot.com
- http//mgsonline.blogs.com/
9Where to begin
- Start small
- Choose something worthwhile
- Be comfortable with the technology refer to
http//pcpod.edublogs.org for step by step
guidelines - Use suitable blogging software
- http//www.blogger.com/http//www.livejournal.co
m/ http//www.edublogs.org/(specifically designed
for educators).
10Your turn!
- Go to http//toblogornottoblog.edublogs.org
- to view this presentation online
- Please leave your comments, questions, ideas,
experiences. - If you create your own blog please leave a link
to it here for others to see. - View the SETT blog at http//www.ltscotland.org.uk
/cs/blogs/sett - and leave comments about your experiences at the
Scottish Learning Festival.