Title: Teaching and Learning for Creativity
1Teaching and Learning for Creativity
- Keith Sawyer
- Washington University in St. Louis
2(No Transcript)
3July 2005
5October 2005
6- Better K-12 education
- Better higher education
- Missing An understanding of how innovation
works, how people learn for creativity, and how
to redesign schools
7Research on Teaching Creativity
- Pretty much ended with Paul Torrance
- We need a renewed effort, grounded in the
cognitive sciences and the learning sciences - This effort should contribute to
- curriculum
- teacher education
- assessment
81A Case StudyThe United Kingdom
9- U.S. Creative industries are over 11 of GDP
- U.K. Creative industries are over 8 of GDP
What are the U.S. and U.K. doing in schools to
leverage this competitive advantage?
- The U.K., on the other hand
10U.K. National Curriculum
- The curriculum should enable pupils to think
creatively and critically. It should give them
the opportunity to become creative, innovative,
enterprising and capable of leadership. - National Curriculum, pp. 11-12
11Definition of Creative Thinking and Behavior
- Imaginative
- Purposeful
- Original
- Of value, in relation to the goal
12Demonstrated Outcomes
- More interest in DISCOVERY
- More OPEN to new ideas
13How Can Teachers Spot It?
When pupils are thinking and behaving creatively,
they are
- Questioning and challenging
- Making connections and seeing relationships
- Imagining what might be
- Exploring ideas, keeping options open
- Reflecting critically on ideas, actions and
142Toward Research-BasedCreative Schools
- Knowledge is a collection of static facts and
procedures - The goal of schooling is to get these facts and
procedures into students heads - Teachers know these facts and procedures their
job is to transmit them - Simple facts and procedures should be learned
first - To evaluate learning, assess how many facts and
procedures have been acquired
16Creative Schools
- Knowledge Deeper conceptual understanding
- The goal of schooling Prepare students to build
new knowledge - Teachers Scaffold and facilitate collaborative
knowledge building - Curriculum Integrated and contextualized
173The Vision is Taking Shape
19InvenTeams (Lemelson-MIT)
20Camp Invention
21Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory, UC
22(No Transcript)
24What We Need
A national research program targeted at how to
teach and assess creativity This research will
transform STEM education
- Textbooks
- Curricular units
- Educational software
- Assessments