Title: 123106P
1 2The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9
There is NO literal, chronological system that
can fit every event of the 70 weeks into a period
of 490 years!
3Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
Three Keys Unlock the Proper Interpretation
- The Context of Daniels Covenant Prayer
- The Goals to be Completed Within the 70 Weeks
- The Deeper Symbolism of the 70 Years of
Babylonian Captivity
4Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Context of Daniels Covenant Prayer
Daniel knew about Jeremiahs letter to the
exiles. (Jer. 2910) Recognized captivity as
legal punishment under Law of Moses. (Lev.
2631-33) Also aware that covenant provided for
restoration. (Lev. 2640-42) Offered a prayer of
national repentance. (Dan. 911-19)
5Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Context of Daniels Covenant Prayer
God answers faithfully. At the beginning of
Daniels prayer the decree was issued. (Dan.
923) The decree of Cyrus in 539 BC (Ezra 12-4
cf. Isa. 4428) is the earthly counterpart to
Gods decree. Thus, the starting point of the 70
Weeks is Cyrus decree, not either of Artaxerxes
decrees in 458 or 444.
6Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Context of Daniels Covenant Prayer
All Literal Views Must Mistakenly Start with the
Decrees In 458 or 444 BC!
God answers faithfully. At the beginning of
Daniels prayer the decree was issued. (Dan.
923) The decree of Cyrus in 539 BC (Ezra 12-4
cf. Isa. 4428) is the earthly counterpart to
Gods decree. Thus, the starting point of the 70
Weeks is Cyrus decree, not either of Artaxerxes
decrees in 458 or 444.
7Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Goals of the Seventy Weeks
Six Goals In Three Pairs
To finish the transgressionTo make an end of
sins To make reconciliation for iniquityTo bring
in everlasting righteousness To seal up vision
and prophecyAnd to anoint the Most Holy
Punishment of the Transgressors
Salvation of the Righteous
Consummation of the Divine Purpose
8Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Goals of the Seventy Weeks
Other Events Coincide
Rebuilding of the city and temple Appearance and
cutting off of the Messiah Cessation of the
Sacrificial System Destruction of the City and
Temple Confirmation of a Covenant with the Many
9Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Goals of the Seventy Weeks
The Point?
Every goal and event occurred by the time of the
Destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. Cannot
postpone the 70th Week as the Premillenialists
do. A literal 7-year interpretation of the 70th
week cannot be sustained is without basis.
1070th Week Cannot Be A Literal 7 Years!
AFTER the 62 weeks Dan 926-27
- Messiah comes. 4 BC? AD 27?
- Messiah is cut off. AD 30
- People of the prince destroy the city and
sanctuary. AD 70 - For one week he confirms a covenant with the
many. - Middle of 70th week ends sacrifice and
offering. AD 30? AD 70? - Abomination of desolation. AD 70
The 70th week covers a time period of at least
43 years!
1170th Week Cannot Be A Literal 7 Years!
AFTER the 62 weeks Dan 926-27
Then Why Is Seventy Weeks Specified?
- Messiah comes. 4 BC? AD 27?
- Messiah is cut off. AD 30
- People of the prince destroy the city and
sanctuary. AD 70 - For one week he confirms a covenant with the
many. - Middle of 70th week ends sacrifice and
offering. AD 30? AD 70? - Abomination of desolation. AD 70
The 70th week covers a time period of at least
43 years!
12Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The 70 Year Babylonian Captivity
Why was it designated as 70 years when it was
really only about 66 or 67? Dates of the first
deportation (605 BC) and the first return (539
BC) are now well-established. Could say 70 is a
rounded number, but that would miss the
numerical symbolism and thus the real meaning of
the captivity.
13Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Captivity Was Rooted In Sabbath Laws
2 Chronicles 3619-21 Leviticus 2632-35 The
ultimate penalty for unfaithfulness would be
captivity. This was not just a random form of
punishment. It was specifically designed to allow
the land to enjoy an extended Sabbath rest to
make up for the unfaithfulness of Israel in
keeping the Sabbath laws.
14Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Captivity Was Rooted In Sabbath Laws
The Sabbath was designated by God as the sign of
the covenant relationship between God and
Israel. Exodus 3113-17
15Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Captivity Was Rooted In Sabbath Laws
The Sabbath laws included a Sabbath year every
7th year and the Jubilee celebration of a
double Sabbath every 49 years. Lev. 251-12,
16Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Captivity Was Rooted In Sabbath Laws
All of the Sabbath laws (day, year, Jubilee) were
well-suited to be a sign of the covenant because
of the faith required to keep them. One of the
first laws to be ignored during periods of
unfaithfulness would be the seventh year Sabbath
17Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
1. 70 years of Babylonian captivity is therefore
a SYMBOLIC NUMBER (10 X 7) chosen by God to get
Israel to see the MEANING of the captivity.
number for completeness (10)
number for Sabbath (7) Although 70
approximates the actual length of their
captivity, that is secondary. It was far more
important for them to know WHY they were going
into captivity.
18Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
II. 70 years of captivity makes up for 490
years of unfaithfulness. (70 missed
7-year Sabbaths) We are not to press for a
literal 490 years, but as with the 70 year
captivity, it may be approximate.
19Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
III. Now God tells Daniel of a NEW
period of 490 years (70 sevens). Remember, these
numbers are inherently symbolic to the Jewish
mind.(Gen. 424 Matt. 1822 Num. 1116 Luke
20Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The result of this NEW 490 year period will be
salvation and redemption because of Gods
faithfulness to the covenant. Again, we are not
to press for a literal 490 years, but as with
the 70 year captivity, it may be approximate.
21Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Why did God divide the 70 weeks into 7 weeks,
62 weeks and 1 week? 490 49 434 7 Answer
God was pointing to the meaning of the Jubilee.
22Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The first 7 weeks equal 1 Jubilee. Lev.
258-12 490 years equals 10 Jubilees.number for
completeness (10) (The Jubilee was the 50th year
but was included as the 1st year of the next 49
year cycle, so 490 years would equal 10
23Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
What did the Jubilee represent to the Jews that
would make it an ideal SYMBOL for the
accomplishment of the GOALS of salvation defined
in Dan. 924?
24Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The Sabbath laws were the most Messianic of all
of the OT laws, and the Jubilee was the grand
culmination of all of the Sabbath observances.
25Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Sabbath laws commemorated 2 things Gods rest
Ex. 2011 Israels deliverance from bondage
Deut. 515 Rest and deliverance from enemies are
closely related Deut. 129-10
26Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The rest Israel was to enjoy in the Promised Land
was a type or symbol of Gods own rest. Under
the new covenant, all who are delivered from the
bondage of sin will enter this rest. Hebrews 41,
3-4, 9-10
27Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Deliverance and rest tied to the Sabbath helps us
to understand Jesus miracles on the Sabbath
Luke 1316 Trying to get the Jews to see the
real meaning of the Sabbath.
28Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Every Sabbath observance of the Israelites was
intended to be a reminder that God was preparing
for His people a true and eternal rest.
29Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
Every 7th year Sabbath was a reminder that, in
the future rest, God would provide for their
every need, and that the curse of sin which made
it necessary to till the ground (Gen. 317)
would be done away.
30Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
And every 7th year Sabbath, which required the
releasing of slaves and the forgiveness of debts
(Deut. 151,12-15), was a sign that in the future
day of rest God would truly deliver His people
from the bondage and debt of sin.
31Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The Deeper Symbolism Of The Jubilee
And every Jubilee, which would occur at least
once in the life of every Jew, was the occasion
when the whole meaning of the Sabbath laws was
summed up in the command in Lev. 2510. (written
on the Liberty Bell)
32Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The Deeper Symbolism Of The Jubilee
Back to the 490 years of Daniel. If one Jubilee
was an occasion to proclaim liberty throughout
the land . . . How much more the 10th Jubilee?
33Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The Deeper Symbolism Of The Jubilee
To the Jewish mind, the 10th Jubilee would
symbolize salvation and rest for the people of
God. Because of Israels unfaithfulness, the
preceding 10 Jubilees had brought bondage, the
opposite of what the Sabbath stood for.
34Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The Deeper Symbolism Of The Jubilee
Now Gabriel announces to Daniel a new period of
10 Jubilees, 70 Sabbaths years, to bring in the
true salvation and deliverance from bondage that
God was preparing for His people.
35Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The Deeper Symbolism Of The Jubilee
This interpretation was not foreign to the Jewish
mind. The Jews at Qumran, just before the time
of Christ, anticipated the coming of the Messiah
spoken of by Daniel at the end of a tenth
36Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
This also makes good sense of the 7-62-1
breakdown of the 70 weeks.
37Symbolism of the Seventy Weeks
The Use Of Numerical Symbolism
The physical restoration of the Jews to the land
during the 1st Jubilee serves as a kind of
down-payment or foreshadowing of the spiritual
restoration that will occur at the end of 10
Jubilees. Similar physical-spiritual fulfillment
with Davids son Solomon in 2 Sam. 711-16.
38The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9
Faith comes by hearing the word of God. Has your
faith in God been strengthened by this study?
39Will You Become A Christian?
Hear the Gospel (Rom. 1017) Believe in Jesus
as the Son of God (Mark 1616) Repent of Your
Sins (Acts 1730) Confess Jesus as Lord (Romans
109-10) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins
(Acts 238) Live Faithfully until You Die (Rev.